
  • Favorites;My Favorite
  1. 双层的起司汉堡是我的最爱,因为它有双份的起司和双份的牛肉。我通常是每周会去JackintheBox两次。

    Double Cheeseburger is my favorite , because it has double cheese and double beef . I usually go to Jack in the Box twice a week .

  2. 该音乐剧的诸多歌曲,如《雪绒花》、《我的最爱》、《攀越群山》、《Do-Re-Mi》以及主题歌曲《音乐之声》都已成经典。

    Many songs from the musical have become standards , such as Edelweiss , My Favorite Things , Climb Ev'ry Mountain , Do-Re-Mi , and the title song The Sound of Music .

  3. “羊绒衫仍是我的最爱,”她承认,“它不会过时,看起来既漂亮又时尚。”

    ' A cashmere sweater still thrills me , ' she admits . ' It has wonderful staying power ; it looks chic and modern . '

  4. 有啊,有个儿子Donovan,他是我的最爱。

    Yes , my son Donovan . He'sthe love of my life .

  5. 对于本文的目的,我们主要关注的是SimpleXML,这是因为它是一个最常用的库,同时也是我的最爱的库之一。

    For the purposes of this article , I focus on SimpleXML as it is one of the most commonly used libraries and one of my favorites .

  6. 除了泳衣、防晒霜和太阳镜,我们许多人在前往海滩时,还会携带自己最爱的个人电子产品或许是ipod、手机(黑莓(blackberry)是我的最爱)和数码相机。

    Along with the swimsuit , sun protection and sun glasses , many of us heading for the beach pack our favourite personal electronics perhaps an iPod , mobile phone ( BlackBerry in my case ) and digital camera .

  7. Diptyque的34号香氛(售价65英镑)由100种气息组成,是我的最爱。

    Its 34 scent ( 65 ) is composed of 100 notes and turns out to be my favourite .

  8. 一些服务还可以合并语音邮件,将其转换为手机文本短信或电子邮件我的最爱是spinvox。

    Several services also consolidate voicemails and convert them into mobile phone SMS text messages or e-mail my favourite is SpinVox .

  9. 蕃茄汤加洋葱大蒜是我的最爱。

    Tomato soup together with onion and garlic in my favorite .

  10. 说到运动,滑雪是我的最爱。

    When it comes to sports , skiing is my favorite .

  11. 可知,那一簇簇争奇斗艳的花儿是我的最爱?

    Known , which contests the flower bunches are my favorites ?

  12. 上午9点30分-兜风!我的最爱!

    30 am - A car ride ! My favourite thing !

  13. 好电影,富有争论,都是我的最爱。

    Great movies , very provocative , all favorites of mine .

  14. 古典调频电台是我的最爱,请调到那个频段。

    Classic Fm is my favorite , please tune it in .

  15. 7.观念协议:这一直是我的最爱之一。

    7 . Consciousness agreements : One of my all-time favorites .

  16. 你喜欢韩国泡菜吗?是我的最爱。

    Do you like kimchi ? It 's my favorite .

  17. 哦,鱼!哦,酒!我的最爱!

    Oh , fish ! oh , wine ! Oh My love !

  18. 那是我的最爱,你怎么知道的?

    It 's my favorite . how 'd you know ?

  19. 下午5点-牛奶+骨头!我的最爱!

    00 pm - Milk bones ! My favourite thing !

  20. 海豚大师的防水盔甲,这是我的最爱。

    Master Dolphin 's water proof armor . This is my favorite .

  21. 中午1点-在院子里玩耍!我的最爱!

    00 pm - Played in the yard ! My favourite thing !

  22. 上午8点-狗粮!我的最爱!

    00 am - Dog food ! My favourite thing !

  23. 你知道谁一直是我的最爱?

    You know who was always a favorite of mine ?

  24. 晚上11点-睡床上!我的最爱!

    11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed ! My favourite thing !

  25. 它是我的最爱讲什么的?

    It 's my favorite . What 's it about ?

  26. 教书始终是我的最爱。

    Teaching was all I 'd ever wanted to do .

  27. 而这两个城市的秋天,都是我的最爱。

    I love the autumn of these two places , the best .

  28. 好最后一种是我的最爱

    This last one on the list is a favourite of mine .

  29. 给瘾君子的,比如我的最爱啦

    That 's for stoners , and big surprise , my favorite .

  30. 冰淇淋和浆果都是我的最爱。

    Crepes with ice cream and berries are one of my favorites .