
  • 网络Chengqi;Chaintech;apogee
  1. 试论韩愈在唐音至宋调转变中的承启作用

    On Han Yu 's Linking Function in the Changing Process from Tang-Style to Song-Style

  2. 一种事件驱动承启图

    A Kind of Flow Chart of Event Drive

  3. 中期评估则是在学校变革过程的承启的节点,集中式推进学校变革过程。

    However , mid-term evaluation , as a connection node of school reformation , promotes the process of school reformation in a centralized method .

  4. 它具有传统故事片转承启合的情节,但时长却短得多,我们能为娱乐所花费的时间也就仅有这些了。

    It has the twists and turns of a feature film but is way shorter , which is the amount of time we can afford for entertainment .

  5. 素有“南船北马”、“七省通衢”之称的襄阳,是一个贯通南北、承启东西的重要交通枢纽,水、陆、空交通便利、发达。

    Known as " The Strategic Passage of North and South " and " A Thoroughfare of Seven Provinces " in ancient times , Xiangyang enjoys convenient transportation and efficient post and communications .

  6. 而韩愈诗文在宋代的广泛流播、以及韩愈在宋人中所引起的巨大影响和争议,则无疑进一步强化了他在唐音向宋调转变过程中的承启作用。

    Besides , the wide spreading of his poems and prose in Song dynasty and the great influence he had on Song writers strengthened his connecting function in the changing process from Tang-Style to Song-Style .

  7. 第二章:探讨中国海洋文化的基本色调,并分析明清以前海内移民的过程和特点,为本文下一步的承启转合作进一步的铺垫。

    Chapter II discuses the basic characteristics of traditional oceanic culture of China , explains the position and characters of migrants within China before Ming and Qing dynasties , makes a good basic for a coherent progress of the thesis .

  8. 其主要任务是通过旧城的物质改造来改善城市环境、完善城市功能、承启城市文化;从而在整体上达到提高城市活力、促进城市文明、推进社会发展的目标。

    Its main task is the physical transformation of the old city to improve the urban environment , improve the urban functions , urban cultural heritage ; to achieve the increase in the overall vitality of the city , promoting urban civilization , and to promote social development . 2 .