
  • 网络posting
  1. 残障者得申请到府上门收寄挂号邮件。

    The disabled may apply for registered mail items to be collected at home .

  2. 如果超过一个星期你的文件还没有被收寄,我们将自己使用头等邮递公司邮递。

    If however after one week your documents have not been collected we will post them out by first class post .

  3. 自从越来越多的美国人选用网络而不是用邮政收寄信件,邮政的递送量便直线开始下降。

    But as ever more Americans go online instead of sending paper , the volume of mail has been plummeting ( see chart ) .

  4. (三)平常邮件:指邮政企业及其分支机构在收寄时不出具收据,投递时不要求收件人签收的邮件。

    Ordinary postal materials : referring to the postal materials that postal enterprises and their branch offices do not issue receipts for upon acceptance and posting , and do not request recipients to sign for on delivery .

  5. (四)给据邮件:指挂号信件、邮包、保价邮件等由邮政企业及其分支机构在收寄时出具收据,投递时要求收件人签收的邮件。

    Vouchered postal materials : referring to postal materials such as registered mail , postal parcels , insured postal materials , etc. that the postal enterprises and their branch offices issue receipts for upon acceptance and posting , and for which recipients are requested to sign on delivery .

  6. 我喜欢收礼物、寄圣诞卡片和装饰圣诞树等等,但是我还是不开心。

    I like getting presents and sending Christmas cards and decorating trees and all that , but I 'm still not happy .

  7. 如果你的申请是直接向香港特行政区入境事务处递交,本处在收到你的申请后会将收件回条寄回给你。

    If your application is submitted directly to the HKSAR Immigration Department by post , an knowledge card will be sent to you by post .

  8. 13、你方6月12日的来函收悉,兹寄去面额为150美元的支票一张,谨此奉复。

    In reply to yours of 12th June , I send herewith a cheque , valuing $ 150 .

  9. 不过我担心,能不能找到这么大的信封,也许得把我们这里所有的纸都连起来才行。我还担心,他们那里有没有那么大的信箱,来收我给他们寄的房子。

    However , I worried that we have to put together all the paper we have to make such a big envelop and there might not be so big mailbox for them to collect it .