
  • 网络controlled release fertilizer;crf;CRFS
  1. 但控释肥提早施用处理(T3)则植株生长势及生理代谢活性增强,有利于产量的提高和品质的改善。

    The early-larger CRF treatment ( T3 ) enhanced plant growth and physiological activity , so increased yield and quality improvement .

  2. 结果表明:(1)单一速度型控释肥(FP2,FP5和FP9)在养分快速释放期内,养分释放速率基本保持不变,其顺序为FP2FP5FP9;

    Results showed that the release rate of the single longevity CRF ( FP_2 , FP_5 and FP_9 ) was stable and the order of release rate was in order of FP_2FP_5FP_9 during the rapid release period .

  3. 施用控释肥对N淋失及水稻产量的影响研究初报

    Study on Influence of Controlled-Release Fertilizers to N Loss Leaching and Rice Yield

  4. 水稻控释肥N的释放速率在1535℃范围内随温度的提高而提高,温度每提高10℃,N的释放速率提高1.82.0倍。

    In water at 15 ? 5 ℃, the rate of nitrogen release from rice controlled fertilizer was increased as temperature increased .

  5. 在25℃恒温水培条件中,早稻控释肥N的释放率达到80%时的持续时间为50天,晚稻控释肥为70天。

    In water of 25 ℃, it takes 50 and 70 days after applying them that 80 % of N was released from early rice controlled release fertilizer and late rice controlled release fertilizer , respectively .

  6. 因此,Richards函数比Logistic函数能更准确地描述和预测树脂膜对不同控释肥养分释放动力学特性。

    It is concluded that Richards equation is better than Logistic one to describe and forecast nutrient release dynamic properties of the multi-longevity CRFs by using ion exchange resin membrane .

  7. 结果表明,新型大球包膜控释肥处理淋滤液pH值显著高于未包膜肥料处理,但与不施肥空白处理和其他2种控释肥处理差异不显著。

    The results showed that the leachate pH of big spherical coated controlled-release fertilizer was significantly higher than that of the soluble fertilizer , but there was no significant difference with no fertilizer control and the other two kinds of controlled-release fertilizer treatments .

  8. 尿素与控释肥配施,土壤NH4~+-N、NO3~&N及矿质态氮含量界于二者之间。不同时期内土壤NH4~+-N的来源不同,0~20d内,尿素对土壤NH4~+-N含量贡献最大;

    When urea was added with CRFs the contents of ammonium , nitrate and mineral nitrogen in soil were between with urea and CRFs during the whole incubation .

  9. 控释肥等量养分常规施用处理(T2),其养分释放过晚,不利于生姜的吸收,其氮、磷、钾当季利用效率仅分别为22.02%、16.02%和25.31%。

    Due to the nutrient release late , the nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium using efficiency of the regular pattern CRF treatment ( T2 ) were for 22.02 % , 16.02 % and 25.31 % only .

  10. 每个穴盘施入控释肥量为117g(克)时,由于施肥量过大对波斯菊幼苗的生长产生抑制作用,施入控释肥量为35g(克)时,育苗效果最好。

    When controlled-release fertilizer application amount was 117 g , the growth of seedlings was restrained . The optimum amount of fertilizer on calliopsis plug-seedling was 35 g.

  11. 几种包膜控释肥氮素释放特性的评价

    Evaluation of nutrients release feature of coated controlled - release fertilizer

  12. 缓/控释肥在玉米生产中的应用与展望

    Application and Prospect of Slow / Controlled Release Fertilizers in Maize Production

  13. 控释肥在苗木生产中的应用。

    Studies on Application of controlled release fertilizer in nursery seedling production .

  14. 掺混型缓/控释肥对杂交晚稻产量的影响

    Effect of slow / controlled-release fertilizer on yield of late hybrid rice

  15. 控释肥的物理-生化复合控释技术及其效果研究

    Technology and Effect of Controlled-Release Fertilizer through Physical-Biochemical Composite Approaches

  16. 国外缓控释肥产业化研究进展与前景

    Research progress and prospects of foreign slow / controlled release fertilizer industry

  17. 包裹型控释肥养份释放动力学的研究

    Study of Release Kinetics of Nutrients from Encapsulated Controlled-Release Fertilizers

  18. 控释肥硫膜对酸性棕壤淋溶特性的影响

    Effects of Sulfur-Coating from Sulfur-coated Fertilizer on Acidic Brown Soil Leaching Characteristics

  19. 难熔〔高熔点〕化合物熔融硫磺、石蜡二次包膜控释肥生产技术

    Technology for production of melt sulfur and wax double coated controlled-release fertilizer

  20. 有机高聚物包膜控释肥氮释放特性的测定与农业评价

    Appraisal of nitrogen releasing characteristics of organic polymer coating controlled - release fertilizer

  21. 控释肥对水稻的干粒重的影响不大。

    There was a little influence on 1000-grains weight .

  22. 控释肥残膜对土壤物理性质及油菜生长效应的影响

    Effects of CRFS Residual Coating on Soil Physical Property and Growth of Cole

  23. 控释肥膜性质对养分释放特征的影响及其评价

    Effects and Evaluation of Coating Properties of Controlled-release Fertilizers on Nutrient Release Characteristics

  24. 混料设计法在控释肥配比中的应用研究

    Study on combination of controlled release fertilizer by use of mixture experiment design

  25. 控释肥在棉花上的应用研究

    Research of Using Different Controlled Release Fertilizers on Cotton

  26. 配方控释肥能显著提高肥料的当季利用率。

    The CRF enhanced significantly the utilization rate of fertilizer at current season .

  27. 水稻缓释控释肥的增产效应与环保效应

    Effects of a slow / controlled released fertilizer on rice yield and the environment

  28. 配方控释肥对不同生育期土壤酶活性均有显著提高。

    The CRF improved significantly dynamic activity of enzyme in soil at different stages .

  29. 离子交换树脂膜吸附控释肥钾素养分的动力学特征

    Dynamic Characteristics of Potassium Release from Controlled Release Fertilizer by Using Ion Exchange Resin Membrane

  30. 一次基施水稻控释肥技术的养分利用率及增产效果

    Nutrient use efficiency and yield-increasing effect of single basal application of rice-specific controlled release fertilizer