
  • 网络Grievance Procedure
  1. 我在讲授XSLT时,学生常常抱怨处理程序不工作,而实际上是他们没有正确的复制XSLTURI。

    When I teach XSLT , my students frequently complain that the processor does not work , when , in fact , he or she has not reproduced the XSLT URI exactly .

  2. 例如,当用户抱怨应用程序太慢时,可以检查磁盘操作是否达到了最大容量。

    For example , you might determine that when users complain of application slowness , the disks happen to be operating at maximum capacity .

  3. 什么会使用户对您的应用程序感到满意,或者是什么使他们向您的客户服务团队发送电子邮件,抱怨应用程序有多糟糕?

    What is informing the experience of the users that are either satisfied with your app , or are e-mailing your customer service team griping about how awful the app works ?

  4. 用户把15张废纸扔进垃圾桶时,他在抱怨愚蠢的程序。

    As he throws the 15 wasted sheets of paper in the trash , he growls at the stupid application .

  5. 这两种现象都表明网络或主机性能差,这可能就是您的用户抱怨的应用程序超时的原因。

    Both of these can indicate poor network or host performance , which may be causing the application that your users are complaining about to time out .

  6. 周三安装了新操作系统的iPhone和iPad老用户开始抱怨新地图应用程序错误多多。苹果在新系统中用自己研发的地图取代了谷歌(GoogleInc.)地图。

    Customers who received the new software for older model iPhones and iPads on Wednesday began to complain about its new mapping application , which replaced Google Inc. 's ( GOOG ) software with Apple 's own technology .

  7. 所以下次听到用户抱怨您的应用程序太慢时,不要因为服务器端的监控确保服务器端是良好的就无视这些抱怨。

    The next time you hear of users'complaints that your application is slow , don 't immediately dismiss them because your server-side monitoring arsenal assures you the server side is fine .