
  • 网络utility;Utility function
  1. 并在等弹性污染税效用函数下,得到了最优污染税率的解析解,该解析解综合考虑了社会环境因素以及企业财富因素。

    Especially , with equi-elasticity utility function , the analytical solution of the optimal pollution taxation rate is obtained , which synthetically considers the factors of the environment and the enterprises ' wealth .

  2. 研究了基于效用函数支持QoS的交换结构性能评价模型。

    Studied the QoS support switch structure performance evaluation model based on utility function .

  3. 基于不同效用函数的综合业务CDMA系统速率和功率分配算法

    Different utility based rate and power assigning algorithm for integrated services CDMA systems

  4. 积性效用函数的度量函数优化和背包问题实验验证了PEA的有效性。

    The function optimization and knapsack problem show the effectiveness of PEA .

  5. 针对在全局地图里如何形成高效的合作,提出一种基于消防Agent效用函数值和遗传计算的多消防Agent合作方法。

    Aiming at how to form efficient cooperation in global map , put forward a kind of Agent based utility function value and genetic computation task allocation method .

  6. MIMO-OFDM系统中基于效用函数的跨层资源分配算法

    A Cross-Layer Resource Allocation Algorithm in MIMO-OFDM System Based on Utility Function

  7. 基于一种新效用函数形式的分层Logit模型

    Nested Logit model based on a new form of utility function

  8. 本文提出了一种DSCDMA系统上行链路中基于效用函数(utilityfunction)的无线资源分配策略。

    We present a model based on utility functions for radio resource allocation ( RRA ) in multimedia DS-CDMA systems .

  9. 利用对服务QoS分析结果,使用效用函数对脑卒中预防与急救服务QoS进行评价,选择最佳服务。

    Accord to the results of services , we evaluate prevention and emergency services QoS by the utility function , and select the best services .

  10. 特别是为描述某一彩票模式的吸引力,我们根据各奖项出现的概率、奖金额等因素引进了效用函数U,对彩票模式的合理性进行评价;

    To begin with , based on the probability and bonus amount of prizes , we introduce availability function U to evaluate the feasibility of lottery pattern .

  11. 本文结合RankLogit模型到融合数据算法中,并在不同效用函数下进行算法验证,结果表明该算法在线性型效用函数及Box-Cox型效用函数下效果较好。

    This is followed by algorithm test in different utility function of fusion data Rank Logit model .

  12. 最后就HARA效用函数提供了最优策略。

    At last , we provide optimal policies in HARA case .

  13. 基于效用函数的Worst-Case公平性指数

    Worst-Case Index based on Utility Function

  14. 本文中基于博弈论理论的分配算法设计了一种使用位势博弈理论改进效用函数的频谱分配算法,此算法考虑应用于认知adhoc网络中。

    A spectrum assignment algorithm based on Potential Game Theory which gave a improvement of the utility function was proposed in a cognitive Ad Hoc network in the paper .

  15. 本文首先建立了一种考虑业务QoS的无线资源分配模型,然后基于效用函数,提出了一种次优的多维无线资源分配方案。

    In this paper , a model that considers the QoS of multi-traffics is designed and a sub-optimal multi-dimension radio resource allocation scheme based on the utility function is proposed .

  16. 本文提出一种新的基于效用函数的maxmin(UMM)公平准则,它实现的是用户效用之间的公平分配。

    In this paper , a new max min fairness criterion is defined on the basic of utility function to realize fair allocation in utility .

  17. 根据运输产品服务水平效用函数的特点,建立了分对数(Logit)运输产品市场份额预测模型及其标定方法;

    A logit model was set up for market share forecast according to the characteristics of utility function of transportation service level .

  18. 最后,通过最大化基于时延和吞吐量的效用函数,得出智能跨层分配策略,并可以为SU的每一个数据包产生最优的子载波选择、功率以及调制方式分配方案。

    Finally , maximizing the delay and throughput-based utility function , the cognitive cross-layer scheduling scheme generates the optimal subcarrier selection , power and modulation allocation for each multimedia packet .

  19. 通过logit品牌选择概率模型与效用函数的结合,定义了不同价格组合下旅客的选择概率。

    Through the combination of the Logit model and Utility Function , the choice probability of passengers in different price combinations is described .

  20. 此外,David欣喜地发现,在在研究本文的过程中他的书中的一个效用函数已经被加入到NLTK程序包中。

    Moreover , David was delighted to discover during researching this article that one utility function from his book was incorporated into the NLTK package .

  21. 以Logit模型为基础,利用效用函数与概率的概念,建立分时段的城市道路交通事件检测算法。

    Based on logit model and concepts of utility and probability , a traffic incident detection algorithm was established for urban road with time slot .

  22. 根据SEEM特性曲线和由效用函数得到的无差异曲线,提出了用于决策的无差异曲线法和拉格朗日乘数法,并据此得到了最优的经济增长速度和经济剩余组合决策;

    Second , this paper proposes two kinds of decision-making methods , non-difference curve methods and Lagrange multiplier methods . The optimal decision of speed of economic increase and surplus is made in terms of SEEM curve and Non-difference curve .

  23. 在选择过程中,综合运用了AHP、效用函数等方法,定性与定量结合考虑,使选择的结果更为有效,流程具有实用性。

    During the course , the AHP and utility function are used , the qualitative and quantitative methods are both considered , leading to a more effective result and a more practical selection decision process .

  24. 在这里,移动终端接收到的服务质量(QoS)可以认为是一种效用函数,而分布式功率控制可以认为是每个用户参与其中并尽量最大化个人效用函数的非合作式功率控制博弈。

    In this context , the quality of service ( QoS ) a wireless terminal receives is referred to as the utility and distributed power control is a noncooperative power control game where users maximize their utility .

  25. 其次,利用Stackelberg博弈将用户和中继的交互建模为一两级模型,其中继作为主导者,用户作为跟随者,为两者建立不同的效用函数。

    The interaction between relays and users is modeled as a two-level Stackelberg game , where relays are leaders and the users are followers .

  26. 本文基于多目标组合优化提出了一种服务选择方法,根据不同服务QoS属性指标选择得到非劣解集合,再由用户的效用函数评价用户满意度。

    This paper proposed a method of choosing services based on multi-objective combinational optimization , which can get non - dominated set according to different QoS of services , and evaluate the users ' satisfaction with utility function .

  27. 同时,设计了消费者的效用函数,论证了资源分配博弈中Nash均衡点的存在性和惟一性以及Nash均衡解。

    In the meantime , the utility function of consumer is given ; the entity and the uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in the resource allocation game and the Nash equilibrium solution are discussed .

  28. 信息效用函数与Wundt曲线

    Information utility function and Wundt curve

  29. 最后,通过对弹性UE平衡的分析,提出用弹性UE问题求解通信网络资源定价的方法,解决了效用函数形式不确定问题。

    Finally , by analyzing the elastic UE , we propose to solve the communication pricing problem through the elastic UE problem , which solves the uncertainty of the utility function .

  30. 按照古典经济学的分析,这个效用函数称为无差异曲线(IDC),它是用均值-方差来表现风险-回报率相互替换的大小和形式的。

    Following classical economic analysis , an utility function is called an indifference curve ( IDC ), and it is developed showing the magnitude and form of the risk-return trade-off in a mean-variance framework .