
Previous rules required clients to add assets to their accounts when their collateral ratio dropped below 130 per cent , or else liquidate their positions .
It is more appropriate for china to give the power of determining the margin minimum maintain guarantee proportion to the stock , but it is also necessary to monitor this power .
It is showed that M & A takes place more easily in those companies , which have lower financial performance , higher percentage of non-governmental shares , better management stimulation , and less associated guarantees .
There has also been an increased focus on lending on an unsecured basis , just as HSBC has signalled a shift towards safer , secured credit .
Firstly , it introduces the necessity of legislation and regulation on Creditors ' right investment . Than the author particularly discusses the censor system , evaluation system , insurance system of Creditors right as well as the proportion of Creditors ' rights .
Research on the Ratio of Risk Sharing in SMEs Credit Re-guarantee
Through analyzing the important indexes of the guarantee multiples , the duty ratios , the loan loss rate and so on , the paper finds out the relationship among them and decides the suitable control indexes .
The variance of guarantors in capital source , management model , security percentage , multiplication and rate of security results in difference in performance .
Holding Proportion , Over Guarantee and Tunneling : Evidence from the Guarantee of Chinese Listed Companies to Their Subsidiaries ; The Application of the Proportions of Stockholders and Votes to Accounting Management