
  1. 非常为显然而易见、也颇有争议的一项措施是,取得联邦救助资金的企业今天在雇佣必须申请H-1B签证的外籍高技能人员之前就面临着额外的障碍。

    In the most visible and controversial move , companies receiving federal bailout money now face extra hurdles before they can hire highly skilled guest workers on an H-1B visa .

  2. 陕西制造业高级技能人员人力资本开发研究

    Study on Exploiting the Human Capital of Personnel with High Technical Ability

  3. 入世与高级技能人员的开发

    Joining the WTO and Senior Skilled Worker

  4. 第五章是技能人员薪酬方案的实施效果评价。

    The fifth chapter is evaluation of the implementation of compensation programs of skilled personnel .

  5. 探讨了建立企业职业化人力资源素质模型的原理、方法及步骤,并试图创立两种职业化人力资源素质模型&管理人员和技能人员的素质模型来说明其可行性。

    Reconstructing theory of human resource management according to professionalization human resource competency model in enterprise .

  6. 论我国高级技能人员的开发

    High Skills of Our Staff Development

  7. 第四章是技能人员薪酬体系的优化设计,并分析其优势。

    The fourth chapter is to optimize the payment system of skilled personnel , and analyzing its advantages .

  8. 论文的核心在于,建立一个满足企业发展战略要求、适应岗位要求并且富有激励性的技术技能人员培训体系。

    The thesis core is establishing a prompting training system with fulfilling the strategic object requirement and adapting to the job requirement .

  9. 质量保证体系的所有组成部分必须配备充足的技能人员、合适的设施、仪器和设备。

    All parts of the Quality Assurance system should be adequately resourced with competent personnel , and suitable and sufficient premises , equipment and facilities .

  10. 本文分析了广东省各类专业技术人才基本情况,揭示出其发展的瓶颈因素,这些因素包括人才结构性短缺较为突出、技能人员重视与储备不足、中等职业技能人才尤其短缺等。

    It reveals the development bottleneck factors , these factors include the structural shortage of talent , skill workers more prominent attention and inadequate reserves , especially secondary occupation skill talent shortage .

  11. 由于从业人员和企业之间的知识溢出提高了效率,服务行业的企业特别是那些雇佣高技能人员的企业从彼此位置邻近中获益最大。

    Service sector companies , especially those employing highly skilled workers , gain most from locating close to each other , as knowledge spill-overs between workers and companies make them more effective .

  12. 企业应在利用价值工程、差异化策略、管理控制、工艺改进、发挥专业技能人员的作用等方面作出努力,以期降低设计成本或至少达到设计成本,以获得期望的企业经济效益。

    Enterprises should make efforts to take advantage of value project , differential decision , administrative control , technology improvement , and experts in order to reduce the design cost and to obtain the expectable economic benefits .

  13. 他们将所有劳动力划分为高级技能人员、中级技能人员和低级技能人员,他们指出全球范围而言就业市场对技能最高、教育程度也最高的人员(工程师、特殊技能工厂工人等)的需求相对比较强。

    Dividing the workforce into high , medium and lower-skill workers , they note that around the world , demand for the most skilled and educated - from engineers to specialized factory workers - has been relatively strong .

  14. 高级技能人员不足是延缓陕西省工业化进程的重要因素,其中涉及到观念、管理制度、人才开发、激励机制及技能评价等多方面原因。

    The shortage of personnel with high technical ability , caused by the concept , system of management , encouragement mechanism and technical comments and so on , is an important factor to postpone industrialized progress of Shan'xi .

  15. 随着经济的全球化,国际制造业巨头纷纷将生产基地迁往我国,在这种经济形势下,我们迫切需要大批高级技能人员来促进制造业的发展。

    Along with economic globalization , the international manufacturing has to be relocated to our production base in this economic situation , we urgently need a large number of senior staff skills to promote the development of manufacturing industry .

  16. 重点强调钻井设计要根据井下已经变化了的情况进行跟踪修改(或工程再设计),井身结构、堵漏治漏以及强化专职技能人员队伍等。

    Following the changed downhole situation to alter the drilling design ( or to re design the engineering ), casing program and lost circulation controlling and handling measures as well as to strengthen the contingent of full time skilled personnel are emphasized .

  17. 并且,随着公司搬迁到龙泉,公司已经没有地域竞争优势;此外,由于竞争的加剧,国内已形成技能人员的用工荒。基于以上原因,企业面临大量骨干力量流失的风险。

    And , the company has no geographical competitive advantages as it moved to Longquan . In addition , domestic skilled personnel has become a " labor shortage " . For these reasons , a large number of the backbone of the company have being lost .

  18. 专家是指在某一领域具有专业知识或技能的人员。专家搜索是帮助用户在企业网内部和Web环境下寻找专家的检索方法。

    Expert search aims to help a user to access those experts on some specific topic with specific knowledge and techniques in intranet and Web .

  19. 服务所有者在SOACOE中具有专业技能的人员的帮助下,在设计和开发服务过程中投入适当的资源。

    The service owner engages the proper resources in designing and developing the service with the help of those with specialized skills in the SOA COE.

  20. 将会越来越需要同时具有这两方面技能的人员。

    Individuals with both skills will be in increasing demand .

  21. 在灾难恢复实现期间,可能找不到具备这种技能的人员。

    This level of expertise may not be available during a disaster recovery implementation .

  22. 通常由IT部门的个人或具有编写软件所需的足够技术技能的人员担任此角色。

    This is usually an individual from the IT department or someone with sufficient technical skills to write software .

  23. 客户是否可以提供需要用以支持项目的技能和人员钟点类型?

    Can the customer provide the kind of skills and personnel hours that will be needed to support the project ?

  24. 前项申请项目技能检定人员,同一梯次以申请一职类为限。

    The previous paragraph personnel applying for skills certification for designated examinees should apply for only one trade at one time .

  25. 所有这些步骤都需要应用程序开发人员、门户管理员和具有必要业务领域技能的人员积极参与。

    All these steps need active involvement of application developers , portal administrators , and the people with the necessary business domain skills .

  26. 国防教育教员应当从热爱国防教育事业、具有基本的国防知识和必要的军事技能的人员中选拔。

    The teachers of national defense education shall be selected from those who love the national defense education cause , have basic national defense knowledge and necessary military skills .

  27. 没有谁什么都知道,所以依靠其他想法不同、掌握你可能不具备的技能的人员,对于在高级管理层里面成功与否就变得至关重要。

    No one can know it all , so having others who think differently and possess skills you may not have become critical to being successful in senior management .

  28. 提到对高质量技能研发人员聘请的关注,政府已经宣布为英国工业准备单独培养有技能的科学家和工程师。

    To address concerns about the quality and supply of skilled researchers , the Government has also announced an independent study into the provision of skilled scientists and engineers to British industry .

  29. 知识作为基本生产要素之一,随着知识经济的兴起,越来越受到重视,具备专业知识和技能的人员已成为企业最核心的竞争力。

    As one of the basic factors of production , knowledge has receiving more and more attention with the coming of an era of the knowledge-based economy , expertise and skilled personnel has become the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  30. 因此,这对于只有基本XML编程技能的开发人员来说是一个极具吸引力的选择。

    That makes this option extremely attractive to developers with only rudimentary XML programming skills .