
zhé shè dìnɡ lǜ
  • law of refraction
  1. 这一现象与布拉格方程和折射定律所得结果一致。

    This phenomenon coincides with Bragg equation and the law of refraction .

  2. 光的折射定律(Snell定律)演示实验装置

    Demonstration device of the Snell law

  3. 基于数学矩阵、矩阵光学和光学折射定律等理论对AOD激光扫描加工图形算法进行了推导计算,在此基础上建立了DEA控制模型。

    It made the laser scanning geometry to be distorted . The geometry algorithm was deduced and obtained based on mathematics matrix , optical matrix and refraction law of light . The DEA ( DualEnds Approach ) control model was founded based on the geometry algorithm .

  4. 折射定律在中国的早期传播

    The Law of Retraction 's Early Early Stage Propagation in China

  5. 方法采用以几何光学反射定律和折射定律为基础的光路追迹计算方法。

    Methods Ray tracing of geometric optics based on the reflection and refraction laws .

  6. 折射定律与反射定律的推导

    Derivation of the laws of refraction and reflection

  7. 光在任意曲面上的反折射定律

    Reflection and Refraction Law on a Curved Surface

  8. 非常光在各向异性媒质分界面上的反射和折射定律

    Law of reflection and refraction of the extraordinary ray at the interface between anisotropic mediums

  9. 四元数方法表示的反射和折射定律

    Quaternion representation of reflection and refraction laws

  10. 光的传播所遵循的反射定律和折射定律同样适用于声波。

    The laws of retraction and reflection that govern the transmission of light also pertain to sound waves .

  11. 非常光线在各向异性媒质中传播不遵从折射定律,亦无确定的折射率。

    The extraordinary ray neither obeys the refractive law , nor has certain index of refraction in nonisotropic medium .

  12. 根据光的折射定律,将光在晶体表面的折射效果表述为输入、输出折射率矩阵;

    The refraction effects on the crystal surfaces were represented as input and output refraction matrixes based on the Fresnel formulas .

  13. 本文详细分析了线性介质与非线性介质界面任意阶谐波的反射和折射定律;

    The laws of reflection and refraction of harmonic waves at a plane interface between linear and nonlinear media are carefully analysed .

  14. 根据波的折射定律,作者提出了一个描述抛掷漏斗内任意质点抛掷方向的数学模型。

    Based on the refractive law of waves , the author presents a mathematical model describing the ejective direction of any particle in cratering .

  15. 基于光子动量在不同媒质分界面上沿分界面方向守恒原理,制作了光的折射定律演示装置。

    Based on the conservation of photon momentum component parallel to the interface , the demonstration device of refraction law of light is made .

  16. 根据光束传输的能量分配守恒法则和折射定律建立方程组,通过数学软件数值求解方程组,解得非球面矢高表达式。

    The expression of aspheric surface is obtained by solving numerically equations based on law of conservation of energy and refraction law by mathematical software .

  17. 本文对电磁波在介质界面上的反射定律、折射定律和费涅耳公式作以补充证明。

    In this raper we make the complementary prove for reflection and refraction laws , and fresnel formulas of electromagnetic wave on the medium boundary .

  18. 基于计算机视觉的无接触三维测量原理和光的折射定律,提出一种多介质下空间目标视觉测量方法。

    Based on non-contact three-dimensional measuring principle of computer vision and light refraction principle , a new theoretical method of visual measurement in multi-medium was proposed .

  19. 本文根据光的直线传波规律和折射定律,分析了观察水中物体成清晰像的条件。

    This paper , based on the straight-line transmitting law and refraction law of light , analysed the conditions that the image of object in water will be clearly observed .

  20. 根据光的折射定律,提出了用掠入射法简捷、精确地测量液体折射率的方法。

    On the basis of refraction 's law this paper put forward a convenient and accurate scheme of measuring liquid 's index of refraction by a method of glancing incidence .

  21. 因之,除遵循线性声学反射和折射定律的二级近似反射波和折射波外,在其他方向上也有二级近似反射波和折射波。

    Therefore there are reflected wave and refracted wave which propagate in the direction other than , that of waves travelling along the directions according to laws of reflection and refraction in linear acoustics .

  22. 在斜投射时,一般而言,遵循线性声学反射和折射定律的二级近似反射波和折射波的波前上,波的幅度不再保持恒等。

    It is found that the amplitude of second order reflected wave and refracted wave doer not keep constant at the wave front , as these waves obey laws of reflection and refraction in linear acoustics .

  23. 论述了运动介质对电磁波频率、速度和传播方向的影响及在运动介质表面的反射定律和折射定律。

    The effects of the motion of medium on the frequency , velocity and direction of propagation of electromagnetic waves , the laws of reflection and refraction on the boundary surface of a moving medium are discussed .

  24. 使用该装置可演示入射角连续变化,折射角也自动遵循折射定律相应变化。

    This device can demonstrate that the deflection angle changes with the incident angle according to the Snell law .

  25. 最后讨论了e光线的折射公式与e光波法线的折射定律的等价性,从而说明Fermat原理与光的电磁波理论存在内在的一致性。

    The refraction formulas obtained of e rays are proved to related to the law of the refraction of the e wave normals , which shows the Fermat 's principle is intrinsically consistent with the electromagnetic wave theory of light .