
  1. 由于伪劣产品导致消费者死亡,这位66岁的田文华将面临死刑。

    The66-year-old faces the death penalty because the defective products caused deaths .

  2. 今天,在她的家乡,田文华因卷入奶粉弊案而受审。

    Tian stands trial today in her hometown for her involvement in the scandal .

  3. 三鹿集团董事长田文华定于星期三出庭。

    Sanlu group 's chairwoman ( Tian Wenhua ) is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday .

  4. 中学毕业后,田文华在一家中等技术学校学习兽医。

    After graduating from middle school , Tian studied veterinary science at a technical secondary school .

  5. 据说,这一经历使身为田家老二的田文华发誓要光耀门楣。

    The experience is said to have made Tian Wenhua , the second eldest child of the family , determined to make her family proud .

  6. 法院将毒奶案主嫌,也就是这家奶制品公司前董事长田文华判处无期徒刑,以及并科罚金近四百万美元。

    The court sentenced Tian Wenhua , the former head of the dairy company at the center of the scandal , to life in prison and fined her nearly $ 4 million .

  7. 中国石家庄市中级人民法院昨日判处两人死刑,并判处原三鹿集团董事长田文华无期徒刑。此举明显是为平息公众对去年毒奶粉丑闻的愤怒&该事件导致6名婴儿死亡,30万婴幼儿患病。

    A Chinese court yesterday sentenced two men to death and jailed a dairy company boss for life , in an apparent attempt to assuage public outrage at the tainted milk scandal that killed six babies and made 300,000 ill last year .