
  • 网络Escrow;secured transaction
  1. 担保交易&联手中国银行为您网上交易保驾护航!

    Secured transaction aims to guarantee safe deals on the internet with Bank of China !

  2. 论我国对担保交易制度的采用

    On the Adoption of the Mechanism of Secured Transactions in Our Legal System

  3. 我个人向你担保交易一定会成功。

    And I personally assure you successful , the deal .

  4. 台湾动产担保交易立法之检讨

    Taiwan Self-Criticism on Movables Guarantee Transaction Legislation

  5. 美国动产担保交易法与我国动产担保物权立法这些费用都由国家负担。

    American Secured Transactions Law and Legislation of Security Interests of China ; These expenses are covered by the state .

  6. 信用风险缓释技术是众多信用风险管理方法中的一种,它包括抵押交易、担保交易、信用衍生工具、表内净扣。

    Credit risk mitigation technique is one of the ways to manage credit risk , it includes collateralized transactions , on-balance sheet netting , guarantees and credit derivatives .

  7. 美国动产担保交易法引领着动产担保立法的世界潮流,其中所蕴含的概念和方法已被越来越多的国家作为动产担保法制改革的基础。

    It leads world trend of legislation , which implied in the concepts and methods have been an increasing number of countries as the basis for legal reform movable security .

  8. 分期付款买卖契约说、租赁契约说、货币借贷契约说、动产担保交易说仅从传统契约类型的角度阐释了融资租赁交易的局部特征。

    Contract of payment by instalments , leasing contract , money lending contract and movable estate guarantee contract only respectively deal with partial characteristics of financial leasing from the perspectives of traditional contracts .

  9. 在大陆法系被称为所有权保留买卖的交易形式在美国《统一商法典》中却称为购买价金担保交易,究其原因,在于所持理念的不同。

    It is called reservation of ownership in civil law , but it is called purchase money security transaction in the United States Uniform Commercial Code . The reason is that they hold different concept .

  10. 有关世界性经济组织和金融机构推出的动产担保交易法(示范法),也为大陆法系动产担保制度改革的实施提供了范本。

    And the personal security transaction modle law drafted out by the international economic organization and the finance institution , had provided the modle for the carrying into execution of the reform in the personal security system of the civil law .

  11. 毕竟,用资产担保交易的金融体系,很可能比一个基本上(或者参差不齐地)无担保的金融体系要健康;尤其是如果定期、有纪律地对担保品进行估值的话。

    After all , a financial system in which transactions are secured on assets is likely to be a healthier system than one which is largely or patchily unsecured ; particularly if that collateral is valued in a regular , disciplined basis .

  12. 包括相关定义、适用范围和解释,账户持有人的权利,中介证券的转让,中介持有体系的完善,账户持有人与证券发行人之间的关系以及关于担保交易的特殊规定和最终条款。

    Including definitions , scope of application and interpretation ; rights of the account holder ; transfer of intermediated securities ; integrity of the intermediated holding system ; relationship between account holder and issuers of securities ; special provisions with respect to collateral transactions and final clauses .

  13. 两周以前,德意志银行(DeutscheBank)、瑞银证券(UBS)以及LadderCapital等机构投资者,私下里为瓜分一笔价值220亿美元的商业抵押贷款担保证券交易,而争得难解难分。

    Just last week , institutional investors scrambled to get a piece of a $ 2.2 billion private CMBS deal led by Deutsche Bank ( DB ) with UBS ( UBS ) and ladder capital .

  14. 它也鼓励银行进行有担保的交易,并实行审慎的风险管理。

    It also encouraged the banks to post collateral against deals and practise prudent risk management .

  15. 在房地产泡沫最严重时期,商业抵押贷款担保证券交易的债务服务水平曾一度逼近120%。

    At the height of the real estate bubble , CMBS deals came whizzing through with debt service levels approaching 120 % .

  16. 美国现在计划在抵押担保证券交易中也引入违约罚金制。

    The U.S. now plans to introduce fails charges for mortgage backed securities , which traders say will force fails into other segments of the market .

  17. 即使在银行进行有担保的交易时,担保品的管理和估值任务通常也会交给低层次、低薪的后台员工。

    And even when the banks did make secured transactions , the task of managing and valuing collateral was typically handed to low-level , low-paid back-office staff .

  18. 例如,一个典型的按揭担保证券交易,包括重新包装价值数亿美元的几千笔按揭,而每个贷款人都有不同的信用记录。

    A typical mortgage-backed securities deal , for example , involves repackaging thousands of mortgages worth hundreds of millions of dollars altogether with each borrower having a different credit history .

  19. 投资者很难搞清楚担保支持交易“实际上”位于何处,或者任何结构性资产交易内部“实际上”是什么样的。

    It is hard for investors to work out where the collateral backing deals is " really " sitting , or what " really " lies inside any structured asset deal .

  20. 由于场外期权上不存在像清算公司那样的第三方担保,交易的每一方都暴露在另一方的信用风险下,因此,大多数场外期权实际上都是含有信用风险的。

    As they are not backed by the guarantee of a clearinghouse or an exchange and each counterparty is exposed to the credit risk of the other party , In fact most of them embed the credit risk .

  21. 在银行受到新的资本金要求挤压之际,这种机制将有助于交易员节省为担保其交易而承诺的抵押,并且为伦敦和新加坡之间的无缝衍生品结算打开大门。

    This would help traders save on the amount of collateral pledged against their trades as banks are squeezed by new capital requirements . It would also open the door to seamless derivatives clearing between London and Singapore .

  22. 金融市场的紧张情绪、经济的不确定性、对纸币价值可能会重挫的担心,都使得投资者把目光转向了金币、金条和以黄金为担保的交易所交易基金(ETF)。

    Nervousness in financial markets , economic uncertainty and fears that paper currencies could tumble in value have all drawn investors to gold coins , bars and exchange-traded funds backed by gold .

  23. 包括美国对冲基金qvt在内的该集团是由债券持有者组成的这些债券由迪拜世界提供担保,目前交易价约为面值的55%。

    The group , which includes US hedge fund QVT , is made up of holders of bonds which carry a guarantee from Dubai World and are currently trading around 55 per cent of face value .

  24. 本文将理论分析和实证研究结合起来,分析了我国上市公司大股东攫取控制权收益的原因以及资金占用、担保、关联交易、股利政策、利润操纵等实现途径。

    Combined with theoretical analysis and empirical research , the paper analyses the reason and the means such as occupations of funds , guarantees , related party transactions , dividend policy and manipulation of the profit .

  25. 提出了可获取性和可验证性原则,建立了反映竞买方个人资产、担保和历史交易记录的3大类、9项指标构成的信用评价体系。

    The paper brings up the principles of obtainable character and verifiable character , and sets up credit evaluation system of 3 categories and 9 indexes to reflect personal assets of buyer , sponsion and historical trade record .

  26. 很大程度上,这种差异源于借壳上市公司的控股股东集团对上市公司资金的过度占用,以及源于借壳上市公司的上市模式所引发的违规担保及关联交易等问题。

    To a large extent , it stems from that the controlling shareholders of backdoor listing companies over-occupy the funds of listed companies , and it also stem from the securities breaches and related party transactions caused by the listing model of backdoor listing companies .

  27. 10月初,富国银行(WellsFargo)支付了9亿美元和解金,但这还只是房地美担保的按揭贷款交易。

    In early October , Wells Fargo paid $ 900 million , but that deal only covered mortgages insured by Freddie .

  28. 20世纪70年代以来,银行独立担保在支持各种交易的同时,自身也取得了迅速发展。

    Since the 1970s , the system of Bank Independent Guarantee has supported various kinds of transaction and at the same time gained a rapid self-development .

  29. 它们要求在中国国内注册的外资银行从全球总部获取合约担保,以防范交易违约,然后才同意与之在衍生品市场进行交易。

    They are requiring locally incorporated foreign banks to secure contractual guarantees from their global headquarters to guard against trading defaults before dealing with them in the derivatives market .

  30. 预告登记制度的社会功能与其特定的立法目的、价值取向和所要满足的社会需要存在密切联系,包括担保功能、保障交易安全功能、增进交易效率功能和信息服务功能。

    Social functions of notice registration are closely linked with its certain legislative purpose , value orientation and social needs , including guarantee , transaction security , efficiency promotion and information service .