
fánɡ dì chǎn kāi fā qǐ yè
  • real estate developer
  1. 置信丽都花园和万科城市花园的绿化效果证明,良好的居住区绿化能提高房价、促进销售,从而为其创造良好的经济效益。同时,提高房地产开发企业的形象,增加其无形资产。

    The effect of residential district greening show : greening residential district could increase the economic benefits for real estate developer of .

  2. 近年来我国政府采取了鼓励个人住房信贷和房地产开发企业商业信贷的政策,按揭贷款业务逐年保持稳步上升的势头。

    The Chinese government has adopted a policy of encouraging both personal residential loans and commercial loans for the real estate developer in the recent years . The mortgage loans have been booming year after year .

  3. 第三部分从房地产开发企业客户的分类含义进一步分析了房地产CRM的主要内容。

    The third part discusses the sort of consumer and the main content of CRM .

  4. 本文选取了37家上市房地产开发企业的18个财务指标建立评价指标体系,对同一套数据分别采用判别分析法和Logistic回归模型进行估计。

    The paper selects 18 financial indicators of 37 listed real estate companies to establish the evaluation index system , and uses the same set of data to estimate discriminant analysis model and Logistic regression model .

  5. W公司是安徽省内一家大型国有房地产开发企业,房地产开发企业的行业特殊性决定了企业需要的是具有相当的专业知识及一定工作经验的员工。

    W company in Anhui province is a large state-owned real estate development companies , real estate development enterprises in the industry particularity decides the enterprise need is with professional knowledge and work experience considerable staff .

  6. 房地产开发企业应该借鉴SOHO现代城的成功运作,注重创新,培养核心竞争力,塑造自己的品牌。

    Other developers should make good use of experiences of SOHO Modern City , and pay attention to innovation , core competing power cultivation and brand construct .

  7. 本论文得到国家自然科学基金项目&基于Multi-agent的分布式房地产开发企业风险管理体系研究(70872029)的资助。

    This thesis supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China - Research on risk management system of real estate development enterprise based on distributed Multi-agent ( 70872029 ) . Real estate industry is the pillar industry in China .

  8. 另外,目前绝大多数对于房地产开发企业核心竞争力的评价只针对个别企业的情况,且本文首次应用DEA方法对33家沪深上市的房地产开发企业数据进行核心竞争力的评价。

    However , this article has applied DEA for the first time to evaluate the core competitive power according to the data of 42 real estate development enterprises that are listed in Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets .

  9. 本文最后对提出的新战略进行了满意度评价,并努力贯彻学以致用的原则,希望通过对本文的研究,对河南JY住宅集团有限公司以及类似的房地产开发企业在未来的发展提供一些建议和帮助。

    We hope that , through this study , this can give some recommendations and help to the development of Henan JY Residential Group Ltd. and similar real estate enterprises in the future .

  10. 我国房地产开发企业品牌延伸策略研究

    Research on the Brand Expanding Tactics of Chinese Real Estate Corporations

  11. 房地产开发企业并未出现普遍的暴利行为;

    Sudden huge profit does not appear in the estate development .

  12. 大中型房地产开发企业项目组合优化研究

    Research on Project Portfolio Optimization of Large Real Estate Development Enterprises

  13. 网络时代房地产开发企业的品牌战略

    Name brand strategy of real estate development enterprises in Net Era

  14. 建立房地产开发企业服务管理系统的思考

    Remarks about the system of the Real Estate Corporation Service Management

  15. 房地产开发企业如何确定土地成本

    How To Confirm The Cost Of The Real Estate Development Corporation

  16. 房地产开发企业工程信息化系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Engineering Informatization System For Real Estate Enterprise

  17. 房地产开发企业战略合作伙伴选择与关系维护研究

    Research on Strategic Partners Selection and Partnership Maintenance of Estate Corporations

  18. 优秀房地产开发企业纷纷提出跨区域发展战略要求。

    Many property developers put forward their expectations about multi-region development .

  19. 基于平衡计分法的房地产开发企业绩效评价体系

    The assessing system for performances on the real-estate business based on balance-scorecard-method

  20. 所以,房地产开发企业的税收筹划尤为重要。

    Therefore , the property development enterprise 's tax-planning especially is important .

  21. 房地产开发企业成本控制的几点实践

    Some Practice of the Cost Control of the Real Estate Development Enterprises

  22. 房地产开发企业供应链成本管理研究

    Study on Supply Chain Cost Management in Real Estate Enterprise

  23. 基于利益相关者的房地产开发企业核心竞争力的绩效体系

    The Performance System of Core Competence Based on Stakeholder 's Real-estate Business

  24. 成都市本土大型房地产开发企业战略变革探析

    Research on Strategic Changes of Chengdu Local Large-scale Real Estate Development Enterprises

  25. 房地产开发企业如何创造股东价值

    How to Increase Shareholder Value in Real Estate Enterprises

  26. 房地产开发企业资源管理法律问题分析

    Analysis on the Legal Issues of the Qualification Management of Real-estate Development Enterprises

  27. 房地产开发企业持续经营投资决策研究

    The Study on Investment Decision-making in Sustained Operating Developers

  28. 因此,国家已经限制了对房地产开发企业贷款的发放。

    So country has already limited the loan of development of real estate .

  29. 浅议房地产开发企业的收入确认

    Discussion on recognition of income for real estate enterprises

  30. 房地产开发企业在环境中的宏观调控,寻求发展?

    Real estate development enterprises in the environment of macro-control seeking to develop ?