- a book of rubbings

[book of rubbings] 用纸紧覆在碑帖或金石等器物的文字或花纹上,用墨或其他颜色打出其文字、图形来的印刷品。墨色深黑有光的叫乌金拓;淡而匀净的叫蝉衣拓。用朱色打拓的叫朱拓(拓片装订成的本子)
There are rubbings from tablet inscriptions .
Things like silk scarves , stone ? rubbings and paper ? cuts are light , and they make lovely presents .
As the original trail has not existed for a long time , the researchers mostly use the tablet rubbings as their basis .
Besides these , you can try wooden mask printing and the Takbon , as well as tools used by people in the past in the Learning Room .
Based on the colophons of Yan Fu 's cherished rubbings of the Lushan Temple Tablet , this paper examined in a comprehensive way the relation of Yan Fu and Chinese calligraphy .
In this period , a comprehensive collection of the epitaph on the basis of combining the epitaph , rubbing and previous research results , the epitaph of the rhyming words for careful interpretation of textual , dispel false mistakes , choose and follow what is good .