
  • 网络the catcher;receivers;backstop
  1. 外场中接球手正前方的部分。

    The part of the outfield directly ahead of the catcher .

  2. 他笔直把球投给了接球手。

    Am he threw the ball on a line to the catcher .

  3. 接球手与四分卫将会对换位置。

    The receiver and the quarterback are going to trade positions .

  4. 但事实上,接球手利用的是一种叫做“凝视捷思”(gazeheuristic)的认知捷径,前后跑动的同时始终保持视线与下落中的球的夹角恒定。

    But in fact , ball-catchers use a cognitive shortcut called the " gaze heuristic " , running forward and back while keeping constant the angle of sight up to the ball as it descends .

  5. 棒球接球手和橄榄球队员戴的一种护垫。

    A pad worn in baseball by catchers and by football players .

  6. 棒球运动中保护接球手面部的面罩。

    A mask to protect the face of the catcher in baseball .

  7. 供曲棍球守门员和棒球接球手穿戴。

    Worn by hockey goalkeeper and catcher in baseball .

  8. 你不是外围球员或接球手。

    You 're not some flash-in-the-pan corner or receiver .

  9. 你撞到接球手,你开什么玩笑?

    The way you took down that catcher , are you kidding me ?

  10. 接球手不能阻止的投球。

    A pitch that the catcher cannot stop .

  11. 现在纽克走了,他们想要培养一名接球手。

    Now that nuke 's gone , they wanna bring up some young catcher .

  12. 卡尔顿费斯克是从事职业棒球的最好的接球手之一。

    Carlton Fisk was one of the best catchers ever to play professional baseball .

  13. 上40岁还可以戴棒球帽的只有一类人,那就是棒球接球手。

    The only guys over 40 who wear caps backward should be baseball catchers .

  14. 在棒球比赛中当接球手。

    Be the catcher , in baseball .

  15. 太变态了,你是我们州最棒的接球手。

    That 's insane . you 're one of the best receivers in the state .

  16. 接球手需要很多保护性装备。

    A catcher needs a lot of protective equipment ; he plays behind the plate .

  17. 但撒旦并不担心;他的中心接球手很少漏球。

    But Satan was not worried ; his center fielder let very few get by .

  18. 他是个外场接球手。

    He was a wide receiver .

  19. 今年有18例脑震荡使选手致残,其中10人是接球手。

    Catchers got ten of the 18 concussions that sent players to the disabled list this year .

  20. 原因简单明了:有太多的跑垒者和接球手都受到不同程度的伤害。

    The reasons are clear : too many guys , both runners and catchers were getting hurt .

  21. 曲棍球队员或棒球接球手戴着保护胫部的一种坚硬的保护性遮盖物。

    A stiff protective covering worn by hockey players or a catcher in baseball to protect the shins .

  22. 你是个明星接球手,真不知道我们队少了你还能不能赢比赛。

    You are the star wide receiver and I don 't know if we could win if we lost you .

  23. 接球手需要学习跑位,否则四分卫不可能把球传给他。

    Well , your receiver needs to learn to run his routes , or the quarterback 's never gonna be able to hit him .

  24. 它会先撞上球棒,但转瞬间击球手、本垒板和接球手都将被云团夹带着,撞穿后面的挡球网,同时解体。

    It would hit the bat first , but then the batter , plate , and catcher would all be scooped up and carried backward through the backstop as they disintegrated .

  25. 华盛顿国民队的接球手于周五被军方解救,这已是他在委内瑞拉镇的大山西北部被绑架两天之后了。

    The catcher for the Washington Nationals team was freed by the military on Friday two days after he had been abducted in the mountains northwest of the town of Valencia .

  26. 而母亲和孩子都不知道,在接球手面具后的人是陆军中校威尔-亚当斯,他在过去两年的大部分时间驻扎在阿富汗。

    Neither mother nor daughter knew that the man behind the catcher 's mask was Army Lieutenant Colonel Will Adams , who has been stationed in Afghanistan for most of the past two years .

  27. 特里•伊文森是加拿大橄榄球史上最伟大的接球手之一。在这项大个子的运动里,小个子的他每逢比赛,要抱着球狂奔10000码(约9144米)以上。他在狂暴而激烈的赛场上闯荡了14个赛季。

    Terry Evanshen was one of Canadian football 's greatest receivers - - a little man in a big man 's game who carried the ball for more than 10000 yards in 14 bone-jarring seasons .

  28. 这就是本期的大喊答题节目环节。尽管这是一项充满冲撞、打击、冲击、突击和猛烈击打的运动,但棒球一般不被人们当作身体接触项目,然而有一点除外:那就是在本垒前面有一名接球手。

    Even though it 's a sport with charging , striking , hitting , popping and slamming , baseball is generally not seen as a contact sport , except for this : a catcher is positioned in front of home plate .

  29. 向本垒跑去的跑垒者会与接球手相撞,希望接球手丢球这样自己就能得分。

    The runner headed for home collides with him hoping the catcher will drop the ball allowing to run the score .