
shōu rù chā jù
  • income gap
  1. 城乡收入差距变化与广西经济增长:协整分析及Granger因果检验

    Change of Urban-rural Income Gap and Economic Growth in Guangxi : Co-integration Analysis and Granger Causality Test

  2. 在实际GDP增长的同时,本币升值有助于新兴经济体弥合与发达世界居民的收入差距,为全球再平衡做出贡献。

    Alongside real economic growth , it helps the people of emerging economies close the income gap with the developed world and contributes to global rebalancing .

  3. 另外当期的经济增长有降低收入差距的倾向,我们相信这是一种TaxDistortion现象。

    We found that growth has an effect of reducing the contemporary inequality , and we consider there may be a tax distortion effect .

  4. 中国金融发展与城乡收入差距关系的再检验&基于面板单位根和VAR模型的估计

    Reevaluation of the Relationships between Financial Development and Urban-Rural Income Disparity in China-an Empirical Study Based on Panel Unit Root and VAR Models

  5. 计量结果表明:改革开放前,对犯罪率增长影响最大的是收入差距,GDP的增长会使犯罪率下降。

    The measurement result indicates that before reform and open policy , what affected crime rate most was income differential , while GDP growth could cause crime rate to drop .

  6. 这一结论可以被看作是Kuznets收入差距-经济增长倒U型曲线的一个机制上的理论支持。

    This conclusion can be seen as a mechanism to support the Kuznets inverted U-curve . 2 .

  7. 第五章利用面板数据模型对国际贸易和FDI对我国的整体工资收入差距的影响,从区域和工业细分行业层面分别进行了实证检验。

    By using panel data model from the level of regional and industrial sub-sectors , the fifth chapter conducts empirical tests on the effects of international trade and FDI on overall wage gap in our country .

  8. 笔者认为我国正处于工业化中后期,城乡收入差距会出现先扩大后缩小的趋势,目前正处于曲线的左半边,向拐点靠近,库兹涅茨倒U理论部分能解释这一问题。

    I believe that China is in the middle and late industrialization , urban-rural income gap experiences expansion and then narrowing , is now in the left half of the curve close to the inflection point .

  9. 影响14个市州农村居民纯收入差距的量化分析显示人均耕地面积、农业总产值占GDP的比重、人口城镇化率及非农劳动力比重是影响农村居民人均纯收入差距的主要因素。

    The quantitative analysis of influence factors of net income gap showed that per capita cultivated land area , the proportion of agricultural output in GDP , population urbani-zation urbanization rate and the proportion of non-agricultural labour are major factors that effect of per capita income gap of rural residents .

  10. 论收入差距对中国乡城迁移决策的影响

    The Impacts of Income Gaps on Rural-Urban Migration Decisions in China

  11. 我国的城乡收入差距问题备受关注。

    The problem of urban-rural income gap has received extensive attention .

  12. 如何评估我国现阶段个人收入差距的性质

    How to Evaluate the Nature of Income Difference at Present Time

  13. 缩小居民收入差距促进收入分配公正

    Narrowing the Residents'income Gap and Promoting the Income Distribution Justly

  14. 人力资本投资、收入差距与养老金制度改革

    Human Capital Investment , Income Gap and Pension Institution Reform

  15. 收入差距;面板单位根检验;收敛性;

    Income Disparities ; Panel Unit Root Test ; Convergence ;

  16. 甘肃省城镇居民收入差距扩大的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Widening Income Gap between Urban Dwellers of Gansu

  17. 税赋不公是城乡居民收入差距悬殊的原因之一

    On the Great Tax Difference between Town and Country Resident 's Income

  18. 我国收入差距扩大,已对社会构成威胁。

    The ever-increasing gap in income poses a threat to our society .

  19. 城乡收入差距与制度变革的临界点

    Rural Urban Income Gap and Critical Point of Institutional Change

  20. 中国区域收入差距分析及政策建议

    Analysis on Regional Income Gaps in China and Suggestion on Policy Making

  21. 20年来我国居民收入差距问题的讨论

    Summary of Discussion on Chinese Peoples Personal Income Gap in 20 Years

  22. 中国地区间收入差距问题的模型分析

    A Model Analysis of the Regional Income Disparities in China

  23. 中国省际间农民收入差距的考察

    Investigations on Disparity in Farmers ' Income in Different Provinces of China

  24. 中国居民收入差距过大问题研究

    Analysis on the Problem of Excessive Income Differential in China

  25. 收入差距持续扩大,是由各方面原因造成的。

    Abstract Income differential is growing caused by various reasons .

  26. 中国分配制度基于行业收入差距的研究

    Research of Distribution System in China Based on Income Difference between Industries

  27. 不断拉大的收入差距有可能推动美国市场的需求。

    Widening income disparity could drive demand in the US .

  28. 即金融发展的地区非均衡效应会扩大城乡收入差距。

    Namely the financial development local non-balanced effect will expand Urban-rural income disparity .

  29. 区域间农民收入差距由来已久。

    Disparity in farmers 's income in different regions is of long standing .

  30. 我国居民收入差距现状及对策分析

    Current Situation of Income Gap in China and Countermeasure