
  • 网络investment goods
  1. 另一个是投资品的价格一直在降低;

    another is that investment goods are becoming cheaper all the time ;

  2. 其他测试则考察经济中投资品的重要性。

    Other tests look at the importance of investment goods in the economy .

  3. 上证综指(shanghaicompositeindex),一种名副其实的投资品,它的表现就要逊色许多。

    The Shanghai Composite Index , something you can invest in , has a much weaker record .

  4. 温伯格表示,对全球经济增长前景的信心日益增强,致使黄金作为一种“保险”投资品的吸引力下降,因此etf增持出现停滞,同时经济危机又在削减首饰需求。

    Mr Weinberg said growing confidence in the outlook for global growth had made gold less attractive as an " insurance " for investors so ETF inflows had stagnated while the economic crisis was hurting jewellery demand .

  5. 巴克莱银行(Barclays)私人财富管理部门的一份报告显示,中国的高值人群将他们17%的财富都投入到此类投资品上,而美国与英国的富裕阶层投入的资产比例分别只有9%和7%。

    According to a report by the private-wealth division at Barclays , China 's high-net-worth individuals put 17 percent of their wealth in these type of investments , compared to 9 percent of America 's rich and only 7 percent of the British wealthy .

  6. 奢侈品被称为“投资品”自然有其理由。不论是22000美元一件的普罗恩萨o施罗(ProenzaSchouler)手提包,还是9000美元一件的拉夫o劳伦(RalphLauren)裙子,奢侈品的本意是终生保值。

    There 's a reason they call them " investment pieces . " At $ 22000 for a Proenza Schouler tote or $ 9000 for aRalph Lauren dress , luxury goods are meant to last a lifetime and hold their value .

  7. 信用债是固定收益投资品中首选的资产类别。

    Within fixed income , credit is the preferred asset class .

  8. 结论是资本在投资品生产部门的分配比例越高,经济增长越快;

    The more the investment distribution , the higher the economic growth rate ;

  9. 这压低了后者的收益率,使投资者转向风险更高的替代投资品。

    This lowers long-term yields and chases investors into riskier , alternative investments .

  10. 一个不容忽视的事实是,黄金根本就不是投资品。

    The inconvenient truth is that gold is not really an investment at all .

  11. 另一个重要因素,是投资品价格相对消费品价格不断降低。

    Another important factor was the falling price of investment goods relative to consumption goods .

  12. 房地产宏观调控政策要充分考虑其投资品性质

    The Nature of Investment Should be Taken Full Account in Making Macro-Control Policies for Real Estate

  13. 房地产作为一种风险资产,兼具投资品与消费品的双重属性。

    As a risky asset , real estate has the double attributes of depreciation and consumer goods .

  14. 和其它投资品不同,房地产具有特殊的二重性,即既具有投资属性,又兼具耐用消费属性。

    Different from other Investment goods , the real estate has dualities which are invested and consumption .

  15. 房地产是一种特殊的资产,它具有消费品和投资品的双重特性。

    Real estate is a kind of special asset , it has dual properties of consumption and investment .

  16. 这些机构让这些投资品大部分以按面值或100美分标价。

    These institutions have these investments marked at PAR or100 cents on the dollar for the most part .

  17. 黄金是一种良好投资品的信念也刺激了金币和金条的销售。

    Belief that gold is a good investment is also spurring the sales of gold coins and gold bars .

  18. 市场对风险较大的投资品缺乏兴趣可以明显地从资金再一次大量逃离美国股票型基金看出。

    The lack of interest for riskier investments is perhaps most clear in the renewed exodus of money from U.

  19. 房地产产品除了具有一般产品的使用价值之外,还具有一定的投资品属性。

    In addition to the value-in-use of general products , the Real Estate has some attribute of investment properties .

  20. 中国的买家往往青睐另类投资品,以前是玉石和国产白酒,现在则是邮票。

    Chinese buyers tend to like alternative investments , from art to jade to homegrown liquors & and now stamps .

  21. 如果奇点正在来临,人们或许可以预计的是,投资品会变得非常廉价并决定着经济产出。

    If the singularity is approaching , one might expect them to become very cheap and to dominate economic output .

  22. 房地产是一种重要的实物资产,它不仅是生活必需品还是一种投资品。

    Real estate is an important physical asset , it is not only a necessity but also an investment product .

  23. 如果该投资品的实际价格下跌至预定价格或执行价格以下,则投资者能够获利。

    If the actual price of the thing falls below the set price , or strike price , you make money .

  24. 虫草也是几种少见的投资品和收藏品之一。受中国投资者在非传统市场上从事的投机活动的推动,虫草的价格正在上升。

    The fungus is among several unusual commodities and collectibles whose prices are climbing as Chinese investors speculate in nontraditional markets .

  25. 但现在的情况是,铂金不能作为货币,黄金多出的货币功能就使得其更适合作为投资品。

    But the truth is the rarer platinum cannot be traded as currency and gold 's currency feature makes it become investable .

  26. 作为一种消费品由市场供给与有效需求共同决定;作为一种投资品,升值预期与市场风险主宰其供求关系。

    As a consumer goods determined by market supply and effective demand ; as investment product determined by anticipation and the market risk .

  27. 相对于其他行业而言,房地产业因为兼具有消费品和投资品的双重性质而具有一定的特殊性。

    Relatively to the other industries , the estate industry has its particularity , that is , it has a dualism reflects consumable and asset .

  28. 作为投资品,投资者可以通过房地产投资来实现保值增值并获得投资收益;作为耐用消费品,居民可以通过购房行为来满足其住房消费需求。

    The investor could achieve hedging and values added through invest the real estate . Residents can meet the demand for housing consumption through buying house .

  29. 作为一种投资品,黄金本身不能创造价值,它的吸引力仅仅来自于其本身价值的上升或者至少保持当前的价值。

    As an investment that does not produce income , its attraction lies solely in the hope that its value will rise or at least be maintained .

  30. 房地产是居民家庭财富不可或缺的重要组成部分,房地产市场是国民经济的支柱产业,房地产不仅是一种商品,也是一种投资品。

    The real estate is an indispensable part of the national economy and household wealth , it is not only a commodity , but also an investment product .