
jǐ nǎi qì
  • milker
  1. 科学家发明了一种新挤奶器。

    The scientist invented a new contrivance for milking cows .

  2. 我跑去帮助那个用挤奶器挤奶的男孩。

    I ran off to help the boy who worked the milking machine .

  3. 广告还说,这不是挤奶器产品,不是为了取代商业化的机器。

    The ad also says it is not a production milker and not designed to commercial machines .

  4. 在参加了农场现代化奶制品技术合作中心的奠基仪式之后,奥尔默特尝试了用挤奶器挤牛奶。

    After unveiling a cornerstone of a cooperation center for modern dairy technology in the farm , Olmert tried to milk a cow with milking machines .

  5. 知道不能给她的女儿在跑道上哺乳,这位母亲在背包里放了一个手拿的挤奶器。

    Knowing her daughter wouldn 't be able to meet her on the course to breastfeed , the mom carried a hand-held pump in her backpack .

  6. 他们发现,有些音乐下生活的奶牛会比挤奶器噪声下生活的同伴多产3%的牛奶。

    They discovered that certain types of music helped cows produce 3 % more milk than those that only heard the jarring sounds of milking machines .

  7. 每天早上,我那忙于清洗给牛儿用的挤奶器的奶奶都会特意走去打开牛奶储存库,让我看那些奶液旋流的牛奶桶,它们会被卖给当地的乳品店。

    Grannie , busy washing milkers for the dairy cows each morning , takes time out to open the milk tank , showing me the swirling gallons ready to be sent to the local dairy .

  8. 山羊挤奶机脉动器性能参数的研究

    A general analytical approach to the performance parameters of the pulsator in goat milking units

  9. 后缀字母“S”表示螺口型。挤奶厂热水器配置无氟泡沫保温材料。

    Suffix letter " S " indicates screw type element . Dairy Barn water heater equipped with Non-CFC foam insulation .

  10. 挤奶机气脉动器的试验分析

    Research on the pulsed pulsator in cow milking machine

  11. 活塞式挤奶机球阀脉动器的设计研究

    The Design and Study on the Ball - Valve Pulsator of Piston Milking Machine