
  • 网络sound effects;effect sound
  1. 这便产生了切分音的效果。这种切分音是爵士音乐的另一个特征。

    This produces an effect called syncopation & another characteristic of jazz .

  2. 转炉溅渣效果与吹氮音平值有一定的关系。

    The effect of slag splashing is some concerned with the sound level of the nitrogen flow .

  3. (音乐)由于迅速重复某个声音而引起的震颤的声音效果。这便产生了切分音的效果。这种切分音是爵土音乐的另一个特征。

    ( music ) a tremulous effect produced by rapid repetition of a single tone or rapid alternation of two tones . This produces an effect called syncopation & another characteristic of jazz .