
  • 网络Control flow graph;control flow diagram;CFG
  1. 实践证明,利用控制流图和对象过程图扩展UML建模环境,可方便地进行系统需求分析、总体设计和详细设计,大大提高效率,缩短开发进程。

    It is indicated in practice that introducing CFG and OPD to UML based modeling environment is very convenient for system requirement analysis ; overall design and detail design and can greatly improve the efficiency and shorten the software development course .

  2. 控制流图上支配关系计算方法的分析与实现而且我还试图掌握毕达格拍斯的魔力,让数字支配变动。

    Analysis and Implementation of the Computation of Dominator in CFG And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux .

  3. flow选项创建一个纯文本跟踪输出文件,在这个文件中,跟踪记录是按进程(byprocess)以及时间顺序排序的。它所创建的实际上是一个控制流图。

    The flow option creates a plain text trace output file in which the trace records are ordered chronologically by process ; it creates what is essentially a control flow diagram .

  4. 开发过程中使用严格的控制流图和函数调用图生成算法,使得CTCheck具有低误报率和低漏报率的特点。

    In the process of its development , we use strict generation algorithm of control flow graph and the function call graph to make CT_Check with low false alarm and low omission rate .

  5. 具体而言,首先,对传统的基于UML的面向对象建模方法进行了改进,引入控制流图CFG扩展了UML的建模环境,使得UML建模跨越软件开发的所有阶段,最终的模型可以执行;

    Firstly , this thesis improved the modeling method based on UML through introducing CFG to UML modeling environment , witch made the models executable ;

  6. 采用结构化分析的方法画出电站现场人员工作管理系统的控制流图(CFG)。

    Using structural analysis method of draw power station site personnel management system control flow graph ( CFG ) .

  7. 以程序控制流图(CFG)为基础,借助profiling信息对影响线程划分效果的线程体积、线程间的数据相关性等进行量化研究;

    Based on the CFG ( Control Flow Graph ), the algorithm evaluates thread size and inter-thread data dependence quantitatively by the profiling information .

  8. GENERIC树被转换成GIMPLE形式,进而转换成控制流图,以支持基于SSA的优化。

    The GENERIC trees are converted into GIMPLE form and a subsequent control flow graph to support SSA-based optimizations .

  9. 本文基于B/S结构的高校教务管理网络系统,讨论了系统的功能需求与性能需求,并根据实际开发的应用系统,介绍了高校教务管理系统的E-R图、数据流图和控制流图。

    Based on B / S architecture , the requirements of system function and system performance are discussed . According to the exploitative application system , the E - R diagram , data flow diagram , and control flow diagram are given in this paper .

  10. 一种源程序到控制流图的自动生成方法

    An automatic method for generating control flow graph from source program

  11. 给出构造类的控制流图的一种算法。

    An algorithm to structure control procedure chart of class is offered .

  12. 一种用于类的数据流测试中构造控制流图的算法

    An Algorithm to Structure Control Procedure Chart in Data Flow Testing of Class

  13. 路径覆盖中控制流图的自动生成技术

    Path coverage in the control flow graph of the automatic generation of technical

  14. 基于自由边控制流图的路径覆盖分析实现方法

    Implementation of Path Coverage Analysis Based on the Free Edge Control Flow Graph

  15. 基于块的控制流图模型。

    The block - based program partition mechanism .

  16. 并行程序控制流图可视化的实现

    Visualizing Control Flow Graph for Parallel Programming

  17. 控制流图中的所有基本块都至少被一个区域所包含。

    Every basic block in the control flow is contained by at least one region .

  18. 控制流图的生成是通过对构件语法树进行先序遍历完成的。

    The generation of control flow graph is according to preorder traverse of the syntax tree .

  19. 本文给出了一种由源程序生成其对应的控制流图的方法和实现技术。

    This paper presents a method and implementation techniques to generate control flow graph from source program .

  20. 将源程序转换为控制流图是软件工程领域中逆向工程的研究内容之一。

    It is a research subject of software reverse engineering to transform source program into control flow graph .

  21. 该控制流图可以清晰地表示出异常的隐式控制流和异常的传播路径;

    The control flow graph can represent precisely the implicit control flow for a raised exception and exception propagation path .

  22. 半条路径是指从控制流图入口节点到目标覆盖元素的路径片段。

    Half-path is a path fragment that is from the entry of control flow graph node to the target element .

  23. 该方法还考虑了控制流图和路径条件,提高了测试结果的精度。

    This method takes into account the control flow graph and path condition , so it can increase the precision of result .

  24. 在分析过程中,还综合应用了控制流图和路径条件,提高了测试结果的精度。

    In the process of analyzing , it adopts synthetically control flow chart and path condition and increase the precision of testing results .

  25. 基于对程序源代码的静态分析方法,针对程序中一些常见故障,提出了一种基于控制流图的自动测试方法。

    Based on the static analysis method of source codes , the automatic testing method for controlling stream graph was pro-posed to detect the faults in programs .

  26. 基于字节码控制流图的回归测试用例选择算法直接分析程序新旧版本的字节码,构造出新旧版本的控制流图。

    The CFG-based regression testing selection algorithm directly analyzes the bytecode of the old version and new version of the software , and then compute control flow graphs .

  27. 大多数现有的数据流测试可以对前两级进行测试,作者利用改进的数据流测试来测试第3级,通过构造类控制流图来计算数据流信息。

    Improved data flow testing can be used to test the third level . It is possible to calculate data flow information through constructing a class control flow graph .

  28. 对于类的服务结构测试,首先要使用块分支图,设计控制流图,然后确定测试的基本路径。

    We should use the Block Branch Diagram to design control flowgraph , then confirm the basic paths , when we carry out structure testing of class ' method .

  29. 对于每个检测到的死锁,通过回溯记录控制流图中相关的路径,并利用静态分支预测量化其严重程度。

    For each detected deadlock , backtracking is used to record the related paths in the control flow graph , and static branch prediction is employed to quantify its severity .

  30. 评价方法基于程序控制流图,通过平均局部节点度量值描述软件局部秘密代码的鲁棒性。

    Our method is based on the program control flow graph and use average measure value for the local code blocks to evaluate the robustness for the local secret code .