
  1. 把receive块放在一个接近无限的循环中。

    Put the receive block inside of a near-infinite loop .

  2. 在体外特定的、适宜的培养体系中,人ES细胞可接近无限增殖,并保持未分化状态和多向分化潜能。

    In specific culture system in vitro , hES cells can proliferate unlimitedly and retain highly undifferentiated and pluripotent state .

  3. 他带我们接近无限。&托马斯。

    It brings us near to the infinite .

  4. 无数光年的距离仍不比1厘米更接近无限。

    A distance of countless light-years still comes no closer to infinity than does a single centimetre .