
pái zhuāng
  • Row pile;campshed
排桩[pái zhuāng]
  1. 基于ANSYS多支点排桩围护结构的计算模拟

    Numerical Simulation for Multi - pivots Row Piles Based on ANSYS

  2. 多支点排桩计算ANSYS二次开发技术研究

    Secondary development of ANSYS for computation of multiple bearing point row pile

  3. SPR排桩拱形支护结构的性状分析

    Behavior of arched support of SPR bent pile

  4. 饱和土中刚性排桩对平面SV波的隔离分析

    Analysis of vibration isolation of a row of rigid piles to plane SV waves in saturated soil

  5. h型抗滑桩是近些年逐渐发展而提出的一种新型防护结构,由于系梁的作用,将前后排桩连接成一个刚架空间结构。

    In recent years , h-type anti-slide pile of new protective structure is gradually developed , Because of the beam action , The front and back row piles are connected into a frame structure .

  6. 其次,采用标准K&ε紊流模型和追踪自由水面的VOF方法对涌潮冲击排桩式丁坝进行了数值模拟;

    Secondly , the standard k - ε turbulence model and VOF for surface tracking are applied to numerical simulation of the bore against the sheet-pile groin .

  7. 本文主要依据现有排桩的理论,应用有限元ANSYS确定合适的模拟单元,模拟多支点排桩围护结构,考虑支撑反力和结构的变形随开挖过程的变化。

    The article mainly on the basis of row piles theory , apply finite element analysis software ANSYS to select proper simulation element , simulate structure of multi-pivots row piles , consider the change of sustain react and structure deformation during the excavation .

  8. 南锚碇基础深基坑支护采用了钻孔灌注桩排桩加多道支撑挡土,2m厚冻土薄壁隔水的新型设计和施工工艺,称为排桩冻结法。

    Filling piles and multilayer support and new design and execution technique of 2-m thick frozen soil thin wall water gushing are adopted in South Anchor Cushion Foundation Pit , namely the freezing method of row piles .

  9. 基坑深度大于5m,一般采用排桩支护结构加一道或二道内支撑的支护型式。

    If the depth of foundation pit is more than five meters , the usual measure is to adapt the displacement pile supports and protects the structure with one or two layers of supports and protects the structure .

  10. s>8d时,门架空间效应也差,联系梁起拉杆作用,前后排桩距的合理范围为4d~8d。

    When s > the space effect of the portal frame is also poor with a tie beam acting as a tie bar . The rational range of the distance between two rows is 4d ~ 8d .

  11. 上海地区排桩围护优化设计研究

    Study on Optimizing Design of Row Pile Supporting Structure in Shanghai

  12. 悬臂排桩支护结构空间变形分析双排悬臂支护桩受力机理分析

    Analysis of the retaining and protection mechanism of double-row cantilever piles

  13. 疏排桩&土钉墙复合结构的应用及数值模拟研究

    Application and Numerical Simulation of Sparse Pile-Soil Nail Wall Retaining Structure

  14. 土钉加排桩复合围护结构的共同作用分析

    Interaction analysis of composite building enclosure of soil nailing and cast-in-pile

  15. 深基坑排桩冻结温度场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on temperature field of freezing piles in deep pits

  16. 排桩预应力锚杆与土体相互作用的研究

    Research on Interaction between the Piles with Pre-stressed Anchor Cables and Soil

  17. 侧向受载排桩的动力试验及非线性分析

    Model tests and nonlinear analysis of arrayed piles under dynamic lateral loading

  18. 排桩支护逆作法在深基坑工程中的应用实践

    Application experience of pillar support inverse practice in deep foundation ditch engineering

  19. 考虑帽梁空间作用排桩支护结构的分析

    Analysis of retaining structure of row piles in spacial interaction of cap-beams

  20. 锚杆和排桩联合支护二级基坑的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis for 2-step Foundation Pit Supported by Anchors and Piles

  21. 单排桩柱墩压杆的计算长度

    Calculated length of compression bar in pile bent column pier

  22. 排桩冻结法在桥梁基础工程中的应用

    Application of Rowed Pile Ground Freezing Method to Construction of Bridge Foundations

  23. 强潮河口排桩式丁坝局部冲刷试验研究

    Test Study on Local Scour around Low Sheet-pile Groins at Strong-tide River Mouth

  24. 排桩内支撑支护结构优化设计方法研究

    Research on optimization design method of the supporting structure in the row piles

  25. 锚拉力对排桩支护结构变形和受力特性的影响

    The anchoring tension influences on piles in row structure deformation and mechanical characteristics

  26. 多排桩屏障远场被动隔振分析

    Analysis of multi-row of piles as barriers for isolating vibration in far field

  27. SPR-1型排桩钻机的研制

    Development of the SPR 1 sheet pile drill rig

  28. 圈梁效应对排桩支护结构性状的影响

    Influence of Ring Beam on Behavior of Retaining Piles

  29. 疏排桩锚-土钉墙组合支护结构稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of scattered row PILE-SOIL-NAILED wall protection structure

  30. 连拱式排桩加单层锚索进行深基坑支护的探讨

    On deep foundation pit support based on multi-arch row piles and monolayer anchor