- 名home leave;home visit leave

Even truck drivers can be paid $ 200,000 each year , receive three-room housing and free home leave every two weeks , which in some cases means flights to Bali .
He gets home leave every two years .
She got longer family leave , working with Senator Dodd , for people caring for wounded service members .
So let 's make sure all Americans have access to paid family leave .
Is novitiate mixed is exercitation period internal energy enjoyed visit one 's family false ?
The worker is mixed in novitiate cannot enjoy inside exercitation period visit one 's family false .
or are we a people who actually value families , and make paid leave an economic priority for working parents ?
Visit one 's family between holiday , unit of choose and employ persons ought to the salary standard according to him laborer grants wage .
But it still determines which obligations a couple can keep & who gets hospital visitation rights , family leave , health care and survivor 's benefits .
It 's a must-have . By the way , so are economic priorities like child care , paid family leave , equal pay , and a higher minimum wage .
Article 24 Employees of FFEs enjoy leaves for festivals , vacations , public holidays , visiting parents or spouses and handling funeral affairs , and maternity leave for women employees in line with the State regulations .
That includes paid maternity and paternity leave , sick leave , accommodations for workers who are pregnant , good health care , affordable child care , flexibility at work , equal pay , and a decent minimum wage .
A few states have acted on their own to give workers paid family leave , but this should be available to everyone , because all Americans should be able to afford to care for a family member in need .
Be in national office , mass organization and business of ownership of the whole people only , institution work is full solid worker of a year , below the circumstance that accords with statutory requirement , just can enjoy visit one 's family false .