
  • 网络Bottoming shirt;undershirts;SHIRT;veromoda;vero moda
  1. 主要经营针织服装中东,非洲,韩女装、主要生产女式T恤,吊带衫,连衣裙,打底衫,雪纺衫,裙子,裤子等。

    Mainly engaged in knitted garment Middle East , Africa , South Korea Women , the main production of women 's T-shirt , halter top , dress , bottoming shirt , chiffon shirts , skirts , pants and so on .

  2. 这一结果事实上让威斯康星大学的研究人员们非常惊讶,他们最先认为女性在衬衣里穿打底衫可以提升自己的形象。

    The outcome actually surprised researchers at the University of Wisconsin , who had expected a camisole to boost a woman 's image .

  3. 以是日头花色调的衬衫最佳搭一件洗患上发白的牛仔,金凤花色调的夹克与卡其色半身裙一路穿,再加一件裸色打底衫。

    So pair a sunflower shirt with pale wash jeans , or a buttercup yellow jacket with a khaki safari skirt and a nude top .

  4. 2011年,即使是在宣布怀孕之前,杰西卡·辛普森已经享受于宽松的格子衬衫、牛仔短裤和舒适的打底衫。

    Even before announcing she was going to be a " mummy , " Simpson found comfort in laid-back plaids , jean shorts and cozy basics in 2011 .

  5. 黄色和奶油色调、米色以及卡其色搭配最相得益彰。所以太阳花色调的衬衫最好搭一件洗得发白的牛仔,金凤花色调的夹克与卡其色半身裙一起穿,再加一件裸色打底衫。

    The colour works best teamed with creams , beiges and khakis . So pair a sunflower shirt with pale wash jeans , or a buttercup yellow jacket with a khaki safari skirt and a nude top .