
zhàn shù
  • tactic
战术 [zhàn shù]
  • [tactic] 战时运用军队达到战略目标的手段;作战具体部署和克敌制胜的谋略

战术[zhàn shù]
  1. 这只是一系列拖延战术中的一个新花招。

    This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics .

  2. 海格被自己那一套保守的战略战术所束缚。

    Haig was limited by his blinkered approach to strategy and tactics

  3. 敌人拥有战术上的优势。

    The enemy was tactically superior .

  4. 他们已经拆除所有能够袭击欧洲的战术核导弹。

    They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe .

  5. 安全部队已从该地区战术性撤军。

    The security forces had made a tactical withdrawal from the area .

  6. 部长们再次使用拖延战术来推后报告的时间。

    Ministers are using delaying tactics to postpone the report yet again .

  7. 他犯了一个让他颜面尽失的战术错误,只得引咎辞职。

    He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go .

  8. 中场时,这位教练对围拢一圈的进攻队员进行战术指导。

    Between plays the coach was talking to the offense in the huddle .

  9. 步兵团可能会使用打了就跑的战术来阻滞进攻部队。

    The infantry would use hit and run tactics to slow attacking forces .

  10. 从公然威吓到微妙的情感胁迫,各种战术都用上了。

    The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail .

  11. 比赛战术是正确的。只是我们没有照部署去打。

    The game plan was right . We just didn 't follow the script .

  12. 他重新树立自己地位的机会因教练的战术而流产了。

    His opportunity to re-establish himself had been nobbled by the manager 's tactics .

  13. 她是个很有谋略的战术家,懂得静观选举的结果。

    She is a good enough tactician to wait and see what the election brings .

  14. 战术核武器的威力范围较小。

    Tactical nuclear weapons have shorter ranges .

  15. 利兹队毫不张扬,坚持自己的战术,不知不觉中得分在增加。

    Leeds kept quiet , stuck to their game plan and quietly racked up the points .

  16. 最后终于进球了,但这更多的是靠侥幸,而不是良好的战术配合。

    The goal , when it came , owed more to good luck than good planning .

  17. “哈哈,”所有人都大笑起来,“这是维夫的一招出奇制胜的战术。”

    ' Ha , ha , ' everyone guffawed . ' It 's one of Viv 's shock tactics . '

  18. 他玩的是拖延战术。他希望尽可能地拖,直到压力消除为止。

    He 's playing a waiting-game . He 'll hope to hang on as long as possible until the pressure is off .

  19. 我们的海军有自己的战术和训练项目。

    Our navy has its own tactics and training programmes .

  20. 他们的恐吓战术没有奏效。

    Their scare tactics did not work .

  21. 在战略上我们要藐视一切敌人,在战术上我们要重视一切敌人。

    Strategically we should despise all our enemies , but tactically we should take them all seriously .

  22. 战术有别于战略。

    Tactics differs from strategy .

  23. 美国职业篮球联赛(nba)的最佳后卫之一讲解了如何有效地使用盯防战术。

    One of the best defenders in the NBA explained how to effectively play man-to-man defence .

  24. 国会和媒体就政府是否应该走后门的问题已经展开了多次辩论,现在他们采取迂回战术——直接下令开设后门。

    " We 've had plenty of debates in Congress and the media over whether the government should have a backdoor , and this is an end run around that - here they come with an order to create that backdoor . "

  25. 事实上,说起战术,蚂蚁是所向无敌的。

    In fact , when it comes to the art of war , ants have no equal .

  26. 警方被迫进行战术撤退。

    The police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal .

  27. 她退出比赛是一个战术策略。

    Her withdrawal from the contest was a tactical manoeuvre .

  28. 曼施坦因在最恶劣的严冬条件下,出色地施展了灵活机动的战术,终于完成了任务

    This Manstein did , with some brilliant maneuvering under the worse winter conditions .

  29. 他说自己是埋伏战斗方面的专家,并讲述了他的战术

    He was a specialist in ambushes , he said , and explained his tactics .

  30. 它使得埋伏战术非常有趣

    It makes ambushes rather fun .