
  • 网络jesus of nazareth
  1. 拿撒勒的耶稣,我们与你有什么相干?

    What do you want with us , Jesus of Nazareth ?

  2. 拿撒勒的耶稣,犹太人的王,还有谁知道?

    Jesus of Nazareth , King of the Jews Anybody else ?

  3. 你们想让我怎么裁决拿撒勒的耶稣?

    What would you have me do with Jesus the nazarene ?

  4. 拿撒勒的耶稣真的存在吗,他做了什么?

    Did Jesus of Nazareth really exist ? What did he do ?

  5. 基督灵魂最后一次投生是作为加利利(勒斯坦北部一多山地区)卑微的木匠,拿撒勒的耶稣。

    The Christ soul 's last incarnation was as the humble carpenter from Galilee , Jesus of Nazareth .

  6. 拿撒勒的耶稣是神是人,亦或以一种特有的神秘方式兼具神人二性?

    WAS Jesus of Nazareth divine or human , or did he combine both attributes in a unique , mysterious way ?

  7. 每隔一百年,拿撒勒的耶稣就和基督徒的耶稣在黎巴嫩山中的花园里相会。

    Once every hundred years Jesus of Nazareth meets Jesus of the Christian in a garden among the hills of Lebanon .

  8. 拿撒勒的耶稣被洗礼了,并在他的洗礼仪式上接到了救世主的召唤:从撒旦的力量下解放上帝的子民。

    Jesus of Nazareth was baptized and received at his baptism his messianic calling to deliver God 's people from the power of Satan .

  9. 在伊格那丢的书信和《十二使徒遗训》中,耶稣这个天启论先知,这个被称为拿撒勒的耶稣的人他的一小撮追随者,已经取得长足发展。

    So , with Ignatius and with the Didache , we have moved a long way from this tiny little band of followers of a Jewish apocalyptic prophet named Jesus of Nazareth .

  10. 他们作了长谈;每次当拿撒勒的耶稣向基督徒的耶稣道别的时候,他都说:“我的朋友,我恐怕我们两人永远、永远也不会一致。”

    And they talk long ; and each time Jesus of Nazareth goes away saying to Jesus of the Christian ," My friend , I fear we shall never , never agree . "

  11. 他即兴奋,又奇怪,就问别人:“请问,这儿发生什么事情了?”有人告诉他一个难以相信的消息:“拿撒勒的耶稣正经过这里!”

    Confused and excited , he asked , " Please , someone tell me , what 's going on here ? " Someone called out the incredible news : " Jesus of Nazareth is passing by ! "

  12. 有这么一天,他的朋友告诉他一个很让人兴奋的事:“巴底买,你有没有听说过拿撒勒的耶稣,他行了很多神绩呢!”巴底买很有兴趣地听著。

    Those people were like his newspaper ! One day his friends had some very exciting news to tell . " Bartimaeus , have you heard about Jesus of Nazareth and all the miracles He has been doing ? "

  13. 众人说,这是加利利拿撒勒的先知耶稣。

    And the multitude said , This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee .

  14. 今年的圣诞节是庆祝在拿撒勒出生的耶稣2006周年诞辰的节日,耶稣的一生和教理正是基督教立教的根基。

    This year 's Christmas is the2006nd celebration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth , on whose life and teachings the Christian religions are founded .