
  1. 他是我的太阳,赐予我钻石般的光芒

    He 's my sun , he makes me shine like diamonds

  2. 看看我的太阳花,你也可以叫他们死不了。

    Look at my sun plant , you also can call them " can 't be dead " .

  3. 你是我的太阳,你是我的月亮,就好像天上的牛郎织女。

    You is my sun and my moon , just like the ox man and the colth woman .

  4. 我们再一起的时候,你让我的太阳在许多早上生气&我相信是你让我的星星在夜晚亮起。

    In the time that we have been together , you have made my sun rise on so many mornings & and I 'm sure it was you who made my stars come out at night .

  5. 真心-诚意的交往每一个朋友,在你的生命中留下永恒的痕迹,愿我的太阳雨能清洗掉你的不愉快,给你带去快乐和幸福!

    Sincerity-sincerity contact each friend , leaves behind the eternal trace in yours life , is willing my solar rain to be able to clean you not to be happy , takes away to you is joyful and is happy !

  6. 将我凝聚的太阳无法将我驱散。

    The very sun that gathered me cannot scatter me .

  7. 因此,研究我国的太阳辐射数据具有重要意义。

    Therefore research on solar radiation data of our country has important meaning .

  8. 谁是我的小太阳,暖暖照耀青春的路。

    Where 's my little sunshine , on teen 's path that I ride ?

  9. 写我心中的太阳吧。

    Write the sun in my mind .

  10. 你就是我宇宙中的太阳。

    Cause you are the sun in my universe .

  11. 最让我温暖的除了太阳、被窝,还有你。

    In addition to me the most warm sun , blanket , and you .

  12. 傍晚我看见红色的太阳落在海平面以下了。

    It 's evening and I see A red sun setting on the sea .

  13. 我的心是太阳的温度。

    My heart is sun 's temperature .

  14. 我的意思是太阳,不知怎么说成了肥皂。

    I meant " sun " . I don 't know why it came out " soap " .

  15. 您是我生命中的太阳,因为您我才成就了今天的我。

    You 've remained the sunshine in my life and I am who I am because of you .

  16. 结束语对我国的红外太阳磁场研究提出一些建议。

    In the conclusion some suggestions are proposed for the infrared study of solar magnetic fields in our country .

  17. 我说的是太阳以自身为轴转动,就像地球仪你用手推它一下就会自己转动。

    I 'm talking about the entire sun spinning on its axis , like a globe when you give it a push with your hand .

  18. 我的妻子看见太阳从东北方向出来,并说在我住了22年的这所房子里,只是从几年前开始才看见太阳照耀着这所房子的北面!

    My wife saw it come up in the NE also and said it was shining on the North side of the house which in the22 years I 've lived in this house has only happened in the last couple of years !

  19. 我的小温室在太阳照耀下会被烤得炙热。

    My small greenhouse gets very hot when the sun is shining .

  20. 空间太阳望远镜(SST)是我国独立发展的太阳磁场观测科学卫星;

    Space Solar Telescope ( SST ) is a magnetic field observation satellite .

  21. 最近,一些iPhone用户在推特上要求其他用户对Siri说“108”,并且补充道:“稍后你会感谢我的。”《太阳报》报道称,事实上,对Siri说“108”会使你连接到英国的紧急服务。

    iPhone users have been taking to Twitter recently telling others to say the number 108 to Siri , adding things like , " You 'll thank me later . " Saying 108 will in fact put you through to the emergency services in the UK .

  22. 无助地飘拂在天空里,啊,我那永远光辉灿烂的太阳!

    Uselessly roaming in the sky , O my sun ever-glorious !

  23. 我的老师告诉我太阳从东方升起。

    My teacher told me that the sun rises in the east .

  24. 我不知道明天的太阳是否会为我升起。

    As I do not know if the sun will rise for me tomorrow .

  25. 把我的脸皮放在太阳下晒干。

    They dried my face in the sun .

  26. 我不借明天的太阳。

    I don 't borrow from its sunshine .

  27. 我需要有度数的太阳眼镜。

    I need sunglasses with prescription lenses .

  28. 所以我格外珍惜今天的太阳,哪怕是黄昏已近。

    I do cherish the sun of today especially , when it is approaching dusk .

  29. 但有一天,你走了,只剩下孤单的我烤着残酷的太阳。

    But one day , you left me , there is only myself baked by the cruel sun .

  30. 如果说太阳是一切生命和力量的源泉,那么,你就是我心中永不坠落的太阳。

    If the sun is the source of all life and strength , then you are the unsetting sun in my heart .