
  • 网络Access Layer
  1. 面向IP化的传送网接入层解决方案

    IP-based Transmission Network Access Layer Solution

  2. 信号交换式调制解调器它位于软交换体系的接入层,实现七号信令网与IP网的互通。

    It 's in the access layer of soft switch system , and realizes connecting between No.7 signaling network and IP network .

  3. 大连数码科技宽带IP城域网采用层次化模型,网络分为核心层、汇聚层,接入层。

    Dalian digital technology broadband IP metropolitan network adopts hiberarchy model , consists of the core layer concourse layer and aggregate layer .

  4. 采用GPON技术搭建NGN接入层承载网

    Using GPON technology to construct the bearer network of access layer

  5. 随着网络IP化从核心层到接入层不断延伸,全网IP化是电信网络未来发展的必然趋势。

    With IP-based network evolution of IP-based network access layer from the core layer to extend , IP is the future development trend of telecommunication networks .

  6. 本文将以PON技术的视角采探讨接入层的基础网络融合。

    The article discusses the network foundation convergence in access layer with PON .

  7. 以ADO技术为核心,利用该技术访问数据库,实现了对接入层住户信息和住户表具数据的综合管理。

    We used ADO technology to access the database and realized the integrated management of households ' information and meter data .

  8. 本文基于adhoc网络信道接入层已有退避算法,提出了一种新型排队退避公平算法。

    Based on the analysis of the existing backoff algorithms in Ad hoc networks access layer , this paper proposes a new simple yet effective queue backoff fair algorithm .

  9. 媒质接入层(MAC)技术是无线传感器网络中最具挑战性的一部分,而节能则是MAC协议的首要问题。

    Research on medium access control ( MAC ) protocol for WSNs is a challenge and the main task of MAC protocol is to efficiently saving energy .

  10. 针对平流层通信系统媒体接入层的特性,本文也给出了一种简单易于实现的净荷报头压缩(PayloadHeaderSuppress,PHS)方案。

    For characteristics of the media access control layer in the stratospheric communication system , we also proposed a PHS ( Payload Header Suppress ) program .

  11. 业务的IP化将直接影响传送网的演进策略和技术发展,这可以从不同层面来分析:核心层和汇聚、接入层。

    IP change will directly influence the transmission network , the evolution of strategy and technology development . This can be analyzed from two aspects : the backbone of the transport layer and metro transport layer .

  12. 采用分层结构,通过设计CTI统一中间件,实现了应用业务层与底层硬件接入层的隔离。

    Layered architecture is adopted in research which makes application layer separate from hardware layer through the design of uniform CTI middleware .

  13. 对基于SNMP协议的网管技术做了简单介绍,结合安阳有线数据网络介绍了接入层网管系统的应用实例。

    It also briefly introduces the web management technology based on the SNMP agreement and the actual use example of connect the lay web management according to Anyang cable data network .

  14. 承载面使用MPLS技术,进行带宽预规划,满足需要QoS的业务,并在接入层完成对用户接入及流量的各种控制功能。

    Bearing plane uses MPLS technology , with bandwidth pre-planned , to meet the needs requiring QoS , and user access control and traffic control are also completed in the access layer of the bearing network .

  15. UMTS的非接入层(Non-accessstratum,NAS)横向地分为两个子层:移动性管理子层和连接管理子层;纵向地分属控制面和用户面。

    The Non-Access Stratum of UMTS is divided into two sublayers ( mobile management sublayer and session management sublayer ) and split up into contol plane and user plane .

  16. 在无线自组织网络(adhoc网络)中,媒体接入层协议(MAC协议)控制着节点之间共享信道的规则,是提高adhoc网络性能的关键因素之一。

    In wireless self-organized network ( Ad Hoc network ), Media Access Control ( MAC ) Protocol , which defines rules of how nodes can share channel with each other , is a key factor of improving the performance of Ad Hoc network .

  17. GPON技术还具有良好的TMD支持能力,可用于接入层传输的TMD承载,保护铁通浙江分公司既有的投资。

    GPON technology is also good the TMD ability to support can be used for the access layer transfer of TMD to carry , to protect the existing investment of CRC Zhejiang Branch .

  18. 在接入层设备上,利用加权平均队列(WFQ)技术对窄带的链路进行拥塞控制。

    Using WFQ ( weighted fair queuing ) in the network linked layer equipment we can proceed to deal with network line jam control .

  19. 通过本文的研究工作,对从接入层加强Intranet安全的方法作了有益的探索。本文的工作表明这种认证与管理策略使得Intranet从接入层提高了接入用户和主机的可信性。

    The research in this article makes instructive exploration on strengthening the intranet security through access layer , and it demonstrates that such authentication and management policy truly improve the credibility of connected user and host of intranet on access layer .

  20. 文中针对肇庆电力信息网络结构及承载的业务,对业务流进行分类,定义关键业务流,在网络核心层、分布层和接入层采用不同的服务质量(QoS)控制策略。

    According to Zhaoqing power information network structure and business data flow on it , the business data flow is assorted , the key business data flow is defined , the different control policy is used in the network core layer , distribution layer and linked layer .

  21. XX电信本地传输承载网络经过多年建设,已形成覆盖市、县、乡镇的三层传输网,即核心层、汇聚层以及接入层。

    After many years of construction , XX telecom local transmission bearing network has already formed three layers covering the city , county and township . Three layers are the core layer , the convergence layer and the access layer .

  22. 基于无源光网络(VPON和EPON)组建视频接入层,节约大量光纤资源,而且可做到无损传输。

    Third , establish video access layer based on the passive optical network ( EPON and VPON ), save a large amount of fiber resources while achieving nondestructive transmission .

  23. 以上问题的存在,是由于Intranet在接入层未依据用户、主机及接入交换机端口的可固定对应关系,对接入的用户及其访问时间、所使用的主机进行联合认证与控制。

    These problems hereinbefore are due to the lacking of combined authentication and control to connected user , its access time and the running host according to the fixed corresponding relationship among user , host and connected switch port on the access layer of Intranet .

  24. 着重阐述了BSS的整体框架,并从客户层、接入层、表示层、业务逻辑层、数据层等五个层面结合图示进行论述。

    It emphasizes on the whole structure of BSS , and discusses the five layers , i.e. , client layer , access layer , presentation layer , service layer and data layer , with the help of the charts .

  25. LTE的主要优势有:通信速度更快、网络频谱更宽、通信更加灵活、智能性能更高。NAS(非接入层,Non-Access-Stratum)是从协议栈角度定义的协议流程。

    LTE contains the following main advantages : higher data rate , wider network spectrum , more flexible communication patterns and better intelligent performance . NAS ( Non-Access Stratum ) is the protocol procedures defined in the perspective of protocols .

  26. 最后结合某市实际的网络状况,分析PTN技术在汇聚层和接入层的接入方式和实际的应用并提出相应的组网方案。

    Finally , according to the actual network conditions in a certain city , applying PTN technology , the connection method on access convergence layer and access layer , a complete network solution is proposed .

  27. 文中先对国家NGB的总体规划进行了介绍,介绍了国家NGB网络设计的要求及其核心层、汇聚层、接入层及单播路由协议的基本规划。

    The NGB overall plan is introduced , presented the request of the NGB network design , introduced the core layer , the convergence layer and access layer and unicast routing protocols generally planning .

  28. 介绍了国电北京宽带数据城域网的建设概况以及其中使用到的IP环网技术、MPLSVPN技术,并详细介绍了该数据网的主要技术特点,包括骨干网建设、接入层建设等。

    This paper introduces the general situation of construction of State Power Beijing broadband data MAN , and the IP ring networks , MPLS VPN technology which used in MAN , it also introduces the main technology characteristics of data network , including trunk network and construction of connect layer .

  29. 323终端之间开展多方电话会议业务。MoIP统一协作通讯多媒体综合业务平台分为运营支撑层、媒体交换层和用户接入层3层架构。

    The multi-media integrated service platform based on MoIP Unified Collaborative Communication is divided into operation support layer , media switching layer , and user access layer .

  30. 从OSI模型的第三层意义上讲,NGN概念几乎涵盖所有网络环节:从主干网到城域网直至接入层、用户端,以及复杂的应用业务层。

    In sense of the third layer of the OSI model , the concept of NGN covers almost all the network node : from the backbone network to the Metropolitan Area Network ( MAN ), the access layer , the client , as well as complex application layer .