- 名household registration

It predominated the circumstances of population from household registration .
One important piece of the puzzle is the hukou household registration system , which makes it illegal to live in cities without permission .
An overseas Chinese who returns to China for permanent residence shall , when going through the formalities of residence registration , apply for a resident identity card .
Register your accounts online or on your phone .
Household registration system consisted of 2 aspects : household registration and management .
She warns that the missing-seniors revelations are just the tip of the iceberg .
Empirical Research on Migration Population Structure of Jiangsu Province : Registered Residence and Migration Reason
Household registration system was an important social system in the history of our country .
People will be identified by their ID numbers and registered according to their legal residence .
Sodei says it 's high time to dump household registers and adopt an individual ID system .
In second part , it analysed that the song 's managed to the registered permanent residence registering and household register .
However , a great number of scholars questioned the validity of this registry and made textual criticism concerning the number of some housholds .
The floating population refers to people who have left their registered hometowns without obtaining a new household registration , or " hukou . "
The system of census registers in Han Dynasty was a comparative and effective system on administrant population . It predominated the circumstances of population from household registration .
The survey aims to count the total number of Beijing residents and to correct false household registration information and provide accurate information for the sixth national census .
But in a highly mobile society of single householders , where filial piety is a relic of the past , the koseki registry system seems to have broken down .
The measures includes four parts and they are improving hukou system and its other related steps , making hukou system really become a system of hukou register but not an ID ;
The piece describes the ' hukou ' household registration system , adopted in the late 1950s to control population movement , in scathing terms as a source of injustice and breeding ground for corruption .
The household registration institution separates the city from the country , resulting into the dualistic structure in Chinese society , and the concomitant education welfare policy leads to the unfair jumping-off point between the urban and rural people .
In order to plan the development of rural and city as a whole and establish unified labor force market between rural and city , it is essential to innovate the census registering system which unified city and rural ;
When the household registration ended , all levels local governments collected and summed up the datum of registration , and constituted Registration Book , then reported layer by layer to the court , which form the system of statistic and submit .
The correlation coefficient of inter-provincial floating population leaving household registration place for less than 1 year and construction land growth of 3 years in the future shows : there was a strong positive correlation between inter-provincial floating population and construction land growth .
In 356BC , he was appointed governor to introduce the first political reform to reward farming and weaving , abolish hereditary privileges of the nobility and encourage farming and fighting for the country , set up a unitary administrative system down to household registration at the grass roots .
China Editorial Urges Sweeping Change to Household Registration Thirteen local Chinese newspapers published an editorial urging authorities to reform the system of household registration that divides China 's population into rural and urban residents , a bold call for reform days ahead of the start of the country 's annual legislative session .
In April the central government urged the whole country to finish issuing the certificates by the end of 2012 .
Students sit the gaokao in the place they are registered in the hukousystem , which has the effect of putting students from rural areas at a steepdisadvantage .
There are a Nika camera and my personal diary . Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the Household Register . No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it .
She suggested that there may have been some confusion in his records about Zhu 's previous marital status .
If any of the registered items , such as the number of family members , have changed , the holder of the Household Register shall bring the Household Register to the Household Registration Organ for updating .
Citizens shall apply for resident identity cards from the residence registration organs at the places where their permanent residence is registered , and shall go through the prescribed procedures for applying for and obtaining such cards .