
  • 网络Reformed;Reformed Church
  1. 这在改革宗和路德宗的圈子内,已经变成一种咒语(mantra)。

    This has become something of a mantra in Reformed as well as in Lutheran circles .

  2. 著名的广播节目,《白马客栈》(TheWhiteHorseInn),曾举办一次专题讨论,请来了四位牧师,分别来自路德宗,(欧陆)改革宗,长老会和浸信会。

    The popular radio program , The White Horse Inn , features a panel discussion between four ministers , one Lutheran , one Reformed , one Presbyterian , and one Baptist .

  3. 英格兰国教会内部反对女性担任主教的派别之一,是一个保守的福音派团体,被称作改革宗(Reform)。

    One faction within the Church of England that opposes women as bishops is a conservative evangelical group called Reform .

  4. 由钟马田和穆雷(IainMurray)成立,为了保存改革宗,清教徒的作品。

    Established by Lloyd-Jones and Iain Murray for the preservation of reformed , Puritan writings .

  5. 这是改革宗正统所绝不允许的事。

    This is something Reformed orthodoxy never allowed .

  6. 这导致改革宗神学在苏格兰的复兴,冲击了整个英语世界。

    This led to a revival of reformed theology in Scotland that impacted the entire English speaking world .

  7. 事实上,这些历史神学家证明了在改革宗系统中,没有一条教义具有此种的功能。

    In fact , these historical theologians demonstrate that no doctrine functions like that in the Reformed system .

  8. 这个裁定,有效的将达拉斯的毕业生从改革宗的各教派赶致独立的圣经教会运动。

    This ruling effectively moved Dallas graduates away from ministry within Reformed denominations toward the independent Bible Church movement .

  9. 到目前为止,改革宗阵营有两大选择,这是我们正在讨论的。

    At present there are two main options within the Reformed camp , and this is what we have been discussing here .

  10. 最近我们也经常看到,加尔文主义的新手们已经开始领悟到这点,就是古典改革宗对“与基督联合”的强调是非常丰富的。

    Just as often these days , neophyte Calvinists have begun to realize the wealth of classical Reformed emphasis on union with Christ .

  11. 此信条和比利时信仰告白、海德堡要理问答一起,是作为改革宗信仰与实践之仅次于圣经的标准。

    They serve along with the Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism as a standard for Reformed faith and practice , subordinate to Scripture .

  12. 改革宗进入基督论和三一的奥秘的出发点见证拿撒勒人耶稣的生命,死与复活。

    The starting point of the Reformed approach to Christology and the mystery of the Trinity is the scriptural witness to the life , death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth .