
tàn kōng
  • sounding;air sounding
探空[tàn kōng]
  1. 低成本GPS探空地面接收机的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of low cost GPS sounding ground receiver

  2. C.NET与MATLAB混合编程在探空数据对比中的应用

    Application of integrated programming between C # . NET and MATLAB in atmosphere sounding data contrast

  3. Cn~2探空仪的可靠性实验与数据处理方法

    Experimental research on the reliability of C_n ~ 2 sonde and its data processing method

  4. GPS探空仪两种测风计算方法的比较

    Comparison two ways of wind measuring with GPS sonde

  5. 应用探空气象资料分析并评估地基GPS遥感大气可降水量技术的精度。

    The accuracy of estimating atmospheric precipitable water vapor by ground-based GPS is evaluated by using radiosonde meteorological data .

  6. 研究结果表明:GPS是一种与探空观测有可比性的大气静力延迟和湿延迟测量手段。

    The results show that GPS is an instrument for detecting atmospheric ZHD and ZWD with a detection accuracy comparable with radiosonde .

  7. 根据探空火箭可视化仿真及协同设计系统的目标,进行了需求分析。进而设计了基于HLA的可扩展的系统体系结构。

    Based on the needs analysis , scalable system architecture based on HLA was then designed .

  8. 根据广东清远站1995~2001年的气象探空资料,计算了GPS水汽测量中的实际大气干延迟。

    Radiosonde data ( from 1996 to 2001 ) at Qingyuan are used to calculate the exact values of the atmospheric dry delay .

  9. FTP在新型探空雷达系统通讯业务中的应用

    The application of FTP on the communication business of new air sounding radar system

  10. 垂直半空间界面裂纹及附近圆孔对SH波的散射泰罗斯业务垂直探空器

    Scattering of SH-wave by interface crack and neighbouring circular cavity in bi-material vertical half-space

  11. 对于V区,相比于I区,三种再分析资料与探空资料的差值普遍较大。

    As for area V , when compared to area I , the difference between three reanalysis dataset and radiosonde dataset is much bigger .

  12. 大气指数模型与探空资料分析的比较&关于广州地区大气层对GPS信号时间延迟问题研究之一

    Comparison Between the Atmospheric Exponential Model and the Model Obtained from Radiosondes ─ one about the influence of atomosphere in Guangzhou region on GPS signal time delay

  13. 根据溃变理论和V3θ图预报工具,制作了西北地区36个探空站点的V3θ图。

    Based on the blown-up theory and the V-3 θ structural prediction method , V-3 θ figures of 36 aerological stations in Northwest China were made .

  14. 本文通过对GPS湿延迟和水汽辐射计、GPS可降水量与无线电探空资料的比较,进行了GPS气象可靠性检核研究。

    The reliable verification of GPS-meteorology has been studied with the comparisons of GPS Zenith wet delay and water vapor radiometer , GPS precipitable water vapor and radiosonde .

  15. 利用常规探空和地面实测资料,对2005年7月18&19日出现在青藏高原东侧的一次区域性大暴雨天气过程进行了非地转湿Q矢量诊断分析。

    Based on the routine observations , an ageostrophic wet Q-vector diagnosis of a heavy rain process over the eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau during 18-19 July 2005 is made .

  16. 在这个体系结构下,利用HLA平台对互操作性和重用性的支持,实现仿真和设计过程的协同,支持不同型号、不同有效载荷多种探空火箭应用项目的仿真、设计和论证。

    In this architecture , with support from the interoperability and reusability of HLA platform , synergy of simulation and design process can be achieved .

  17. 利用探空资料作3T测风图

    Plotting the Chart of the 3T and upper Wind with Sounding Data

  18. 在野外实验中与无线电探空仪对比,在3km以下,温度层结偏差2&3°K。

    In the field test , as compared with radiosonde , the mean temperature deviation was 2-3 K below 3 km .

  19. 作者经过推导,建立了新的W计算模型,与探空方法获得的W值具有很好的一致性。

    Through the derivation , a new precipitable Water ( PW ) calculation model has been established and the calculated results are well consists with the PW values obtained by the sounding method .

  20. 终端处理软件通过串口接收GPS定位数据和电场测量数据并进行处理,显示探测结果,绘制电场的分布曲线,并引导接收天线指向探空仪以跟踪它的信号。

    The terminal software receives and processes the GPS and electricfield data from COM port , shows the result , draws the distribution curve of the electricfield , and guides the receiving antenna to track the radiosonde .

  21. 针对简单和复杂云场,利用个例并结合无线电探空资料与MODIS三通道合成图肯定了多光谱云相态识别的合理性和实际效果。

    Radiosonde observations and MODIS tri-channel composite images are used in the paper to show the rationality and the effect of cloud phase recognition in cases .

  22. 在快速预报星历松弛解GPS可降水量与无线电探空数据的比较中,两者的相关性为0.88,绝对值均值为5.4mm。

    Radiosonde , we can get the results that the related coefficient is 0.88 and the absolute mean value is 5.4 mm .

  23. 所设计的探空气球定位方案对水平分辨率为10km×10km的数值预报模式基本是可用的;

    The positioning scheme presented for sounding balloons is basically applicable to a resolution of 10 km × 10 km ;

  24. VAISALA探空技术及中国探空技术的发展

    VAISALA 's Radiosonde Technology and Advancement in Radiosonde Technology in China

  25. TY-3探空火箭突起物气动加热计算

    Calculation of aerodynamic heating for the protuberances on TY-3 sounding rocket

  26. 以加密观测的多普勒雷达、3小时探空、10~30分钟雨强、地面雨滴谱等间隔取样及在GPS引导下的飞机云物理探测等获取的三维高时空密度的综合探测为主体;

    Three-dimensional high-density space / time soundings serve as the main body of data consisting of 3-hr interval Doppler probings , 10-30 min rainfall intensity , surface raindrop sizes sampling and GPS-guided flight cloud physics detections with output taken at 2-sec and 200-m intervals .

  27. 为进一步提高利用GPS遥感大气综合水汽含量的精度,部分学者提出了利用当地探空气象资料建立局部区域模型,以改善采用通用模型计算综合水汽含量结果的观点。

    To improve the precision of using GPS remote sensing atmosphere precipitable water vapor , some scholars propose to set up a local model by taking advantage of local meteorologic data in the air , so as to improve the result of using universal model .

  28. 背景场采用T213资料,加上常规探空,地面资料,通过分析形成控制试验的初始场。

    The initial fields of control experimentation are evolved by the analysis from routine sounding and surface data .

  29. 下投式探空仪(Dropsonde)是适应性观测的重要观测仪器。

    Dropsonde is one of the important observing instruments in the adaptive or targeting observation .

  30. 根据2001~2003年期间获得的大气臭氧探空资料,揭示了北京地区上空对流层顶高度的某些变化特征及其对上对流层(UT)和下平流层(LS)区域内大气臭氧含量变化的影响。

    Based on ozonesonde data for 20012003 , some variation characteristics of the tropopause height and its influence on ozone variation in upper troposphere / lower stratosphere ( UT / LS ) region over Beijing are discussed .