
  1. 故自清末至民国时期,警察教育机构的课程设置种类非常丰富。

    So the police training institutions of modern China were affluent in curricula .

  2. 由于其操作简便、样品无需特别制备、能高灵敏度地探测探针-样品表面之间各种作用力,具有极高的成像分辨率,故自它诞生之日起即被各学科领域所关注。

    Because of its simple operation , high resolution without the need for special sample preparation , SFM is paid great attention in all scientific fields .

  3. 因其山为台州之镇山,向被视为台州之象徵,台州即以此山而得名,故自初唐以降长期被用于代称台州。

    Due to its important station , the mountain was regarded as the symbol of Taizhou which had got the name from it since the early Tang dynasty .

  4. 台湾昆虫资源丰富,是故自日治时代以迄1970年代初期,昆虫商业性利用,尤其是蝴蝶手工艺品外销极为兴盛;

    Relying on the rich insect resources , the commercial use of insects in Taiwan used to be a thriving business in international trades during the 1920s to 1970s , especially the handicrafts of butterflies .

  5. 因为,当随机重力异常变换为自桐关函数过程中包含了异常向上廷拓的效果,故自相关函数能够起到压制高频随机干扰、测量误差,突出场源主异常的作用。

    The transformation of random gravity anomaly into autocorrelation function also brings upward continuation effect of gravity anomaly , so that the auto - correlation function can remove high-frequency noise and observation error , and enhance the major anomaly caused by gravity-field source .

  6. 故勿自饥,每三小时进食。

    Don 't starve yourself , eat every 3 hours .

  7. 某电厂粉煤灰烧失量高而氧化钙含量低,故其自凝能力差。

    The self-coagulating ability of the flyash discharged from a power plant is poor because of its higher ignition loss and lower content of calcium oxide .

  8. 故该方法自提出以来,被广泛应用于住院患者的营养评估。

    Therefore , this method has been widely used in nutritional assessment of hospitalized patients since been proposed .

  9. 因输出信号特点与传统的双光束干涉信号有相似之处,故被称为自混合干涉(self-mixinginterference)。

    Because this effect shows a resemblance to two beam interference , it is called self-mixing interference .