
tàn cè
  • detection;probe;exploration;sound;survey;search;divine
探测 [tàn cè]
  • [sound;survey;probe] 探查某物;确定物体、辐射、化学化合物、信号等是否存在

探测[tàn cè]
  1. 高密度电法CT成像技术在活断层探测中的应用

    Application of complex resistivity CT tomography technology in active fault survey

  2. 超声波CT探测技术在工程岩溶探测中的应用

    Application of Survey Technology of Ultrasonic Wave CT in Karst Project

  3. 经辐射能探测,这些岩石形成于20亿年前。

    These rocks have been dated radiometrically at two billion years old .

  4. 我们在南美洲为一些大公司探测石油和矿石。

    We dowse oil and ore in South America for big companies .

  5. 他说用占卜杖探测水源完全是胡说八道。

    He said that dowsing for water is complete nonsense

  6. 警察在这个地区探测饵雷。

    Police were checking the area for booby traps .

  7. 日本的最新真空吸尘器配有可探测灰尘多少和地板类型的传感器。

    The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor .

  8. 为了解释这一点,他们假定各星系一定包含了大量无法探测到的不明物质。

    To explain this , they hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected

  9. “先驱者号”太空探测器上装有紫外线仪器,能够对在地球上探测不到的光进行测量。

    The Pioneer probes have on board ultraviolet instruments which are measuring light that we can 't measure on the earth .

  10. 据说红外眼能够探测到110度角范围内远至10米的任何动物的活动。

    An infra-red eye is said to detect the movement of any animal within an angle of 110 degrees at up to 10 metres .

  11. 它在对云层、降水、冰雹和雷暴的气象探测以及在船舰和飞机的导航中,起着日益重要的作用。

    It plays an increasingly important part in meteorology for cloud , precipitation , hail and thunderstorm detection as well as the navigation of aircraft and ships .

  12. 无人机搭载光电探测吊舱、合成孔径雷达、航拍CCD相机、应急通信保障吊舱、应急投送舱等设备。

    The large UAV is equipped with an electro-optical / infrared pod , a synthetic , an aerial camera , an emergency communication pod and an emergency transmit drop pod .

  13. 最初的天使时发现一深空探测任务

    The Seraphim were first discovered during a deep space exploration mission .

  14. 本工厂有先进的生产设备,拥有从英国进口的金属探测机

    We are using innovated metal detector which is imported from the U.K.

  15. 着陆后,巡视器将开展科研探测。

    A rover will be released after the landing to conduct scientific exploration .

  16. 2021年的其他任务还包括:今年,火星探测器天问一号计划实施中国首次火星“绕、落、巡”探测。

    China 's Mars probe Tianwen-1 is designed to complete orbiting , landing and roving this year .

  17. 由于他不爱说话,我过了一些时候才有机会探测他的心灵

    Incommunicative as he was , some time elapsed before I had an opportunity of gauging his mind .

  18. 虽然暗物质不可见,但这台仪器可以通过暗物质扭曲星光的方式来探测到它。

    It can 't be seen ­– but this instrument can detect dark matter by the way it distorts starlight .

  19. 中微子是次原子粒子,虽然宇宙中有大量中微子,但它们很难被探测到。

    Neutrinos are subatomic particles , and while there are plenty in the Universe , they 're very hard to detect .

  20. 两国将协同实施中国的“嫦娥七号”月球极地探测任务和俄罗斯“月球—资源-1”轨道器任务合作。

    The two nations will work together to carry out China 's Chang'e 7 lunar landing mission and Russia 's Luna-Resurs-Orbiter mission .

  21. 将首辆火星车命名为祝融号,寓意点燃我国行星际探测的火种,指引人类对浩瀚星空、宇宙未知的接续探索和自我超越。

    The naming is intended to represent the rover 's symbolic adventure into the immense universe , and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence

  22. 2020年7月23日,“天问一号”任务成功发射,迈出中国行星探测的第一步。

    China 's Tianwen-1 mission was launched on July 23 , 2020 , the first step in China 's adventure in planetary exploration .

  23. 系外行星特征卫星将为更精密的望远镜起草一份星体候选名单,这些望远镜将有望探测大气中生命的化学特征。

    Cheops will draw up a shortlist for later , more sophisticated telescopes that hope to probe atmospheres for the chemical signatures of life .

  24. 科学家们需要用这台大型太空望远镜来探测宇宙中最隐蔽的秘密,即中微子,别名“幽灵粒子”。

    This massive space telescope is what it takes to detect the Universe 's best kept secrets – neutrinos – also nicknamed ‘ ghost particles ' .

  25. “天问一号”、“嫦娥五号”、“奋斗者”号等科学探测实现重大突破。

    China has seen breakthroughs in scientific explorations like the Tianwen-1 ( Mars mission ) , Chang'e-5 ( lunar probe ) , and Fendouzhe ( deep-sea manned submersible ) .

  26. 听上去够酷的了,不过该公司已经开始研发包含摄像头和人工智能技术的升级版鞋子,不仅可以探测到障碍物,还可以检测出是何种障碍物。

    That sounds impressive enough , but the company is already working on a much more advanced version that incorporates cameras and artificial intelligence to not only detect obstacles but also their nature .

  27. 2021年9月中旬至10月下旬,由于受太阳电磁辐射干扰的影响,器地通信将中断,火星车将停止探测工作,之后任务继续进行。

    The rover will suspend its operations from mid-September to late-October due to the anticipated disruption of its communications with Earth caused by solar electromagnetic radiation , and will then resume its mission .

  28. 我国还将继续载人月球探测等研制工作,重点加快推动北斗导航等国家重大科技工程在民用航空等领域应用落地。

    China will continue to research manned lunar exploration , and will foster the application of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System ( BDS ) and other major projects in civil aviation and other fields .

  29. 这款名为InnoMake的智能鞋旨在替代几十年来全球数百万人赖以安全活动的拐杖。目前能买到的这款鞋子依靠传感器来探测障碍物,并通过蓝牙智能手机发出振动和铃声来警告穿着者。

    Known as InnoMake , the smart shoe aims to become an alternative to the decades-old walking stick that millions of people around the world depend on to get around as safely as possible . The currently available model relies on sensors to detect obstacles and warns the wearer via vibration and an audible alert sounded on a Bluetooth-linked smartphone .

  30. 面向用户的Internet链路状态探测与预报

    User-Oriented Probing and Forecast of Characteristics of Internet Link