
  • 网络Vertical Integration
  1. 结构调整的最佳选择是以工程项目总承包和分包为分工协作的垂直一体化:分化重组中间的工程咨询单位,组建顶端的EPC工程公司,发展低端的专业咨询公司、事务所。

    The best solution of structural regulation is vertical integration of labor division and cooperation for overall project contracting and subcontracting . It is necessary to divide and reconstruct the middle part-the engineering consulting unit , constitute the top EPC engineering company , develop low-end professional consulting company or institution .

  2. 粮食类产品的加工企业更倾向于选择现货交易方式和合同方式而非垂直一体化。

    Grains processing enterprises more inclines to choose the spot transactions and contracts rather than vertical integration .

  3. 垂直一体化的组织提供服务,以销售总额从我们自己的生产。

    Vertically integrated organization provides total service from our own production to merchandising .

  4. 反自然垄断的关键是剥离竞争性业务,分解垂直一体化结构;

    The key to oppose natural monopoly is separating competitive parts and resolving perpendicular integration .

  5. 在这些变化面前,在电信业发展初期形成的垂直一体化供应链模型已经不能满足行业的发展。

    Thus , the model of vertical integrated supply chain cannot satisfy the need of the development of industry .

  6. 中间层理论和交易成本理论对垂直一体化现象的解释存在差异。

    There exist some different explanations on vertical integration between the theory of transaction cost and the theory of intermediaries .

  7. 农产品销售受农业垂直一体化水平和农产品市场发育情况影响较大,农户农产品自销率与农户农业净收入呈显著的负相关关系。

    The rates of agri-product sold by the households and the net income from the agriculture have an obviously negative relationship .

  8. 第4章在综合分析了厂商垂直一体化基本动机的基础上,结合国内外处理承直问题的经验;提出了垂直结构分解利垄断性环节的再规制这个双管齐下的强化网络性产业竞争性的措施。

    Chapter 4 looks into motives of vertical integration and experiences based upon vertical disintegration in network industries in typical countries .

  9. 在垂直一体化垄断下电力产业陷入电力短缺和电价过高的两难困境。

    Under the model of vertical integration 's monopoly , the power industry falls into a dilemma of power-shortage and over-pricing .

  10. 与完全市场和垂直一体化不同,作为合约式管理架构,在产学合作过程中,往往行为管理比产出管理更有效。

    As a kind of contract management frame , behavior management is more effective than output management during university-industry cooperation process .

  11. 20世纪80年代以来,垂直一体化的现代公司范式呈现出向垂直解体和网络范式转变的趋势。

    It has been a tendency that the modern corporation paradigm is changing from vertical integration to vertical disintegration and network .

  12. 他的政权“是垂直一体化犯罪组织的最佳范例,毫无政府的样子”。

    His regime is " best understood not as a government at all but as a vertically integrated criminal organisation . "

  13. 全球商品链的内在动力机制、外部结构均衡与传统垂直一体化模式具有很大的不同。

    There is much difference in dynamics and structure'mechanism of equilibrium to compare global commodity chains mode with standard vertical integration mode .

  14. 传统上,电力需求侧管理是由垂直一体化的电力公司来实施的,但电力工业的市场化改革改变了这一局面。

    Traditionally , DSM is implemented by vertical integrated electric utilities , but the market reform of power industry has changed this situation .

  15. 在计划经济时期,我国电力行业实行的是发、输、配、售垂直一体化的垄断经营模式,电价的形成受到政府严格管制。

    In the times of planned economy , our power industry was run in monopoly and its electrovalency was strictly regulated by government .

  16. 从垂直一体化的角度分析了造纸企业实现林纸一体化的收益和成本。

    From the aspect of vertical integration , the article analyses the profits and costs of forestry and paper integration appearing in paper industry .

  17. 随着信息技术的不断应用和发展,大型企业尤其是垂直一体化企业越来越难以生存,取而代之的是精益的模块化组织。

    It is too difficult for the corporate living and it would be placed by the modular organization with the information technology applying and developing .

  18. 在中国,经营铁路的垂直一体化公司就是在全国范围内独家垄断的国家铁道部。

    In china , the national department of rail way is playing a role as a vertical integration company that dominated the national wide market .

  19. 在市场经济条件下,提高企业的核心竞争力是企业成功的关键。针对我国铁路垂直一体化管理;政企不分,行业性垄断;

    Under the condition of market economy , improving the core competitive power of the enterprise is the key for the success of the enterprise .

  20. 在中国华南地区,港资北移推动了粤港经济垂直一体化,也造成了香港制造业空心化和粤港产业同构化。

    In south China , Hong Kong 's capital northward flow caused its manufacturing industry hollow and economic vertical integration both for Hong Kong and Guangdong .

  21. 另一方面,垂直一体化企业的组织结构也在不断松散,并且以知识和交易等意识能力要素所决定的价值生产方式越来越成为经济发展的主导。

    So , the style of value production determined by the capability essence , such as knowledge and transaction , is becoming the leading of economic development .

  22. 国际外包是产品内的国际垂直一体化分工,其基础与传统的国际贸易形式一脉相承,比较优势、要素禀赋和规模经济都推动了国际外包的发展。

    International outsourcing is an inter-product vertical work division . Comparative advantage , factor endowment and scale economy all can be the driving force of international outsourcing .

  23. 渠道设计的一个关键问题就是渠道模式的选择问题,即选择垂直一体化渠道还是独立分销商渠道?或者两者同时拥有?

    And a key problem in the channel design is the choice of the channel models between the vertical integration channel and the independent distribution channel or both .

  24. 随着我国电力体制的改革,电力工业运营模式由垂直一体化垄断模式逐步转化为发电竞争上网模式。

    With the system reform of electricity , the operation mode of electricity utility has progressively transferred from the vertical integrated monopoly to paralle in network through competition .

  25. 与模块化系统类似,模块化生产网络在创新、组织能力、组织协调等方面显示出比垂直一体化组织具有更大的竞争优势。

    Similar to modular system , modular production network has showed stronger competitive advantage than vertical integration organization in the aspects of innovation , organizational capabilities , organizational coordination .

  26. 天合光能的所有员工将这些核心价值观视为实现长远发展目标的必备武器&那就是成为太阳能光伏行业领先的垂直一体化企业。

    Trina Solar embraces these core values as essential in achieving the long term goal of becoming one of the leading vertically integrated companies in the solar PV industry .

  27. 阐述并论证了供应链管理是一种比垂直一体化、横向一体化更为先进的生产组织形式。

    Elaborately combining the argument of supply chain management is a kind of form belongs to the perpendicular integral , than the horizontal integral the more advanced production organized form .

  28. 电力行业由于其特殊的属性,在过去一直被认为是自然垄断行业,所以世界各国原来一直对其实施垂直一体化的垄断经营。

    Power industry due to its special properties , in the past has been considered a natural monopoly , so its implementation around the world had been vertically integrated monopoly .

  29. 电力产业由于技术经济特征,过去一直被认为是自然垄断产业。因此,世界各国也长期对其实施垂直一体化垄断的经营体制。

    Because of its technological and economic characteristics , electricity had been regarded as a natural monopoly industry for a long time and used a monopoly institution for its operation .

  30. 全球生物制药价值链中,大型跨国药企的垂直一体化程度很高,因而国内生物制药企业并不嵌入某些环节,而是存在于相对独立的国内价值链。

    Global biopharmaceutical value chain is featured with large multinational pharmaceutical companies ' high degree of vertical integration . The domestic biopharmaceutical companies is facing relatively independent domestic value chains .