
  • 网络By Government;Government-funded;government funding;government aid;government grant
  1. 政府资助在生物制药临床前阶段和临床研究阶段具有显著促进作用。②风险资本的促进作用机理是:资金+运营能力增值效应。

    Government grant exerts notable promotion influence in both pre-clinical & clinical stages ;② For venture investments , its promotion mechanism is : capital + appreciation effect of operation capability .

  2. 此计划有一部分是政府资助的。

    The scheme is partly financed by a government grant .

  3. 相对于其他公立学校,受中央政府资助的学校能获得更多的财政拨款。

    GM schools receive better funding than other state schools .

  4. 帕丁顿的圣玛丽医院这周成为政府资助的独立经营医院。

    St Mary 's Hospital in Paddington became a self-governing trust this week .

  5. 那位美国高官说,政府资助的经济间谍活动日益增多。

    Government-sponsored economic spying is growing , the senior official said .

  6. 他们请求政府资助。

    They applied to the government for financial help .

  7. NationalInformationExchangeModel(NIEM)是一个由美国政府资助的创新项目,旨在促进公共领域和私有领域组织间的信息共享。

    The National Information Exchange Model ( NIEM ) is a U.S.government-sponsored initiative to facilitate information sharing among public and private sector organizations .

  8. 南伦敦医疗保健信托公司(southlondonhealthcaretrust)是一家由政府资助的企业,旗下有三家医院。

    In July the South London healthcare trust , a publicly funded corporation which runs three hospitals , was put into administration .

  9. Google目前正在和几个非营利以及政府资助的组织商谈,从而增加可获取的网上信息。

    Google is currently in conversation with several non-profit and government-funded organisations in an effort to increase the available online information .

  10. 联想在国内市场的增长,部分得益于其参与政府资助的一项补贴计划,该计划帮助农村居民购置廉价PC。

    Lenovo 's growth in China was partly due to its participation in a government-funded subsidy programme to equip rural residents with cheap PCs.

  11. 克雷斯波说,政府资助的古巴电影艺术与工业研究所(CubanInstituteofCinematicartandIndustry)“受制于自身的官僚体制”。

    Mr. Crespo said that the state-funded Cuban Institute of Cinematic art and Industry " drowns in its own bureaucracy . "

  12. 印度央行印度储备银行(reservebankofindia)本周表示,不久央行将公布一份由政府资助但不具有约束力的报告,概述资本账户可兑换的“路线图”。

    The Reserve Bank of India , the central bank , said this week it would soon make public a government-sponsored but non-binding report outlining a " road map " to capital account convertibility .

  13. ATP计划作为美国政府资助的R&D计划,有效地促进了美国产业共性技术的发展。

    It holds that as an R & D plan subsidized by US government , ATP has effectively promoted the development of US generic technology .

  14. 这与委内瑞拉政府资助的音乐教育计划ElSistema形成了鲜明的对比。

    This stands in stark contrast to Venezuela 's publicly funded music education program El Sistema .

  15. 美国总统乔治•W•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)上月否决了一项法案。该法案如获通过,将要求联邦政府资助新生成人类胚胎干细胞的试验。

    George W. Bush , US president , last month vetoed a bill that would have required the federal government to fund experiments with newly created human embryonic stem cells .

  16. 布雷耶在2005年用自有资金冒险投资Facebook的时候,并不知道它会取得如此惊人的成功,而硅谷尽管是建立在政府资助的研究基础之上,但并非大到不能倒。

    Mr Breyer risked his own money in Facebook in 2005 , not knowing how astonishingly successful it would be , and Silicon Valley , although built on government-funded research , is not too big to fail .

  17. 这就使得此类政府资助企业(gse)在破产之前,能够收购或担保全美一半以上的抵押贷款。

    That allowed those government-sponsored enterprises to acquire or guarantee more than half of all the mortgages in the country before they failed .

  18. 汤普生可能会从这场争斗中获得乐趣:他在BBC担任总裁时,曾公开抨击默多克(不受政府资助的)英国电视网络,称该网络扬言要将让其竞争对手“显得渺小”。

    Mr Thompson may relish the fight : as boss of the BBC , he publicly criticised Mr Murdoch 's ( unsubsidised ) British television network for threatening to " dwarf " its rivals .

  19. 新节目总兼Samir说,半岛电视台是1996年创立的,一个由政府资助的私有电视台,它绝不会和自己的生意相抵触。

    Al-Jazeera is a private TV channel funded by the state when setting up in1996 , which never interfere with its business .

  20. 在美国这样的国家,政府资助实体(GSE)、各州和地方政府的债务,已达到联邦债务负担的两倍以上。

    In countries such as the US , the debt of government-sponsored entities and state and local governments is more than double the federal debt burden .

  21. NBAC打算呼吁长期禁止政府资助任何企图通过克隆细胞来产生婴儿的行为。

    NBAC plans to call for a continued ban on federal government funding for any attempt to clone body cell nuclei to create a child .

  22. 许多人强烈要求,由政府资助的数字化项目europeana应该得到更多资金。

    Many are pushing for the publicly funded digitisation initiative , called Europeana , to receive more funding .

  23. 而Lazard走上相反的道路,不再将延期支付现金作为薪酬的一部分。Lazard的大部分收入来源于咨询与资产管理收费,在金融危机期间并未获得政府资助。

    Lazard , which makes most of its income from advisory and asset management fees and received no government help during the financial crisis , moved the other way , eliminating deferred cash as part of compensation .

  24. 要应对政府资助实体(GSEs)制造的灾难性泥潭,最简单的方法便是退出。这种实体拥有默认的(随后还有实际的)政府支持以及廉价的资金,却作为增长导向型私营企业运营。

    The simplest response to the disastrous muddle created by the government-sponsored entities , which had tacit ( and then actual ) government support and cheap funding , yet operated as growth-oriented private sector enterprises , would be to withdraw .

  25. 上周三早晨,伊隆·马斯克的火箭公司SpaceX宣布其计划在2018年向火星发射太空飞船。这是目前私人公司中最具野心的目标。私人太空旅游产业并非由政府资助,而是由富翁们出资。

    Elon Musk 's rocket company , SpaceX , announced last Wednesday morning it planned to send one of its spaceships to Mars by 2018 , the most ambitious goal set to date by the burgeoning private space travel industry funded by billionaires instead of governments .

  26. 与此同时,总部位于华盛顿的美洲开发银行(IDB)批准了对一个风险投资基金的500万美元股权投资。该基金由墨西哥政府资助,为墨西哥中小企业提供种子资本和战略咨询。

    Separately , but at the same time , the Washington-based Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) approved a $ 5m equity investment in a Mexican government sponsored venture capital fund that will provide seed capital and strategic advice to small - and medium-size Mexican companies .

  27. 民办高校发展与政府资助研究

    On the Development of Private University and Research in Government Aids

  28. 美国联邦政府资助大学科研的政策与机制

    The policy and mechanism of American federal government funding university research

  29. 该局部分经费由政府资助。

    Part of the TDC 's funding comes from the Government .

  30. 一些学生是由其原来就读的学校和祖国本地政府资助的。

    Some students are supported by their home university or government .