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zhāo fǔ
  • offer amnesty and enlistment to rebels;(of feudal rulers) offer amnesty and enlistment to rebels
招抚 [zhāo fǔ]
  • [(of feudal rulers) offer amnesty and enlistment to rebels] 招安

  • 招抚荒散

招抚[zhāo fǔ]
  1. 正是因为这些内在因素的存在,才使明朝的招抚政策发挥了有效的作用。

    It was these internal elements which made the policy of Ming Dynasty effective .

  2. 李得仓接受清廷招抚之后,成为地方官员,负有安抚一方百姓的责任。

    After his surrender to the Qing Government , Li De-cang became an official and had responsibilities for the local people .

  3. 奴儿干都司是明朝初年设置于东北黑龙江地区的一个以招抚为主要职能的机构。

    Nurgandos-the provincial garrison in Heilongjian Region in the Ming Dynasty-was set up with the functions of offering amnesty and enlistment to rebels .

  4. 这样,在明朝政府的大力招抚政策背景之下,为了躲避蒙古等族的不断侵扰,女真族开始了长达百年的迁徙活动。

    Thus Under the strong protection by the Ming government policy context , in order to avoid the intrusion of Mongolia and other nationalities , Jurchen began a hundred years of migration activities .

  5. 他们根据黑龙江地区的不同民族,分别采取了联盟、联姻、征服、招抚等不同策略,基本上完成了对黑龙江地区各民族的统一。

    They have adopted such different tactics as alliance , marriage , conquering , employing and comforting separately according to different nationalities of Heilongjiang area , and finished the unity of various nationalities in the area basically .

  6. 郑道传在朝鲜与明朝的接壤地区招抚女真,女真纷纷归附朝鲜,壮大了朝鲜的势力,也因此与明朝产生了矛盾。

    Chuan Zheng Road , North Korea and the Ming Dynasty in bordering areas pacify Jurchen , Jurchen have allegiance to North Korea , the growth of the Korean forces , and thus had a conflict with the Ming Dynasty .