
  • 网络Crowding-in-Effects;Crowding in;crowding-in effect
  1. 国际直接投资对国内投资有挤入效应;

    FDI has crowding in effect on internal investment ;

  2. 内资企业情报环境及对策分析国际直接投资对国内投资有挤入效应;

    Information Environment of Internal Investment Enterprises and Countermeasure Analysis FDI has crowding in effect on internal investment ;

  3. FDI对安徽省国内投资挤出挤入效应研究

    Study of FDI on Crowding out-in Effects of Domestic Investment in Anhui Province

  4. FDI对一般技术行业国内投资产生的挤入效应比高技术行业的国内投资的挤入效应的程度要大得多。

    The crowding out effect of FDI on domestic investment of general technology industry is much greater than that of technology-intensive industry .

  5. FDI在直接增加东道国资本流量的同时,还会对国内资本产生一定的挤出或挤入效应。

    FDI will " crowd out " or " crowd in " domestic investment indirectly while increasing the domestic capital flow directly .

  6. 第二,随着市场化程度的不断提高,FDI对国内私人挤入效应的边际效率是递减的。

    Second , with the constant improvement of the marketization , FDI to domestic private investment crowding-in effect is diminishing marginal productivity .

  7. 研究表明:从总量上看,政府公共支出对全国、城镇和农村居民的消费都具有挤入效应,但是这一挤入效应呈现先上升后下降的“倒U字型”趋势。

    Research shows that : As a whole , the government spending has packed effect on the urban consumption and rural consumption , but it presents like a " reverse U " .

  8. 研究结果显示:第一,在我国目前经济转型的背景下,市场化程度的提高会促进FDI对国内私人投资的挤入效应。

    The research results show that : first , at present under the conditions of economic transformation in our country , the improvement of marketization will make FDI crowd in domestic private investment .

  9. 结果表明:中部地区总体FDI对国内投资产生了挤入效应;六个省份中,除山西呈现中性效应外,其余省份的FDI对国内投资均产生了不同程度的挤入效应。

    The results show that : FDI in the whole central region crowds in the domestic investments ; as for the six provinces , in addition to Shanxi Province which shows a neutral effect , FDI of the other provinces crowds in the domestic investment differently .

  10. 盐类向分子筛内孔分散的挤入效应

    Jostle Effect of Salts Dispersing into Zeolite Internal Pores

  11. 民生性支出对城乡居民的消费均始终具有挤入效应。

    The welfare has packed effect on double urban consumption and rural consumption .

  12. 首先,本文从定性角度阐述了外资零售业在华直接投资对我国国内投资产生的挤出效应和挤入效应的表现。

    To begin with , I elaborate the performance of crowding-in effect and crowding-out effect from the qualitative perspective .

  13. 社会保障支出对居民消费需求产生挤出或挤入效应是最近关注的焦点之一。

    Whether the effect of social security expenditure on residents'consumption demand is positive is a hot issue in academic field .

  14. 公共消费支出对居民消费支出在总体上呈现正向变动,对居民消费具有挤入效应。

    The effect of government public consumption expenditure on household consumption expenditure showed positive changes , it called crowding-in effect .

  15. 这有两个原因:首先,在现阶段,社会保障支出的“挤入效应”大于“挤出效应”;

    The first reason is that the extrusion effect of the social security expenditure is more than the pressing of it .

  16. 从结构上来看,投资性支出和民生性支出对全国居民消费产生了挤入效应,而消费性支出产生了挤出效应。

    Analyzing from the structure , the investment spending and welfare spending have packed effect , but the consuming spending has extrusion effect .

  17. 从纺织业的产业层面,本文发现1999~2006年外商直接投对中国国内资本形成不存在挤入效应。

    From the viewpoint of textile industry , the paper finds that it has no Crowding-in effect between FDI and formation of domestic captial .

  18. 具体到城乡之间,投资性支出对城镇居民消费产生挤入效应,而对农村居民消费经历了一个先挤入再挤出的过程;

    More specifically , the investment spending has packed effect on urban consumption , but rural consumption experiences a process of squeeze to extrusion .

  19. 进一步分析发现,跨国公司投资对该地区的资本挤入效应主要体现在产业连锁效应和示范与牵动效应两个方面。

    The further study reveals that capital formation effects of multinational corporations ' investment in the Yangtze River Delta principally indicates both industry-chain effects and demonstration effects .

  20. 最后,站在河北省的角度,提出强化挤入效应、弱化挤出效应的政策建议。

    Finally , according to the economic situation of Hebei at present , the essay proposed to the policies strengthen crowding-in effect , weaken the crowding-out effect .

  21. 对重度污染行业的国内投资产生挤入效应,对轻度污染行业无挤入挤出效应。

    And there is a crowding in effect on the domestic investment of heavy polluting industries , while no crowding in or out effect to light polluting industries .

  22. 公共资本的总体“增长效应”是正向的,主要通过对资本形成的“挤入效应”来实现;

    Total effects to economic growth by public capital is positive , which is carrying out by the favorable " spill-over " effects to the formation of fixed capital .

  23. 在进入壁垒较高的行业存在并不显著的挤出效应,而在进入壁垒较低的行业却存在明显的挤入效应。

    Moreover , crowding-in effects are significant in the industries with higher barrier to entry , while there are insignificant crowding-out effects in the industries with lower barrier to entry .

  24. 中国纺织业的外商直接投资整体对该行业的国内资本形成不存在挤入效应,但是分来源地、分地区的进一步经验分析则得到更丰富的结论。

    FDI in textile industry has no effect as a whole on domestic investment in the same industry . Further analysis based on FDI different sources and different regions in China gets more diverse conclusions .

  25. 但挤入效应长期弱而短期强,这说明从长期来看,我国同时存在公共投资对私人投资的挤出效应机制,并在一定程度上削弱了挤入效应的效果。

    But , the long-term crowding-in effect is weaker than the short-term one , that shows the generation mechanisms of crowding-out effect exists in our country and weaken the result of crowding-in effect to some extent .

  26. 结果表明:在全国范围内以及东部地区,外国直接投资对我国国内投资的影响表现为挤出效应;中部地区则为明显的挤入效应;而对西部地区,外国直接投资对国内投资存在挤出效应。

    The conclusion shows that in the entire world and eastern districts , foreign direct investment toward our home will have crowd-out effect ; toward middle part apparent crowd-in effect ; meanwhile toward western part crowd-out effect .

  27. 依据我国经济实际运行的规律和数据,运用经济计量学的方法,我们可以具体测算出中国的IS&LM曲线以及财政政策的挤出效应和挤入效应的大小。

    In this article , according to China 's present law of economy and the data and with econometric analysis , the IS-LM curve , the size of the crowding and the push in effect are given at large .

  28. 最后根据实证的结果,并结合南京市实际情况,深入分析近年来南京市外商直接投资挤出效应产生的原因,并提出强化挤入效应、弱化挤出效应的对策。

    Finally , according to the empirical results , we will give the causes in conjunction with the actual situation in Nanjing city , and also the constructive suggestions to strengthen the crowding-in effect and weaken the crowding-out effect .

  29. 依据新古典理论,政府增支或减税并不一定如凯恩斯主义预期增加居民消费,即财政政策对居民消费存在挤出抑或挤入效应之争。

    According to neoclassical theory , that the government increases expenditures or reduces taxation does not necessarily increase residents ' consumption like the Keynesian expectation . That is to say , there is the existence of battle about crowding-in or crowding-out effect of fiscal policy on residents ' consumption .

  30. 广东省FDI与经济增长相关性检验及挤入挤出效应研究

    Guangdong province FDI and economy growth relative inspection and squeezing effect research