
zhènɡ zhì fǎ xué
  • science of political law
  1. 北京大学国际政治专业法学学士(2000年),北京大学经济学硕士(2003年),美国密歇根大学经济学博士(2009年)。

    International Politics , BA in Law , 2000 , Peking University ; Master in Economics , 2003 , Peking University ; Ph.D in Economics , 2009 , University of Michigan .

  2. 近代社会的经济、政治、法学为刑法独立的观念创造了条件,共同推动它由萌芽、发展、成熟,到最终成功运用在立法实践中。

    Modern society 's economy , politics and law create conditions for the concept of independence of criminal law , and jointly promote it from the embryonic development to mature , and to successful application of the legislation practice .

  3. 公共权力(publicpower)范畴是政治学、法学等经常探讨的中心议题。

    Generally speaking , the category - " Public Power " is the central topic often discussed in political science and the science of law .

  4. 本文在对W街道实证研究的基础上,对社区人民调解这一长期被政治学、法学似及社会学界的专家学者遗忘了的制度进行一次制度解析。

    Using case study analysis of conflict mediation within " W " Street Committee , this thesis will try to analysis the institution which is forgot by the scholars of the politics , law and sociology for a long time .

  5. 他将哲学、社会学、政治学、法学和伦理学等广泛运用于国际政治理论研究。

    He applies philosophy , sociology , political science , jurisprudence and ethics to the studies .

  6. 法与国家关系理论历来是政治学和法学的核心问题之一。

    The relationship between law and state is one of the key problems in politics and jurisprudence .

  7. 赛局理论在好几个领域中都可以加以应用,如经济学、政治学、法学、生物学和电脑科学。

    Game theory has applications in several fields , such as economics , politics , law , biology , and computer science .

  8. 社会中的权威一直是人类学、社会学、政治学、法学等学科研究中关注的一个重要视域。

    The social authority has always been a wide research perspective among anthropology , political science , sociology , law and other regions .

  9. 内圣外王是一个交叉于伦理学、政治学与法学之间的古老命题。

    " Being Sage Inside and Being Kingly Outsid " is a ancient proposition that cross on the ethics , politics and law .

  10. 因此,我们需要从政治学、法学、社会学、经济学和管理学等多学科视角研究高校办学的自主权问题。

    Therefore , we should do our research through multi-disciplines , such as politics , law , sociology , economics and management science .

  11. 以往的研究无论是从政治学、法学还是其它学科的角度,大都是将公共利益作为一种观念或概念来看待。

    The traditional study , no matter from the view of politics or law , mainly regards public interest as one concept or idea .

  12. 其次,从经济学、政治学、法学等视角分析和界定了教育公益性概念;

    Then the thesis analyses and defines the conception of public interests in education from the point of view of economics , politics and law .

  13. 公民与国家之间的关系一直以来都是西方国家政治学、法学研究的重点。

    From of old , the relationship between citizens and their state has been the key issue researched by politics and law of Western countries .

  14. 以宪政判断标准及我国宪政建设初步探讨为题,笔者从政治学、法学、行政学等多学科角度对我国宪政及宪政建设究进行分析研究。

    The research on " constitutionalism and its construction " is analyzed on the multi-disciplinary angle of studying from political science , law science , administration etc.

  15. 社会弱势群体问题成为政府部门重点解决的焦点问题,也成为社会学、经济学、政治学、法学等诸多学科研究的热点。

    Social disadvantaged groups as sociology , economics , political science , law and many other hot research subject , has become the focus of government departments .

  16. 从政治学、法学、新制度经济学、公共管理理论和福利经济学几方面,论证了流动摊贩治理机制的创新。

    From a political science , law , new institutional economics , public management theory and the welfare economics aspects , demonstrates the vendors governance mechanism innovation .

  17. 规制是政府管理经济社会事务的重要手段,并一直为经济学、政治学和法学所关注。

    Regulation as the important means by which government manages social economic affairs , has been paid close attention by economics , political science and law at all times .

  18. 利益范畴不仅是马克思主义哲学的重要范畴,而且也是马克思主义政治经济学、法学等学科的重要范畴。

    The category of interest is not only one of the core categories in Marxist philosophy , but also an important category of Marxist political economics , law and other subjects .

  19. 社区矫正制度研究是当前我国政治生活及法学研究领域的一个新兴课题,是中国司法制度改革的重要组成部分。

    Study on community correction system is the current political life in China and an emerging research field of law issues , is an important part of judicial system reform in China .

  20. 中央与地方行政权力的配置问题是一个多学科交叉的问题,涉及到了政治学、法学、行政学、财政学等学科。

    The allocation of executive powers between central government and local government is an issue that involves many academic disciplines , such as politics , law , administration , finance and so on .

  21. 因此对我国证券市场风险系统管理这个横跨政治学、法学、经济学与行政管理学的热门课题进行研究具有时代的必要性。

    So it has necessity with times to research the risk systematic management of our country 's securities market which is being the hot subject amid politics , laws , economics and administrative science .

  22. 大文学是广义的文学,亦涵盖历史学、地理学、政治学、法学、哲学、经济学、社会学、军事学、体育学和宏观的自然科学等。

    Great literature is generalized literature and contains history , geography , government , science of law , philosophy , economics , sociology , military science , the gym awaits with macroscopic natural science .

  23. 对于权力的研究,古往今来,多少理论学者已经从政治学、法学、经济学、管理学甚至哲学层面上展开了探究和研讨,且成果颇丰。

    Many theorists have been exploring , discussing and studying power from the angles of the politics , law , economics , management science and philosophy and gained proud accomplishments for hundreds of years .

  24. 《欧洲民法典》具有与“共同法”相似的政治环境和法学环境,可以说《欧洲民法典》具备了成为第二个“共同法”的成长环境。

    The European Civil Code has the same political and legal environment as that of the Ius Commune ; that is to say , the European Civil Code may be the Second Ius Commune .

  25. 自由并非哲学排他性的研究课题,它同时也是政治学、法学、伦理学等诸学科,甚至也是宗教学、经济学所共同感兴趣的话题。

    Freedom is not studied exclusively by philosophy , it is also discussed by other branches of learning , such as political science , the science of law , ethics , even including economics and religion .

  26. 哈耶克是二十世纪具有世界影响的思想家,其思想涉及到经济学、社会哲学、政治哲学、法学等诸多领域,建树甚丰。

    Hayek is a thinker who has the world influence in 20 century , his thought involves many realm , for example , the economics , social philosophy , law etc. The achievements is very plentiful .

  27. 哈耶克的研究领域极其广泛,涉及经济学、哲学、心理学、政治学和法学等多门学科,并且在这些学科中都颇有建树。

    The field of study of Hayek was extremely extensive , involving the multi-discipline such as economics , philosophy , psychology , political science , law and so on . And he had quite contributed in these disciplines .

  28. 本文采用了政治学、法学等方面的理论,在对现有文献资料进行综合归纳分析的基础上提出自己的见解,并提出提高我国反腐倡廉制度效用的对策和措施。

    This paper uses the political , legal and other aspects of the theory , in the existing literature data comprehensive analysis based on the proposed own opinion , put forward to improve our country anti-corruption system utility measures and countermeasures .

  29. 地方自治是政治学和宪法学研究的重要课题。

    Local autonomy is an important subject in the fields of constitutional law and politics .

  30. 无论是社会学、政治学、还是法学和经济学都十分关注这一问题。

    Whether sociology , political science , law and economics were still very concerned about this issue .