
  • 网络My Fall;My Autumn
  1. 我有一个美国的服装生产线,和我的秋天线出来。

    I have a U.S.Clothing line and my fall line is coming out .

  2. 我的春天在你的眼睛里,我的冬天在你离去的日子里,我的夏天在你的微笑里,我的秋天就是你!

    My spring is in your eyes , my winter is in your leaving days , my summer is in your smiles and my fall is you !

  3. 我眼中的秋天,虽没有春天的百花齐放却有菊花的点缀;

    I am the eyes of autumn , was not letting a hundred flowers bloom in spring are the decorative chrysanthemum ;

  4. 我的牙从秋天就开始打战,直到春天才停下来!

    My teeth start chattering in the autumn and don 't stop again until the spring !

  5. 我真的喜欢秋天的北京。

    I just love Beijing in the fall .

  6. 我生命中的秋天

    The autumn of my life

  7. 实际上,正是你的演奏给予我一个意味深长的秋天。

    In fact , it was your playing that gave me a meaningful autumn .

  8. 他随手摘去了我的童年,当秋天到来,他却消失不见。

    He took my childhood in his stride , but he was gone when autumn came .

  9. 汉生:在春夏秋冬之中,我最喜欢北京的秋天。

    Han Sheng : In spring summer autumn and winter , I like Beijing 's autumn best .

  10. 秋天最强烈触动我的是我觉得秋天是沉思的季节,有一点点神秘,因为感到有许多无法预测的事情将要发生。

    What touches me most strongly about the season of fall is how I feel that it 's the brooding season , a little mysterious since one feels like so much will happen yet no clue what .

  11. 我喜欢秋天,我的黄色秋天。

    I like autumn , my yellow autumn .

  12. 那么,来吧,我的雨夜的脚步声;微笑吧,我的金色的秋天;来吧,无虑无忧的四月,散掷着你的亲吻。

    Then , come , my rainy nights with pattering feet ; smile , my golden autumn ; come , careless April , scattering your kisses abroad .