
  1. 其次,对华强电气现有的人员推销型营销模式进行了分析。

    Secondly , deliberates the present person-marketing pattern ;

  2. 事实上,他们试图推销的合伙模式在大西洋两岸都未能成功。

    Instead , the partnership fiction they tried to sell failed to fly on either side of the Atlantic .

  3. 曾以菲利普斯·埃克塞特创业家俱乐部会员身份向股神巴菲特推销过盈利模式的人,请举手

    All those who pitched business models to Warren Buffett as a member of the Phillips Exeter Entrepreneurs Club raise their hands .

  4. 他的创造力在诸如iPod,iphone和iPad这样的产品中可见一斑,以及在对音乐和在线手机软件进行定价和推销的新商业模式中得以体现。

    His creative force is seen in products such as the iPod , iPhone , and iPad , and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile software online .

  5. 创业公司想出各种非常聪明的办法来向投资者推销自己的商业模式,但俄罗斯科技创业家德米特里?伊茨科夫的最新事业本身就是卖点:投资他的研发新项目,回报可能会是获得永生。

    Startups devise some fairly clever tactics to sell investors on their business models , but Russian tech entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov 's newest venture sells itself : Invest in his new research and development interest and the payoff could be immortality .