- 网络harvest method

The harvest method is used to study plant aboveground biomass of Castanopsis sclerophylla + Quercus fabri shrubland in Tiantong region , Zhejiang Province .
In this paper , the characteristics of the bamboo growth and biomass structure in the Giant Panda 's field training area in Wolong Nature Reserve were studied with the sample method , harvest method and GIS technique .
The biomass and mean annual net accumulation for the pre-matured and the matured or over-matured forest communities were estimated through harvesting and correlation . The results show that the biomass was 508.57t · hm-2 and 293.04t · hm-2 in the prematured and the matured or over-matured forests , respectively .
And herb biomass is determined by harvesting method .
Research on the Whole Year Labor - saving Mulberry Shoots With Leaves Harvesting Method
An investigation was conducted into the biomass and productivity of Eucalyptus utophylla at different age stands in Tianlin County where there is a new cultivated area for E.
Investigation of biomass percentage of different organs of up-ground parts showed the trunk of 56.12 % , the bark of 13 % , the leaves of 9.5 % and the branches of 21.4 % .
The biomass and its allocation of a tropical wet seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna were studied based on the standard tree regression analysis ( for trees and lianas ) and clear cut method ( for shrub and herb ) .
Discussions on the profit present value method and group valuation model on forest resources valuation
The article introduces three assets evaluation methods on Eucalyptus forest : replacement cost method , present earning value method and market-based forest value method .
Study on Method of Constructing Variable Density Yield Table