
kàng gāo xuè yā yào
  • antihypertensive
抗高血压药[kàng gāo xuè yā yào]
  1. 抗高血压药不良反应及处理对策的研究进展C反应蛋白与高血压左室重构关系的临床探讨

    Adverse Effect of Antihypertensive Drugs and the Related Countermeasures Relationship between C-reactive protein and left ventricular remodeling in patients with essential hypertension

  2. 抗高血压药(antihypertensive)用于治疗高血压。

    Antihypertensive drugs ( antihypertensive ) can be used to treat hypertension .

  3. 几种常用抗高血压药对SHR血压的影响

    Effects of several antihypertensive drugs on blood pressure of SHR

  4. 六种抗高血压药对SHR下丘脑GABA含量的影响

    Effects of six antihypertensive agents on the content of GABA in hypothalamus of SHR

  5. 方法运用药物流行病学的研究方法,对脑出血、CI和MI患者的抗高血压药的药物利用情况进行了横断面调查。

    Methods We investigated the drug utilization of cerebral hemorrhage , cerebral infarction ( CI ) and myocardial infarction ( MI ) patients in the inpatient department in methods of pharmacoepidemiology .

  6. 结果:杭州地区的钙通道拮抗剂的用药金额约占抗高血压药总金额的53.04%,血管紧张素转换酶抑制药约占16.36%,血管紧张素II受体拮抗药约占19.08%。

    RESULTS : The sales volume of calcium channel blocker in Hangzhou has accounted for 53.04 % , ACEI accounted for about 16.36 % and angiotensin n acceptor antagonistic drug accounted for about 19.08 % of the total consumption .

  7. 方法:采用DDD分析法和金额排序法,对广州地区医院2001年~2003年间抗高血压药购入数据进行综合统计分析。

    METHODS : To analyze and sum up antihypertension drug-purchase data in hospitals in Guangzhou during 2001 ~ 2003 by using the methods of DDD analysis and ranking of amount of money .

  8. 报告实验观察尼莫地平与其它抗高血压药对SHRSP血压,中枢及尿儿茶酚胺的影响。

    The influences of nimodipine and other antihypertensive drugs on Bp , brain and urine catecholamine in SHRSP were observed , to investigate the antihypertensive mechanism of nimodipine .

  9. 方法:对2001年~2004年我院抗高血压药的出库数据利用microsoftexcel2000进行统计、分析。结果:抗高血压药用量呈增长趋势,其中90%左右为《国家基本医疗保险药品目录》中的品种;

    METHODS : The consumptions of antihypertensives from 2001 to 2004 were analyzed statistically with Microsoft Excel 2000 . RESULTS : The use of antihypertensives assumed an increased tendency , of which , about 90 % were included in the catalog of the Drugs of National Basic Hospitalization Insurance .

  10. 结果:抗高血压药在西药心血管用药中所占金额最高,中成药在销售额前十五位心血管药物中占金额的60%,钙通道阻滞剂的DDDs最大。

    Results : The anti-hypertension medicine accounts for the amount in the medicine was highest , The chinese medicine was the60 % in the cardiovascular system agents . calcium channel blockers 's DDDs was biggest .

  11. 目的:用抗高血压药尼群地平(Nit)及肼屈嗪(Hyd)研究血压波动性(BPV)的改变与靶器官损伤(TOD)的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between blood pressure variability ( BPV ) and target organs damage ( TOD ) in spontaneously hypertensive rats ( SHR ) by two antihypertensive drugs , nitrendipine ( Nit ) and hydralazine ( Hyd ) .

  12. 我院门诊2004~2007年口服抗高血压药利用分析

    Utilization of Oral Antihypertensive Drugs in Outpatients from 2004 to 2007

  13. 我院门诊抗高血压药应用情况及趋势分析

    Outpatient Use and Tendency of Antihypertensive Drugs in Our Hospital

  14. 综合性医院门诊抗高血压药的药物利用研究

    Drug Utilization of Antihypertensives for Outpatients in a General Hospital

  15. 26种常用抗高血压药有效性与安全性分析及药物经济学研究

    Efficacy , safety analysis and pharmacoeconomics research on 26 kinds of routine antihypertensives

  16. 广东地区抗高血压药应用状况

    Application Situation and Analysis of Antihypertensives in Guangdong District

  17. 抗高血压药的药物利用调查

    Using the theory developed by J. INVESTIGATION Study on the Antihypertensive Drugs Utilization

  18. 某高校医院抗高血压药使用情况分析

    Analysis of Anti-hypertensive Drug Use in A University Hospital

  19. 结论:钙拮抗剂是使用最多的抗高血压药,血压控制较好。

    The calcium antagonist was the medicine commonly used .

  20. 抗高血压药改善胰岛素抵抗的药理研究

    Pharmacological studies of antihypertensive drugs on improving insulin resistance

  21. 2004年杭州地区抗高血压药用药分析

    Analysis of antihypertensive drugs used in Hangzhou in 2004

  22. 皮质醇增多症所致高血压诊断与治疗2007年我院门诊抗高血压药应用分析

    Analysis of the Application of Anti-hypertension Drugs In 2007 in our hospital out-patient

  23. 并根据抗高血压药复方卡托普利片的血药浓度给出了灰色药物动力模型。

    And gave the grey pharmacokinetics model according to blood concentration of compounded Captopril .

  24. 抗高血压药应用现状及评价

    Current Situation and Evaluation of Application of Antihypertensives

  25. 前言:目的:为广大全科医师合理应用抗高血压药提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To present the rational use of antihypertensives for general practitioners reference .

  26. 北京地区43家医院2005~2007年口服抗高血压药利用分析

    Utilization of Oral Antihypertensive Drugs in 43 Hospitals of Beijing During 2005 ~ 2007

  27. 2005~2007年我院抗高血压药利用分析

    Analysis of the utilization of antihypertensive drugs in our hospital in 2005 ~ 2007

  28. 结论:我院抗高血压药的使用结构基本合理;

    CONCLUSION : The utilization structure of antihypertensives in our hospital is basically reasonable .

  29. 新抗高血压药&血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻断剂缬沙坦的研究

    New antihypertensive drug angiotensin ⅱ receptor antagonist

  30. 抗高血压药与血小板游离钙

    Antihypertensive drugs and platelets ionized calcium