
  1. 在对技术并购中的风险分布进行整体分析后,有针对性的分析三种模式各自的风险关键点分布。

    Then it analyses respective key points of three modes risk .

  2. 基于解释结构模型的企业技术并购协同效应影响因素分析

    Research on Factors Influencing Technology-Based Mergers and Acquisitions Synergy

  3. 企业技术并购协同效应影响因素分析

    Research on Factors Influencing Technology Mergers and Acquisitions Synergy

  4. 基于模糊积分的技术并购对象选择模型研究

    Study on the Target Selection Model for Technology M & A Based on Fuzzy Integral

  5. 中国上市企业技术并购模式及并购绩效的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Performance and Research on Modes of Technological M & A of Chinese Public Companies

  6. 跨国技术并购与辽宁省装备制造业竞争力提升

    On international technological mergers & acquisitions and improvement of competitiveness of equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province

  7. 如何对技术并购后的企业进行整合管理,已成为理论界和企业界的一个重要研究课题。

    Technology M & A integration has become an important research issue in theory field and social field .

  8. 银行家们表示,科技行业日新月异的变化推动了技术并购。

    Bankers said that technology mergers were being driven by the accelerating pace of change in the industry .

  9. 基于专利组合分析的技术并购对象甑选研究&美国生物制药技术型企业的实证

    Targeting of Technological Acquisitions based on the Patent Portfolio Analysis & An Empirical Study on American Bio-Pharmaceutical Technological Enterprises

  10. 跨国技术并购获利效应主要从扩散效应、协同效应、整合效应、套利效应等几个方面进行分析。

    Transnational technology M & A is mainly analyzed from profit-proliferation effect , synergy effect , integrated effect , arbitrage effect and so on .

  11. 然而,理论界对技术并购整合规律认识仍不够全面,没有从知识与技术能力的角度来分析研究并购整合的相关问题。

    However , scholars who devote to theory have not adequately understanding on its rule and have not studied it from the relationship of knowledge and technology ability .

  12. 因此,技术并购作为一种有效获取技术能力的企业经济行为,不仅受到国内外学术界的普遍关注,而且引起了不少企业的极大兴趣。

    As effective enterprise economic activities gaining technology ability , technology-motivated acquisition not only attracts the widespread attention of the domestic and foreign academia , but also causes great interest of enterprises .

  13. 在以知识经济为核心的新一轮经济浪潮中,资本市场高度发达,这都使得高科技企业可以以资本为纽带,通过技术并购策略来实现高速增长。

    In the new round of economic tides taking new knowledge economy as the core , which the capital market is highly developed . By the means of technology-motivated acquisition , high-tech enterprise can grow with a top speed .

  14. 论文将知识作为企业生存和发展的最重要的因素,将企业等同于知识平台,企业的技术并购整合视同两个企业知识平台的整合及优化。

    This article takes knowledge as the most important factor which influences the existence and development of the enterprise . It equates the enterprise with knowledge platform , technology M & A with integration and optimization of two technology platforms .

  15. 论文揭示企业技术并购通过获取并转化并购对象的成长力,取得特殊的规模,以低成本、低风险实现技术进化和发展轨道变迁获利的机理;

    The paper reveals the growth drive obtained through the tech merger of enterprises to land an outstanding position with acquisition and transformation of foreign tech for profitable mechanism by tech innovation , integration , accessibility and usability in lower cost and risk ;

  16. 技术并购活动对主并企业技术进步指数有明显的提升作用,尤其完善升级型技术并购对主并企业技术进步指数的提升作用最明显。

    The main factors influencing the performance of the acquiring corporation are analyzed . Technology M A activity has obviously promoted the enterprise technology progress index ; especially the function of perfecting the promotion of technology M A to the enterprise technological progress index is most obvious .

  17. 基于企业技术的并购研究

    A Study of Technology Merger of Enterprises

  18. 物理学与信息获取技术技术并购与浙江省高科技企业的战略发展研究

    Technology - Motivated Acquisition and High - Tech Enterprise of Zhejiang Province for Strategic Development

  19. 除了获取技术,并购还能够为企业带来品牌等市场资源。

    In addition to technology , M & A can also bring the market-related resource such as brand .

  20. 其次,运用模糊数学的理论和方法以及VaR风险管理技术对企业并购的定价风险进行度量。

    Secondly we used fuzzy mathematics theory and technology of VaR to calculate the risk of evaluation in M & A.

  21. 我相信,这将使移动互联网和广告技术领域的并购数量在2014年大幅上升。

    I believe this will result in a spike in more mobile and Adtech M & A in 2014 .

  22. 据不完全统计,在我国高新技术企业资产并购与重组活动中,有近一半的资产并购行为证明是失败的。

    According to incomplete statistics , there are nearly half of the assets of merger and acquisition behavior is failed in the activity of it for high-tech enterprises .

  23. 这些研究不仅丰富了我国高技术企业技术并购的研究视角,而且扩展了我国高技术企业战略导向与技术升级的关系研究。

    These studies not only enrich the study perspective of high technology enterprises ' technology M & A , but also expand the relationship study between high technology enterprise strategic orientation and the technology upgrades .

  24. 通过技术整合,并购企业可以有效地获得目标企业的技术要素,产生技术协同效应,快速提高企业的研发能力和生产制造能力。

    Through technology integration , the enterprises can obtain technology element of goal enterprises effectively , produce the technological cooperative effect , improve the research and development ability of enterprises and manufacturing capacity of production fast .

  25. 第九章从期权价值的角度分析了企业并购的价值问题,改进了传统的分析技术无法对并购所产生的有价值的期权进行定价的问题。

    By introducing option theory into the analysis of MA problem , we discuss the value of mergers and acquisitions to a company . This method improves the traditional analytical technique which cannot price the option value created by MA transaction .

  26. 在研究过程中,本文试图运用价值评估技术,在并购决策中确立一套较为完整的价值分析方法,以使决策者有效的判断并购能否创造价值,从而作出正确的并购决策。

    In the course of research , the author tries to establish a set of value analytical methods by using valuation technique , so that decision-makers may judge effectively whether M A would create value , and further make correct M A decision .

  27. 对于技术获取型海外并购来说,其面临最大的挑战是技术整合。

    For the technology sourcing overseas M & A , the biggest challenge is technology integration .

  28. 技术外溢主要与并购企业自身的发展状况和对技术的吸收能力有关。总之,不能仅仅从跨国公司的进入模式来判断其对东道国技术进步的作用。

    Technology spillover effect are related to the development of M & As enterprises and the absorption capacity .

  29. 最后,通过理论机理、仿真实验和实证检验的结合,给出了本文对于中国企业进行技术获取型海外并购的总结性启示建议。

    By summarizing and analyzing the theoretical mechanisms , simulation experiments and empirical tests , the article finally proposes enlightening advises for Chinese enterprises .

  30. 技术进步能否推动并购重组,并购重组反过来能否对中国企业的技术进步起到积极作用成为并购界的热点问题。

    Whether or nor can technology improve M A , in turn , can M A play a positive role to technical progress is becoming a hot issues .