
tí jí
  • mention;refer to;raise;cite;speak of;invoke;retrospect;bring to notice
提及 [tí jí]
  • [mention;speak of;bring to notice] 提到,谈到

  • 她未提及根本

提及[tí jí]
  1. 这份生平记述对他的不光彩之处略而不表,没有提及他在监狱的日子。

    This sanitized account of his life does not mention his time in prison .

  2. 提及性治疗,大多数人会尴尬地偷笑。

    Mention sex therapy and most people will titter in embarrassment .

  3. 在我们会晤期间,他提及了合作的意愿。

    During our meeting , he indicated his willingness to cooperate .

  4. 这个问题在以往的讨论中已经间接提及。

    The problem had been alluded to briefly in earlier discussions .

  5. 提及她的前夫是有点令人难堪的失言。

    Mentioning her ex-husband was a bit of a clanger .

  6. 他的妻子在场,我便没提及这事。

    Because of his wife being there , I said nothing about it .

  7. 他只是随口提及而已,并没有谈任何细节。

    He only mentioned it in passing and didn 't give any details .

  8. 后面提及的那一点是最重要的。

    The latter point is the most important .

  9. 他总结了自己的哲学,还提及了加尔文。

    He summed up his philosophy , with reference to Calvin .

  10. 她好几次提及这个男孩的进步。

    On several occasions she had remarked on the boy 's improvement

  11. 她在书信和笔记中几乎从不提及他。

    She virtually never mentions him in her correspondence or notebooks .

  12. 这些不利因素都不会被提及。

    None of these minus points will have been mentioned .

  13. 除了自己的之外,她没有提及其他女权主义著作。

    She makes no reference to any feminist work other than her own

  14. 外交大臣就该条约发表的观点有大量记述并被屡屡提及。

    The Foreign Secretary 's views on the treaty are well-documented and oft-repeated

  15. 此处提及的实验证据有诸多限制条件。

    The empirical evidence considered here is subject to many qualifications

  16. 这就把我带到了一个我想提及的敏感问题上。

    Which brings me to a delicate matter I should like to raise

  17. 道格拉斯明显不愿提及自己对父亲的感情。

    Douglas was noticeably silent about his feelings for his father

  18. 她常提及她对伦敦的反感。

    She 'd often spoken of her antipathy towards London .

  19. 这一时期的文学作品中都没有提及他们的存在。

    No reference to their existence appears in any literature of the period .

  20. 他提出了一个在这次运动中很少被提及的话题。

    He brought up a subject rarely raised during the course of this campaign

  21. 他们开始对两本提及一桩婚外情的出版物提起法律诉讼。

    They have started legal proceedings against two publications which spoke of an affair .

  22. 他基本没有提及政府政绩。

    He largely passed over the government 's record

  23. 声明里没有提及政府方面的伤亡情况。

    The statement made no mention of government casualties

  24. 没有直接提及外交部长的拜访。

    No direct reference was made to the call by the Foreign Office minister .

  25. 真正的要害问题根本没有被提及。

    The real issue was never addressed .

  26. 作者可以提及其他人得出的和她自己基本吻合的结果。

    The author can report other people 's results which more or less agree with hers .

  27. 某些学校正在对圣诞颂歌进行修改,删除提及耶稣的内容。

    In some schools , Christmas carols are being modified to exclude any reference to Christ .

  28. 双方已达成协议,在提及对方时使用中性的词语,避免有争议的字眼。

    Both sides had agreed to use neutral terms in their references to each other , avoiding controversial ones

  29. 一个没有提及的问题是,失业人员也许缺乏填补所提供的空职的技能。

    One problem not mentioned is the unemployed may not have the skills to fill the vacancies on offer

  30. 法官大人,我之所以提及此事,是因为我觉得了解被告的背景十分重要。

    I bring this up , your honor , because I think it is important to understand the background of the defendant .