
  • 网络app;mobile client;Mobile Phone Client;windows phone;bet
  1. 它主要包括Web客户端、Server服务器端和Android手机客户端三部分。

    It mainly contains three parts-the Web client , the Server and the Android mobile client .

  2. 采用模板方式解决了Android手机客户端显示效果和服务器端不一致的问题。

    I use template to solve the Android mobile client to display and server-side problem of inconsistency .

  3. 手机客户端通过解析XML信息,尝试实现了用户界面的动态生成,从而完成客户端的软件功能定制;

    Try to implement the dynamic creation of user screen on mobile phone client by parsing XML information . It 's for the customization of business functions .

  4. 第二部分,系统软件主要分为PC机客户端软件和Android手机客户端软件。

    In the second part , the software of system contains PC client software and the Android mobile phone client software .

  5. 许多个人电脑上的应用软件纷纷推出各自iOS版的手机客户端。

    Many traditional PC applications have launched iOS version of the mobile phone clients respectively .

  6. WindowsLiveMessenger作为微软推出的一款即时通讯软件也推出了其iOS版的手机客户端。

    Windows Live Messenger , as a piece of instant messaging software launched by Microsoft , has also launched its iOS version of the mobile client .

  7. 手机客户端主要功能包括:SSL证书安装、登录/注销、注册、打开/关闭推送服务、新信息提醒、查看推送记录和信息查看。

    Mobile phone client features include : SSL certificate , login / logout , registration , push notification service , new alert , view push and view record .

  8. 不仅是这样,他还将首次加入到Sirius电台手机客户端的项目中。

    Not only that , he will now be included in Sirius mobile Apps where he had previously been abscent .

  9. 其中移动快线的手机客户端主要基于Android操作系统开发适配的手机客户端,通过调用GoogleMapsAPI接口实现LBS服务。

    And M-express of mobile phone client is mainly based on the Android operating system , development of adaptation of the mobile client , by invoking the Google Maps API interface LBS services .

  10. 日前,阿里巴巴正在扩宽线上线下服务,并推出了手机客户端喵街,这款app能够让消费者了解一系列销售活动,并以60亿人民币投资创建订餐客户端淘点点。

    Alibaba has recently sought to expand in the so-called online-to-offline business with the rolling out of an app called Miaojie which tells consumers about sales and a 6 billion yuan investment in the meal booking app Taodiandian .

  11. 最后根据通信信息的实时性和安全性,给出了Gtalk手机客户端通信的测试结果。

    Finally , according to the real-time and safety of communication information , give the mobile communication test results of Gtalk client .

  12. 系统采用C/S架构,手机客户端基于Android系统开发,采用JDK+Eclipse+AndroidSDK+ADT搭建开发环境,创建AVD作为手机模拟器,开发手机端应用程序。

    The customer system uses C / S structure , mobile client based on Android system development , the JDK + Eclipse + Android SDK + ADT building development environment , create AVD for mobile phone simulator , the development and debugging mobile terminal applications .

  13. 于是,手机客户端软件应运而生。

    Thus , the mobile client software came into being .

  14. 对手机客户端进行详细分析设计。

    On the mobile client to conduct a detailed analysis and design .

  15. 在实现章节,本文详细讨论了系统的实现,完成了手机客户端和网页客户端对家电设备的控制。

    Mobile phone clients and the WEB clients initiate the control of the household electronic product .

  16. 同时简要分析了手机客户端、前端服务器和应用服务器的实现。

    The implement of the mobile client , frontal server and application server is introduced briefly too .

  17. 这个年轻群体预订旅游产品高度依赖互联网和手机客户端。

    The young group depends highly on Internet and mobile apps when it comes to booking travel products .

  18. 客户只需在智能手机客户端上提前输入他们想取出的金额就可以了。

    Customers would use a smartphone app to key in the amount they want to draw out ahead of time .

  19. 然后,论述系统的整体实现架构设计方案,将系统手机客户端和后台服务集群两大部分。

    Secondly , discuss the architecture of Nav System and divide into two parts , Backend servers / client on phone .

  20. 最后与同类系统进行对比分析,并对通用手机客户端系统的进一步发展做出了展望。

    All of these are compared with the homogeneous systems , and the farther developing of universal mobile client system is viewed at last .

  21. 同时本系统结合了短信、手机客户端应用,使得信息能更快地传递,工作场所变得没有局限。

    This system combine the short message and the mobile clients to make the information transmitted faster and make people work anywhere with no limit .

  22. 移动快线主要由手机客户端,移动快线门户网站,企业自助服务系统,移动终端、和运营管理系统等五个部分组成。

    M-express is mainly composed by the mobile client , and M-express portal , enterprise self-service system , mobile terminal , and operations management systems .

  23. 比较现有的语音对话手机客户端产品的交互设计提出了虚拟动画形象交互等创新点。

    Comparing with the interaction design of existing voice chat mobile clients , it puts forward several innovative points such as the interaction of virtual animation image .

  24. 统计还显示,2015年移动支付笔数比例占支付宝电脑和手机客户端总交易量的65%。

    The report also showed that mobile transactions accounted for 65 percent of total transactions conducted via Alipay , which has a computer version and a mobile phone application .

  25. 从而有效地减轻服务请求者(手机客户端)的系统负担。

    So it can effectively reduce burden of the service requestors ( mobile clients ) . As we know , the key of web service technology is the parse of XML documents .

  26. 经测试,该服务器具备并发能力,支持暂停、继续、拖动等操作,能够满足手机客户端的实时点播请求。

    The test result shows that the sever with concurrent capacity , is able to support pause , resume , drag and other operations to meet the real-time on-demand mobile client requests .

  27. 除聚类方法外,本文还研究了原始内容抓取、中文分词以及针对手机客户端和服务器端的协议设计以及实现。

    In addition to the clustering method , this paper studies the contents of the original Chinese word segmentation for mobile phone and crawl , the client and server protocol design and implementation .

  28. 车主可以使用安卓手机客户端查看停车场空余车位,并对空余车位进行预约,这样可以保证车主在停车场找到空车位。

    The owners can use the Android mobile phone client to search for free parking lot , and make an appointment , so that owners can find empty parking spaces in the parking lot .

  29. 本课题来源于一个实际的商业项目,该手机客户端商城用户登录后可以实现同登录PC机网站商城一样的功能,完成网上购物的需求。

    This paper comes from a practical commercial project , and the mobile client has the same functions as those in the shopping website on the PC , meeting the online shopping requirements of customers .

  30. 在开发手机客户端系统过程中,由于要对不同机型做适配,开发工作量大、代码重用率低,导致开发周期长,效率相对低下,无法满足快速开发的要求。

    During the developing of mobile client system , both of the taxing development and low level of code reuse lead to expanding of development cycle and decreasing efficiency because of the adaption of different mobile type .