
  • 网络pegged exchange rate
  1. 这些变革中很多就是放弃挂钩汇率,采用更为灵活的汇率制度。

    Many of these changes consisted of the abandonment of a pegged exchange rate in favour of a more flexible exchange regime .

  2. 但美元在最近几周上演回升走势,减轻了马来西亚改变挂钩汇率的压力。

    But the US dollar has staged a comeback in recent weeks , reducing pressure for Malaysia to change the peg .

  3. 专家们认为中国在星期四宣告取消人民币和美元的挂钩汇率制,将可能改变市场景象,而且商业巨头会促进人民币的进一步升值。

    Experts consider China 's Thursday announcement to scrape the yuan 's peg to US dollar probably shifted market mood and business leaders will push for the currency 's continual appreciation .

  4. 它们之所以想改变与美元挂钩的汇率机制,一个重要原因是通胀输入。在美元贬值之后,这已成为中国和海湾合作委员会(GCC)6个成员国面临的一大问题。

    An important reason why they want to change the dollar peg is the threat of imported inflation , which has become a problem in China and the six countries of the Gulf Co-Operation Council ( GCC ) after the dollar 's devaluation .

  5. 正如当年阿根廷放弃与美元挂钩的汇率制时所发现的一样,过渡成本将是高昂的,好处却不确定。

    As Argentina found when it abandoned its peg to the dollar , the transitional costs are huge and the benefits uncertain .

  6. 举例来说,最近有大量迹象表明,阿联酋可能将放弃与美元挂钩的汇率机制。

    There have been a number of signals recently that the dollar peg is about to be dropped , for example , in the United Arab Emirates .

  7. 当然,如果出现这种情况,几乎可以肯定美元汇率将进一步下滑,这将促使其它国家也放弃与美元挂钩的汇率机制。

    Of course , if that were to happen , the dollar would almost certainly fall further and this might induce others to drop their pegs as well .

  8. 去年春季,中国社会科学院高级研究员张斌提出了一次性升值、然后回到与一篮子货币挂钩的汇率建议。

    Last spring , Zhang Bin , a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Science , proposed a one-time appreciation , followed by a return to a pegged exchange rate .

  9. 但是,与美元挂钩的汇率制度迫使香港从美国输入过度宽松的货币政策,导致通胀和房地产价格急剧上升,这是香港居民越来越担忧的地方。

    But by forcing Hong Kong to import ultra-loose monetary policy from the US , the peg is contributing to soaring inflation and property prices , a growing source of concern among city dwellers .

  10. 2005年7月,中国放弃了实行多年的人民币与美元挂钩的汇率制度。但从那以后,人民币兑美元汇率仅上升了6%多一点。

    China dropped its longstanding US dollar peg in July 2005 , but its currency , the renminbi , has only been allowed to appreciate by a little over 6 per cent against the greenback since then .

  11. 美元兑日圆汇率以及兑澳元和加元等与大宗商品挂钩货币的汇率也出现下跌。

    The dollar also fell against the yen and commodity-linked currencies such as the Australian and Canadian dollars .

  12. 与美元挂钩的人民币汇率,其波动已扭曲了该地区的相对价格。

    The swings of the renminbi , pegged to the dollar , have juggled relative prices in the region .

  13. 因此,港元与人民币挂钩的联系汇率制度暂不可行,原因是人民币现时仍未能自由兑换。

    The feasibility of linking the Hong Kong dollar and the RMB under the exchange rate system is temporarily not feasible because the RMB is not yet freely convertible .

  14. 在1997年至1998年的亚洲货币危机期间,其他许多亚洲货币急剧贬值,从而获取竞争优势,而香港维持了与美元挂钩的联系汇率。

    In the Asian currency crisis of 1997 / 98 , Hong Kong retained its peg to the US dollar while many other Asian currencies fell sharply , gaining a competitive advantage .

  15. 分析师表示,未来亚洲的结构性产品更有可能是与股票挂钩、与汇率挂钩、两得存款、双元货币存款的结构性产品,而不是难以理解的不透明产品。

    Instead of difficult-to-understand , opaque products , analysts say structured products in Asia are more likely to pursue equity-linked , currency-linked and dual deposit , dual-currency deposit structures in the future .

  16. 我国1994年以后的汇率机制,在名义上是有管理的浮动汇率制,但实际上却是一种与美元挂钩的固定汇率制度。

    Since 1994 , the exchange rate mechanism in China has been " a floating exchange rate under supervision " in name but a fixed exchange rate connected with US dollar in practice .

  17. 分析师表示,由于人民币的升值和美元的走软导致香港进口产品价格上涨,目前有越来越多的市场人士猜测,香港金管局可能会放弃与美元挂钩的联系汇率机制,或是放宽港元的交易区间。

    Analysts said speculation had been increasing that the HKMA might ditch its peg against the dollar , or allow its currency to trade in a wider band , since a strengthening Chinese renminbi and a weakening US dollar were making the territory 's imports more expensive .

  18. 摘要现行人民币汇率制度是与美元挂钩的固定汇率制度,这种固定汇率制度具有内在的不稳定性,缺乏烫平汇率波动的功能,一定程度上削弱了央行货币政策效力。

    The existing Renminbi exchange rate regime is a fixed exchange rate regime pegged at the US dollar , which is inherently unstable , lacks the function of ironing out exchange rate fluctuations and , to some extent , weakens the effectiveness of the central bank 's monetary policy .

  19. 然而,香港还有机会加冕——鉴于港元与美元挂钩的联系汇率制度,美元持续走高将带动港币走强,拿新加坡元薪酬的高管收入相对减少。

    However Hong Kong could yet take the crown - with the Hong Kong dollar pegged to the US dollar , should the latter continue to rise then the territory 's currency will also strengthen , to the detriment of those paid in Singapore dollars , which , a currency which is closely managed .

  20. 中国的人民币与美元挂钩,而美元汇率今年以来大幅反弹。

    China pegs its currency to the dollar , which has recovered strongly this year .