
jì shù jué dìnɡ lùn
  • Determinism of technology;theory of technological determination
  1. 本文评价了STS的几种哲学纲领:科学主义、技术决定论、社会决定论、人本主义、后现代主义。

    There are some programs of Scientism , Technical determinism , Social determinism , Humanism , Criticism , Post modernism .

  2. 已有研究从技术决定论的视角出发,认为有机化是网络NGO发展的一种应然趋势。

    The existed research considers that organification is a genuine developmental trend of cyber grassroots organizations from the vision of Techno-Determinism .

  3. 这与技术决定论的非辩证思维是根本对立的。

    The technological determinist , however , is the opposite of dialectical $

  4. 信息技术决定论:从信息社会到信息主义

    IT Determinism : from " Information Society " to " Informationalism "

  5. 我们不能重蹈媒介技术决定论的覆辙。

    We can not repeat the mistakes of the media of technological determinism .

  6. 这一差异符合莱文森对硬技术决定论与软技术决定论的划分。

    The difference between the hard technological determinism and soft technological determinism comes from Paul Levinson .

  7. 对技术决定论的批判和社会建构论的兴起;

    Social constructivism of technology ;

  8. 目前存在两种解决问题的理论依据,即技术决定论和社会建构论。

    Currently there are two theoretical basis to solve the problem , namely , technological determinism and social constructivism .

  9. 我们力图通过人的具体实践在技术决定论与社会决定论之间寻找另一种中间路径。

    Through " the practice of people ", we tried to find a middle path between technological determinism and sociological determinism .

  10. 广义上,技术决定论指技术发展与社会发展之间关系存在状态的思想理论形态;

    In a broad sense , technological determinism is an ideal theoretical formation which portraits the connection between technological development and social development .

  11. 技术决定论与社会建构论:从分立到耦合变频器的干扰途径主要有电磁辐射、导、应耦合。

    Technological Determinism and Social Constructivism : From Schism Towards Coupling ; Its interference way covers mainly electric magnetic radiation , conduction and induction coupling .

  12. 如果只是依靠技术决定论去解决,我们会发现在处理具体的问题上,技术决定论是有很大优势的。

    If you just rely on technological determinism to solve , we will find in dealing with specific issues , technological determinism is a big advantage .

  13. 最后,依据技术决定论与社会建构论的融合理论,对当今中国水产养殖业生态问题,提出具体解决对策。

    Finally , based on the integration theory of technological determinism and social constructivism , the aquaculture ecological problems , in China today would be solved .

  14. 在对技术决定论和制度决定论进行简单回顾和分析的基础上,提出了技术与制度之间关系的新解释。

    Based on the analysis and retrospection of technology determinism and system determinism , this paper puts forward a new explanation of the relationship between technology and system .

  15. 文章从清理既有的批评入手,重点围绕有关技术决定论的指责,就技术的性质及其与社会的关系问题,提出自己的看法,总结媒介形态理论的主要缺陷和贡献。

    Based on discussions above , this paper analysis the limitation and contribution of Medium Theory , which centers on the problem of the relationship between technology and society .

  16. 首先,以技术决定论中的埃吕尔和法兰克福学派的理论为代表,澄明它的理论缺陷,并表明技术决定论的本质及其与媒介决定论的差异。

    Firstly , clarify the theoretical error of the technological determinism which are represented by Jacques Ellul and Frankfurt School , and indicates the differences between technological determinism and media determinism .

  17. 社会建构论抛开技术决定论主张技术至上的观点,把研究视角聚焦于影响技术发展的社会因素,从而有效地解决技术性贸易壁垒问题。

    Social constructivism of technological determinism aside assumptions of autonomous technology , the research perspective focused on social factors affecting technology development , so as to effectively solve technical trade barriers .

  18. 由此得出技术决定论和社会建构论分别是从技术和社会两个层面去研究问题,并非完全对立,二者各有所长,相辅相成。

    The resulting technological determinism and social constructivism but two aspects from the technical and social issues to study , not all opposition , both have their own strengths , complement each other .

  19. 关于技术决定论的定义一直存在分歧,马克思的技术哲学思想与技术决定论的关系也倍受争论。

    There are always some divergences on the definition of technological determinism and also , there are many disputes on the relation between Marx 's thought on philosophy of technology and technological determinism .

  20. 在理论上的一种立场是技术决定论,认为社会的最终决定因素是技术,技术不仅决定人的行为、思维方式和社会的存在和发展,而且决定社会的意识形态。

    They believe the ultimate determination factor is technology . Technology not only determines human beings ' behavior , ways of thinking , the existence and development of society , but also determines the social ideology .

  21. 从传统经济学的资源禀赋决定论和技术决定论,到新制度经济学的制度决定论;从斯密到索洛,再到诺斯,分别论述了经济增长源泉问题的某一个方面。

    From resources endowment approach and technology approach in traditional economics to institutional approach in new institutional economics , and from Smith , Solow to North , a particular aspect of the issue is expounded respectively .

  22. 分立是技术决定论与社会建构论的现实关系,其突出特征是,在技术与社会关系问题上二者各说各话甚至彼此指责、批判。

    The real relationship between TD and SC is in schism and its prominent characteristic in schism is that TD and SC talk separately on the relationship between technology and society , even rebuke and animadvert each other .

  23. 社会建构论与技术决定论的观点截然相反,认为社会是一种独立因素或自主力量,社会变革是技术变迁的重要因素和主导力量,对技术发展起着决定性作用。

    Social constructivism has the opposite point of view . The society is a factor independent or autonomous power . Social change is an important factor in changes technology and the leading force for technological development plays a decisive role .

  24. 在研究中力避单纯从媒介出发的技术决定论。第二,研究媒介域下的文学后果,媒介的偏向性,即不同媒介影响力的差异性和文学呈现的历史性。

    The author attempts to avoid technology determinism starting off from the media . Second , the text studies literature aftermath in the media field and the deflection of the media , which are differentiation of different media influences 、 historic nature literature presents .

  25. 认为市场需求创造分析的实质是笃信技术决定论,即企图凭借飞速发展的信息技术革新供给体系,促使消费者潜在的需要转变为现实的需求;

    The essential of the new theory is convicting that higher technology decides information enterprise 's development , which wants to depend on the rapid technology to innovate the supplement system , to simulate consumer 's potential requirement transit to the real , payable requirement .

  26. 接下来,将对技术决定论和社会建构论两种理论的优势和局限,逐一进行分析,针对解决当今中国水产养殖业生态问题的特点,尝试将两种理论的优势进行融合。

    Then , try to find the technological determinism and social construction of the advantages and limitations of two theories , one by one analysis , addressing aquaculture in China today is characterized by ecological problems , at last , try to integrate the advantages of both theories .

  27. 一种是反对技术决定论,赞成社会决定技术,应从社会因素角度考虑解决生态问题的社会建构论者。然而,单纯的依赖哪一种理论去解决现有的生态问题都是不合适的。

    One is against technological determinism , in favor of the social determinants of technology , from the perspective of social factors to solve the ecological problems of social constructivism . However , a theory which simply relies on to solve the existing ecological problems is not appropriate .

  28. 作为与技术决定论不同的一种新视角,技术的社会形成论认为技术不是按其内在逻辑发展的,它是社会的产物,由创造和使用它的条件所规定。

    In contrast to technical determinism , the theory of social shaping of technology is a new perspective in which technology is not viewed as developing by its own inherent logic . It is , rather , a social product defined by the external conditions that create and use it .

  29. 通过解释企业危机时的选择,介绍了人力资本论中的技术性质决定论。

    Through analyzing the choices made by enterprises in face of crises , the paper introduces technocracy in the theory of human capital .

  30. 针对这两种因素,国内外学者的研究存在明显分歧,产生了具有代表性的三种结论,即结构因素主导论、技术进步决定论以及阶段贡献变化论。

    Disputes surround the two factors existed among scholars . There are three kinds of representative conclusions : structure shift determinism , technique progress determinism and the proposition of staged contribution changes .