
tí gāo
  • improve;increase;enhance;raise;boost;upgrade;upgradation;elevate;heighten;augment;scale up;uplift;ascent;carry to a new and higher level
提高 [tí gāo]
  • [raise;heighten;enhance;improve;carry to a new and higher level] 使位置、程度、水平、数量、质量等方面比原来高

  • 提高嗓子

提高[tí gāo]
  1. 医生们对提高烟草税计划给予了支持。

    Doctors have backed plans to raise the tax on cigarettes .

  2. 我甚至从没听到他提高过嗓门儿。

    I 've never heard him even raise his voice .

  3. 这些广告旨在提高公司的形象。

    The advertisements are intended to improve the company 's image .

  4. 董事们刚刚投票同意给他们自己大幅度提高工资。

    The directors have just voted themselves a huge pay increase .

  5. 她正进修,以提高自己的业务技巧。

    She 's doing a course to sharpen her business skills .

  6. 他们创造了一种可以大大提高生产力的环境。

    They have created an environment in which productivity should flourish .

  7. 鼓励员工利用图书馆提高自己的专业水平。

    Staff are encouraged to use the library for professional self-development .

  8. 分批、分类处理查询将会提高服务质量。

    The service will be improved by batching and sorting enquiries .

  9. 为提高学历而进修是促进事业发展的一个办法。

    Studying for new qualifications is one way of advancing your career .

  10. 伸展运动有助于防止身体受伤,并能提高比赛技巧。

    Stretching exercises can help you avoid injury and improve your game .

  11. 在奥运会选拔赛之前,他需要进一步提高自己。

    He needs to sharpen up before the Olympic trials .

  12. 和缓的运动锻炼会提高自我放松的能力。

    A gentle form of exercise will increase your ability to relax .

  13. 因为成本日益上涨,我们不得不提高价格。

    We have had to raise our prices because of rising costs .

  14. 他们最近努力想提高销售量,全是白费劲。

    Their recent attempt to increase sales has been a dismal failure .

  15. 他们的失败提高了那些受到他们攻击的人的声誉。

    Their defeat redounds to the glory of those whom they attacked .

  16. 提高利率已使住房产业不堪负荷。

    Higher interest rates are already pinching the housing industry .

  17. 你该提高点效率了吧?

    Isn 't it time you started to get organized ?

  18. 利率的提高将促使价格上扬。

    The rise in interest rates will push prices up .

  19. 工人正发起请愿,要求提高安全标准。

    The workers are getting up a petition for tighter safety standards .

  20. 他们坚持要求更大幅度地提高工资。

    They are sticking out for a higher pay rise .

  21. 他们建议提高酒税。

    They floated the idea of increased taxes on alcohol .

  22. 这是提高公司声誉的机会。

    This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company .

  23. 我要求提高工资,她答应了。

    I asked for a pay rise and she agreed .

  24. 本赛季他将自己的排名从第67位提高到了第30位。

    He has improved his ranking this season from 67th to 30th .

  25. 这场运动旨在提高民众对这些问题的认识。

    The campaign is designed to increase public awareness of the issues .

  26. 提高利率似乎是不可避免的。

    A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable .

  27. 政府把牛奶的价格提高了四成多。

    The government hiked up the price of milk by over 40 % .

  28. 这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的认识。

    This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning .

  29. 如果你不能按照要求提高销售额,就会被解雇。

    If you can 't deliver improved sales figures , you 're fired .

  30. 他们希望达成一项提高工资的协议。

    They were hoping for a better pay deal .