
  • 网络technology exportation;technology export
  1. 美国贸易的互补性强于竞争性,美对华技术出口的严格管制加剧了对华贸易逆差和对中国经济的负面影响。

    For American trade , the complementarity is stronger than the competitiveness , its strict control of technology exportation to Chinese aggravate the mischief of Chinese trade deficit and Chinese economy .

  2. 来自荷兰的欧洲议会议员(MEP)马利耶特捷•沙克(MarietjeSchaake)一直为加强对监控技术出口的控制展开活动。他表示:“欧盟必须确保言行一致。”

    Marietje Schaake , a Dutch MEP who has campaigned for better export controls on surveillance technology , says : " We in the EU must ensure we practise what we preach . "

  3. 我国技术出口贸易的价格形成机制探讨

    Inquiring Into the Mechanism of Price Forming of China 's Technology Export

  4. 首钢的技术出口及其策略初探

    Technology Export of the Capital Iron and Steel Complex and Its Strategy

  5. 中国洁净煤技术出口的战略选择

    Strategic Slection of China 's Clean Coal Technology Trade with Foreign Partners

  6. 高技术出口产品与对外贸易

    What High-Technology Industries Mean for Foreign Trade Product Overview

  7. 浅析印度的技术出口、技术发展及其政策影响

    Indian Technology Exports , Technological Development and Policy Effects

  8. 中国杂交水稻技术出口战略研究

    Studies on Exporting Strategy of Chinese Hybrid Rice Technology

  9. 技术出口贸易中政策因素的作用分析

    Analysis on the Consequence of Technology Export Policy

  10. 在清单的控制范围方面,我们的《核出口管制清单》与《核两用品及相关技术出口管制清单》覆盖了?

    Export controls in nuclear , biological , chemical , missile and other fields .

  11. 成套技术出口工程项目设计经理职能探讨

    Probe on Function of Design Manager of Export Project of Complete Set of Technology

  12. 英方企业在对华高技术出口方面仍受一些限制等。

    British companies are still subject to certain restrictions in high-tech export to China .

  13. 关于技术出口的若干问题

    Some Problems relating to the Technique Export

  14. 3中东是我国商品和技术出口的潜在大市场;

    The Middle East is a potential big market for Chinese commodity and technology exports ;

  15. 放松对华技术出口限制问题。

    Third , the issue of relaxation of the restriction over technology export to China .

  16. 美日对华高技术出口政策的国际关系分析

    U.S.A.and Japan 's High-tech Export Policy to China & the Analyses of Its International Relations Causes

  17. 技术出口管制,表面上看是一个经济问题,实质上是一个政治问题、安全问题。

    Technology export control which seems like an economic issue is actually a political and security issue .

  18. 该机构说,中国在获得有关敏感技术出口信息方面基本依赖西方情报机构。

    The group says China now relies largely on tips from Western intelligence agencies about exports of sensitive technology .

  19. 它是中国政府众多核技术出口的建筑之一。

    Its construction is a broader plan by Chinese authorities to export more of China 's nuclear technology abroad .

  20. 所以,研究美国对华技术出口管制制度无论是在经济上或者是在政治上都具有重要的意义。

    So , the research on the policy of the US technology export control is significant either economic or political .

  21. 第五条:国家对核两用品及相关技术出口实行许可证管理制度。

    Article V : The state implements the system of licensing the export of dual-purpose nuclear goods and correlated technologies .

  22. 这种互补关系不应遭受在贸易政策如技术出口限制上过度的干涉。

    Such complementary relationship should not be subject to undue harsh interference with trade policies such as export restrictions of technology .

  23. 第六条核两用品及相关技术出口的许可,应当遵循下列准则。

    Article VI The licensing of the export of dual-purpose nuclear goods and correlated technologies shall abide by the following guidelines .

  24. 坚定维护自身主权、安全和发展利益。字节跳动表示,公司已按照中国的技术出口要求,向北京市商务主管部门申请了许可证。

    Bytedance says it has applied for a license with the Beijing commerce authority in line with China 's tech export requirements .

  25. 美国是世界技术出口最多的国家,它的技术出口管制度是最完备,也最严厉的。

    U.S.A does the most export in the world , its law institutions of the export control is nearly perfect but strict .

  26. 为了验证模型的合理性,从总量和行业分布结构两个方面对科技实力与技术出口的相关性进行了实证研究。

    To verify the model , empirical studies are applied to both the total amount and industrial structure of STC and technology export .

  27. 冷战结束后,由于中美战略关系上的变化,技术出口管制问题越来越成为两国关系中的敏感区域。

    After the Cold War , because of the changes of Sino-US strategic relations , technology export controls have been more and more sensitive .

  28. 由于中国目前的战略是,以减少与美国摩擦,它不可能将导弹技术出口到古巴。

    Since China 's current strategy is to reduce friction with the United States , it is unlikely to export missile technologies to Cuba .

  29. 美国非营利的研究机构兰德公司说,中国缺乏控制可能用于生产大规模杀伤性武器敏感技术出口的能力。

    U.s.non-profit research group Rand Corporation says China lacks the ability to control exports of sensitive technology that could be used in weapons of mass destruction .

  30. 同时,我们也希望美国承认中国市场经济国家地位,解除对中国高新技术出口的限制。

    At the same time , we hope the US will recognize china 's market economy status , and lift its export restrictions on high-tech products .