
  • 网络jetta;VW Jetta
  1. 捷达A2轿车外覆盖件模具匹配调试

    Adjusting and Test of Dies of Jetta A2 Body Outer Panel

  2. 消费者通过名字来辨识汽车,比如马里布(Malibu),科罗拉(Corolla),捷达(Jetta)和蒙迪欧(Fusion)。

    Consumers know cars by names like Malibu , corolla , Jetta and fusion .

  3. MARC软件对捷达轿车连杆起裂过程进行了数值分析,得出了裂解力与J积分的关系曲线。

    MARC . Jetta car 's connecting rod was analyzed . Through analysis , the curve between J integral and splitting force was established .

  4. 为检验有机羧酸型发动机冷却液的性能,对使用该冷却液的捷达CTX型轿车进行了8万km的道路试验。

    In order to validate performance of the organic carboxylic acid engine coolant , 80000-kilometer road tests of a JETTA CTX car which uses this type coolant are done .

  5. 采用DEFORM软件对捷达轿车差速器伞齿轮冷闭塞锻造成形过程进行了计算机仿真。

    The 3 dimentional FEM code DEFORM was successfully applied to simulate the cold closed die forging process of bevel gears used in Jetta car differential .

  6. 75W捷达轿车变速器油的研究

    Study on 75W transmission oil for Jetta

  7. 本田称,电动版飞度在运动模式下的加速性能与燃油车旗鼓相当,比如排量为2.0或以上的大众捷达(VolkswagenJetta)。

    Honda says the acceleration in sport mode is equivalent to a gasoline car like the Volkswagen Jetta with an engine displacement of 2.0 liters or more .

  8. 对捷达轿车车灯上的折光板生产过程进行了CAE分析。分析了产生缩痕、气泡等缺陷的原因,提出了抑制缺陷的方法。

    CAE analysis of the process of injection molding of the refracting plate for JETTA Car was made , the cause for the sink mark and trapped gas of the molded plate was analyzed and the way to avoid the defects was proposed .

  9. 所有捷达前副车架有钢铁,而衍生其他PQ35,它的铝合金制成。

    All Jettas have a steel front subframe , while on other PQ35 derivatives , it 's made of aluminum .

  10. 在对5V捷达电子转速表和温度报警器干扰来源仔细分忻的基础上,介绍了改进措施、改进依据及改进效果。

    Based on the detailed analysis of 5V Jetta electron speedometer and interference source of temperature warner , the measures , basis and effect of reducing electromagnetic interference are introduced in this paper .

  11. 在8000kN框架式液压机上利用该模架进行了捷达轿车差速器半轴齿轮闭塞冷锻工艺试验。

    The developed die-sets were tested in an 8000 kN frame type hydraulic press for the cold forging of Jetta car differential half-axle gears .

  12. 基于“PQ35低成本”的平台,捷达比高尔夫便宜了丰厚利润由1-$1625年,是准确的。

    Based on the " PQ35 Low-Cost " platform , the Jetta is cheaper than the Golf by a strong margin & $ 1625 , to be exact .

  13. 本文概述了捷达王用EA113型发动机配气机构的构造,详述了其拆卸和维修方法。

    The article summarized the structure of the valve train of model EA113 engine used in Jetta , also particularized the methods of teardown and Maintenance .

  14. 介绍了数值模拟技术在发动机研究过程中的重要作用,以捷达前卫发动机为基础,应用GT-POWER软件建立了发动机工作过程模型,通过实验验证了该模型的可靠性。

    In this paper the importance of numerical simulation in the process of engine study was introduced . Based on the Jetta a model of engine was established with the GT-POWER software . The reliability of the model was tested by experiment .

  15. 2014年最佳引擎榜单的其他入选者还包括宝马5系豪华轿车和紧凑型雪佛兰科鲁兹(Cruze)所使用的涡轮增压柴油发动机,保时捷Cayman双座运动跑车的水平对置2.7升6缸发动机以及大众汽车捷达紧凑车的1.8升4缸涡轮增压发动机。

    Other engines cited among 2014 " s best include turbodiesels in the BMW 5 Series luxury sedan and the compact Chevrolet Cruze , the horizontally opposed 2.7-liter six-cylinder in the Porsche Cayman two-seat sports coupe and the 1.8-liter turbo-four in the compact Volkswagen Jetta sedan .

  16. 对捷达5气门与2气门电喷发动机控制系统以及桑塔纳AFE与AJR电喷发动机控制系统的配置、检测方法和功能作了详细对比,并寻求其不同品牌、不同年代产品间的相同点与差异点。

    This paper compares in detail the equipment , test method and function of JETTA 5 valve and 2 valve electronic spray engine control system with those of SANTANA AFE and AJR . The sameness and differences of different brands and types are sought .

  17. 捷达系列轿车中央门锁与防盗系统的检修

    Maintenance of Central Door Lock and Anti-theft System on JETTA Series

  18. 捷达王轿车微机控制点火系统的组成与检修

    Composition and Overhaul of Computer controlled Ignition System on Jetta Car

  19. 捷达车前减振器油封的研制与开发

    Development of Oil Seal in the Front Absorber for Jetta

  20. 捷达与桑塔纳轿车电喷发动机控制系统的比较

    Compare Electronic Spray Engine Control System of JETTA With That of SANTANA

  21. 土壤水分对捷达苜蓿幼苗的影响

    Effect of soil water content on seedling growth of alfalfa

  22. 捷达轿车以液化石油气为燃料的研究

    A Study on Liquid Petroleum Gas Application in Jetta Car

  23. 捷达和高尔夫是大众对其产品漫不经心的最好例证。

    The Jetta and Golf ranges exemplify the product neglect .

  24. 家用轿车性能目标车选择对比试验&高尔夫、捷达、雅特、富康轿车对比试验谈谈我国的家庭车

    The Comparative Test between Family Car and Performance Target Car

  25. 我唯一拥有的一辆德国车是大众捷达柴油车。

    The only German car I owned was a VW Jetta Diesel .

  26. 捷达王轿车采用的是无分电器微机控制点火系统。

    The ignition system used on JETTA is controlled by computer without distributor .

  27. 捷达轿车柴油发动机右后支架压铸模具的设计

    Design on the Die Casting Mould of Bracket of Diesel Motor for Jetta

  28. 捷达轿车后轮毂轴材料及疲劳试验方法的研究

    A Study on Jetta Car Rear Hub Shaft Material and Fatigue Experimental Methods

  29. 你能否给我带个轮胎来。你知道的,是我的那辆捷达车。

    Can you bring a tire along , and you know mine is a Jetta brand .

  30. 它是1998年出的大众捷达。

    It 's a1998 Volkswagen Jetta .