
shè xiànɡ shī
  • cameraman
  1. 在伍迪·艾伦2011年深受欢迎的电影《午夜巴黎》(MidnightinParis)中,伊朗出生的摄像师达利尔斯·康迪(DariusKhondji)通过镜头,让这座跳蚤市场更加光彩夺目。

    The Iranian-born cameraman Darius Khondji made the flea market sparkle in Woody Allen 's 2011 crowd-pleaser , " Midnight in Paris . "

  2. 但摄像师不让我在座位上动

    but the cameraman said not to shift in my seat .

  3. 电视台摄像师被请进来拍摄他工作的镜头。

    Television cameras were invited in to film him at work .

  4. 摄影师和摄像师们蜂拥上前。

    The photographers and cameramen surged forward .

  5. 隔着两个座位那边的是安德鲁·马佐利尼,他是当地的一位摄像师,正在酒吧吃午饭。

    Just two seats over , Andrew Mazoleny , a local videographer , is finishing his lunch at the bar .

  6. 莱恩•西克雷斯特制作公司(RyanSeacrestProductions)将会有一位摄像师随莱恩•西克雷斯特一起为NBCSports报道今年夏天的奥运会。

    A videographer from Ryan Seacrest Productions will follow Mr. Seacrest as he covers the Olympics this summer for NBC Sports .

  7. 代表人物有摄像师伊曼纽尔?卢贝茨基(EmmanuelLubezki)(他设计出一台全新的LED照明系统,后来被称为“石棺”(TheSarcophagus));

    Chief among them are the cinematographer , Emmanuel Lubezki ( he devised a radically new LED lighting system that came to be called The Sarcophagus ) ;

  8. 公司新媒体执行副总裁托尼•诺维亚(TonyNovia)表示,这位摄像师拍摄的视频和照片将会发布在RyanSeacrest.com、Facebook、Twitter和Pinterest上。

    The videographer 's footage and photos will be posted to RyanSeacrest.com , Facebook , Twitter and Pinterest , according to Tony Novia , executive vice president for new media at Ryan Seacrest Productions .

  9. 我基本上被那些傻摄像师给骗了!

    I was basically tricked by some jackass photographer * boo !

  10. 最后我的摄像师,劳尔,替我开了枪。

    Finally , my cameraman , Raul , fired the shots .

  11. 摄像师是人,就会犯人类的错误。

    A human camera operator will suffer from human error .

  12. 太好了。我要做这部片子的摄像师。

    Great . I 'm going to be the cameraman on that .

  13. 独自出游的摄像师们能熟练辨别能派上用场的照相机支架。

    Solo travel photographers become practiced at recognising a workable camera perch .

  14. 业余摄像师在家里制作的电影。

    A film made at home by an amateur photographer .

  15. 摄像师,今天的主角不是我。

    Cameraman , I am not today 's leading role .

  16. 我们的摄像师在它的花期拍摄下了它最漂亮的样子。

    Our cameraman snapped some nice shots during the plant 's flowering season .

  17. 这个是摄像师亚历克斯金。

    And this is Alex Kim our cameraman .

  18. 一支运动队包括四名队员和一名摄像师。

    A team consists of4 competitors and1 videographer .

  19. 马修是摄像师,他非常有创新精神。

    Matthew is a , uh , photographer . beautifully , wonderfully creative man .

  20. 和他一起的是摄像师嘉文·瑟斯顿

    With him is cameraman Gavin Thurston .

  21. 摄像师并不知道这只雌袋鼠是怎么死的,她身上并没有明显受伤的痕迹。

    The photographer was unsure how the female kangaroo died . She had no visible injuries .

  22. 和另一位摄像师。

    With one of my photographers .

  23. 贾斯汀·比伯将免于5月份一名摄像师对他的指控。

    Justin Bieber won 't face charges over confrontation he had with a photographer in May .

  24. 我们有最好的摄像师

    We have the best photographer .

  25. 摄像师在外面,你可以说出你的要求了。

    We have a cameraman out here so you can tell the world what you want .

  26. 摄像师看到这一幕后,赶紧跑回家去拿照相机。

    After the photographer saw what was going on , he ran home to get his camera .

  27. 空中摄像师迈克尔·凯勒姆

    while aerial cameraman Michael Kelem

  28. 还有“虚拟摄像师”软件会关注于谁正在视频会议中发言

    Also " virtual camera operator " software , that will focus on who is speaking in video conferences

  29. 要不摄像师您受累,这个三角架借我用用好吧?

    I have to bother you , cameraman , I 'd like to borrow this tripod , okay ?

  30. 有承办人,摄影师和摄像师、演员、冰雕塑家、动物训练师,还有…

    There are caterers , photographers and videographers , entertainers , ice sculptors , animal trainers , and ...